Money - The Greatest King Maker of All Time

in #money6 years ago (edited)


War throughout the ages has been an outflow of savage brutality to epic proportions. It's been an offering, debt, and sacrifice for the "Greater Good."

Is it possible that the extent to which we have these war playouts and exercises and a secret agents playing spy intelligence games is the outflow of the collective consciousness of humanity - playing out the reactional energy as "currency" as the money system here. Ironically not realizing and understanding ourselves as the Money...the Generators...the Life Force and Source here. It's like we've compromised ourselves for the possibility of a quick pump...not realizing the degradation we cause by perpetuating a faulty sandbox to play such an extent that we look to further facilitate and direct everything through money as the solution and savior...totally missing ourselves in the process as the Key's to the Human Network here.

It's been notoriously difficult to Change anything to substantially epic proportions. It's easy to be controlled and influenced. It's difficult to stay on point. The difficulty and challenge is in managing the warfare. The energy....the "Currency" of our own internal processing. Where certain things hit us like a "ton of bricks" just a real over loading "debt burden". Here though is where we are close to actually creating "Change". It's the transformation process through forgiveness. Externally we play this process out with each other. It's how we take on each other's shit. A lot of this happens unconsciously. Through the media. Through everyday interaction. Through seemingly random thoughts that pop up.

The irony is that we can actively engage and accelerate our process of Debt Forgiveness. It's our Internal accounting that creates the external accounting of the world.

How often do you even here the phrase "Internal Accounting" mentioned on a daily basis? Ever here the financial officers....the government treasury of the usa - say that our "Treasure" is a reflection of our individual responsibility to take responsibility for our Accounting. That this is like a "private" voting process that isn't so often talked about.

It sounds almost "conspiracy minded" that the entirety of our physical sound reality is governed by each and every single human being together here. The great irony and tragic comedy is "secrecy". This has been the ongoing "Big Business" money maker and taker. Where it's in having "secret information" as "instructions" for movement and direction that are not so common to the majority of participants...and thus for the minority of participansts who are able to "work together" using the "secret information" are able to effectively control and manage the majority of participants without the majority even realizing and understanding the scope of the self-victimized mind control and regulation.

To consider that the entirety of your life has been like a movie you didn't even know you were a bit of a harsh pill to swallow. There's a tendency to want to blame and fight, and straight up deny the depth of self-betrayal. It's an honest mistake. It's unfortunate. It's a lot to process. To recognize, even where you thought you "knew"...that you were find "instability" is shocking. It's shocking because this "judgement" of self is stemming from the very cracks in your individual "Law" of your body politics here....where there's always been these "cracks" in the foundation...and thus a serious "renovation" and "rehabilitation" is required. It's a big job. So, don't take it so personally - everybody goes through this process of facing the worst of themselves, and it's not pretty for anyone, because we are all interconnected here....and our " our consciousness currency have been so controlled, manipulated, contorted, acted out, reacted to, suppressed, denied, instigated, abused, controlled, regulated...every name in the book really..."

Is there a point in recognition the scope of the "broadcasting reality" we have here as a "physical sound body planet"?


It's who we are in our Body as the World as the King standing One and equal here. It's not about any superiority of's about "Harmony"...the "harmony" is the understanding of "movement"...patterns of movement, our ability to adjust and adapt.

Money is the Engine, the Governance, The Diplomacy, The Strategy, The Attack and Offense, as the Currency Here that is frictionless like the energy the courses through our bodies.

When You Govern and Control over a Money, or a People, or Person or an animal... or a race of people....or a particular land mass or whatever really...You are Playing God of Existence. To a degree. You're not automatically a God within your own Flesh per se where you are like a Complete Man - No, but you've effectively reached a status of a Grand Master in regards to your Game Theory Play. The Kicker here and the difference between Mind Master and Being a Complete Being is the Body.

The Body, The Earth is often missed. It's crazy that the Physical could be missed in it's entirety. I mean without the physical we have no real say.

So the title is a bit misleading from the perspective, that actually it's the Physical here as God...The Flesh, the Real Substance of Ourselves here. The ground we stand upon.

Money as King Maker is the "Controller" and "Handler" as the majority of occupants on planet earth have been notoriously ruled and governed according to the very individual claims of entitlement and self-worth. From here it's a matter of getting what you want. The rules are beyond morality and conflict and debt is a part of the process.

The more you are able to leverage turn your debts into your very credits of accountability and integrity...the more you are on your way to Debt Forgiveness. This leads to "Fortunate Solutions" with the possibility for expansion.

It's interesting how much mimicry exists between our internal processes as "Body, Being and Mind" Here, together as One - the trinity as all seeing "I" as One and Equal here.

Money as the King - the real government system here is a practical way to manage and facilitate the best future directions of Planet Earth.

It's not about any human being regarded as more superior than any other human being. That's where collectively as humans we've been quite immature and primitively savage in our intelligence, which ironically enough has showcased and revealed the scope of our immaturity in nature as Being's who are unreliable and untrustworthy and just not really all that good to any extent.

We're are living in the time of actually facilitating and directing a Sound kingdom as Heaven and Earth here merged. It's not about any one particular tribe and their apparent greatness or worthiness for the "throne". There's many people who want to be the Dominant One, as the Almighty Ruler. It stems from inferiority in cognitive development that stems from childhood. Again, it goes back to the psychological processes of maturity, development, growth and expansion. Interestingly enough many will say they want to be an almighty Ruler...the one with the Empire as a way to "help". The interesting thing is that humanity doesn't need any Hero's. In fact it's time that everyone who is trying to be a "Hero", just fucks right off. It's this glorification bullshit that dirties the waters and detracts from the overall quality of Everything.

It's this notion of having a superior to "protect and defend" you at all times. It's like living in a bubble to epic proportions. Where you don't even develop an actual immune system that's integrated one and equal with the environmental surrounding's. No, it goes to more extremes again within the savagery of just, "destroy everything"....think of all the "germs" phobias that have emerged as fighting even "bacteria"...and ya...

Cryptocurrency - Bitcoin in particular as the "First" One...a really "Simple"...even, "Dumb" system...makes itself to be quite extraordinary in a world where there is no financial accountability or integrity and everyone is engaged in schemes for profit at the extent of somebody else holding the bag as the debt...the loss. We have an opportunity to bring forth openness and transparency in accounting. It's seemingly a very simple thing in regards to your local and national governments and banks being "trust worthy". The real epiphany for many is to realize that many of these "established" institutions like "Banks" and "government" have not been in the business of "serving" the general public. You could say serving from the perspective that yes, you can be served and serviced a whole bunch of shit, debt, tax and burden as a consequence of allowing yourself to be fleeced and taken advantage of. Don't worry it's easy to justify when all your neighbor's are also getting fleeced and getting taken advantage of isn't even the narrative it's just, "the way".

**Investigate Money and how it's people that create and design the network. There's many people who have no idea how this works, An easy way to create analogies as tangible examples is to relate to your body and energy as how your mind and body function."

**Sign up for STEEMIT and make comments and write articles about the real down and dirty here. It's not all pretty or positive with the gloss of airy fairy hippy's the dig of dignity in broadcasting the real source updates of ourselves here processing accountability for everything...and daring to speak about all of it."

It shouldn't even be a dare to share openly, but it is...because everybody is a chicken shit to some extent. No offense. I'm working on correcting my bullshit. I've had enough of holding onto useless baggage. Story of my Life.

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Another thought provoking, MIND BLOWING post, keep the fire coming as I digest the content on this post:)

Mind Blowing.gif

It is right that,The great irony and tragic comedy is "secrecy.

Yes true, we must do some things to spread it all over

you are right man
Money The Greatest King Maker of All Time and every time
i agree your post
thanks for share

Thanks a lot for sharing,truely he is a king maker.

Well i don't really remember where I heard it but seems like

Money is indeed made of paper but yet it has never seen a dustbin in its life ;)

Seems like you have been holding the words for a long time buddy ;)
They are finally coming out !

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money is money no one can replace it hahah

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