This stock will make you a millionaire!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Always wanted to earn a lot of money with a single investment? Read on!

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Okay, now I have your attention! Because my account has reached over one hundred followers and because my latest posts are being upvoted well, I'd like to share one of my best stock picks. This stock is still unknown to the majority of investors (because it’s a micro-cap stock) and has a lot of potential to grow. To good too be true? Read below why you need to buy it now and do your own research after reading. Your own research is important so you know where you are investing in and to know if I write the truth.

Let me know if you agree with my stockpick and let other people know I don't write garbage. And I have an even better offer. If this post earns more than $ 47, I will give one more of my favorite stock picks. I'm investing for a year now in the commodity discovery and I have some valuable stock picks I want to share.

The stock

In Oklahoma there is a oilcompany with a marketcap of 40 million. That is usually not special but this company has an oilfield of 100 million barrels in its possession. Even with the low oil price, this is worth 5 billion dollar. This is a great investing opportunity and below I will explain my choice
In 2014, this company purchased an interest in an area where previously 800 million barrels of oil have been drilled. When no one wanted to buy the ground, this company did just for a low price. The company invested in advanced 3D seismic technology, which enables potential oilfields to be better mapped. This proved to be the best asset of the company because they found an oil ‘gold’ mine.


With the 3D techniques, an oil field was found where about 2.5 million barrels of oil could be pumped up. This means that it is worth about $ 120 million dollar. And to make it even netter, this is one of the small fields that the company owns. 30 days later, this company found another oil field. This time it was good for 100 million barrels of oil. With the current low price this gives a value of just under $ 5 billion.


The company has released that it can produce oil at a price below $ 30 and even at $ 10. Even with the current or lower oil price this company is profitable enough. And the oil price will rise in the coming years, according to the price forecast of the World Bank below.

World bank oil price forecast

This company has also other oil fields in its possession. The coming months will the company drill a lot of exploration wells. The test results of these wells will boost the share price (if positive ofcourse). I believe that this is a very undervalued stock and not picked up by the mass, but not for long. When the 3D techniques are confirmed with the results of the exploration wells the price will go up. The 2017 drill program of the company is fully capitalized with no dept.

Whiche one is it?

The company i'm talking about is named Petro River Oil (PTRC) and is an micro-cap stock. That's why most investors have not picked up the stock yet, because they simple look over the share. The share is not even backed by ONE analyst. With al the positive points the risk / reward ratio of this share has much potential. Upvote and resteem this post if you like it. When my post earns more than $ 47 (Oil price when writing), I'll post another commodity discovery stock with even more potential value!


I invested in this stock myself and I think the value will increase in the near future. I bought the share at $ 2.18 and the current value is already $ 2.51. But this is not a guarantee! I do not oblige anyone buying this share because you have to do your own research. Although I am not an big fan of fossil fuel, oil is still an imported commodity for the coming years (especially oil that is cheap to win). That makes this oil stock also a good long-term investment.

Follow me or join our new Discord channel SteemitStocks for more posts about investing and cryptocurrencies.
P.S. don't forget to resteem and upvote it to $ 47 to get a new stock pick next week!

Let’s keep this BOOMING!


I understand the reason you choose this stock. The key here is PRE-PLANNING

People can ask questions all day, but allow me to give you an example:

The truth is, as much as you explain... the fact is there are many that just do not understand. I mean that is probably a mix of ignorance or just plain unwillingness to become educated.

After building a giant team in network marketing the same thing is mentality. The difference here with investing in whatever market you choose, it is a lonely and very individual process, requiring yourself.

It is not for the weary. Definitely not, but seriously, putting the entire bank into an investment IS RISKY! You are exactly correct with this.

I highly recommend for readers NOT to do what I did, but to use it to LEARN what managing your money is. I charged a credit card and paid it with my bank account to get it into the blockchain. I did this because:

1.) I knew the risks involved and I am okay with this. My tolerance is NOT a representation of others' tolerance.
2.) I invested how I did because I have a lot of experience in the markets and because I knew with 0 doubt, and I mean literally ZERO DOUBT what reward I would achieve from this.
3.) I had an enter and exit strategy pre-planned.
4.) I take 100% ownership of all my activities
5.) I knew I had the money to backup my credit charge
6.) I have sustainable online income outside of my career
7.) I reviewed all angles before moving ANY MONEY

The list goes on but the justifications were made PRIOR to investing.

The result of pre-planning? - Huge success

Thanks for the feedback. I have also some tips for people. Especially newcomers in the cryptomarket.

  1. Never bet al your money on the same horse
  2. Dont invest money you can't afford to lose

Interestingly, very interesting. I'll follow you.

I recommend Nextera Energy (NEE)

@husamia, I I looked at it and it has an amazing track record. I also think that uranium will be vital for the energy transition. Got one uranium explorer stock myself.

Are you basing this analysis more heavily on the micro or macro factors of this investment? You mention your micro predictions above, but I'm curious if you're also factoring in the macro side of the investment. With the large decline of oil prices over the past few years it appears to have a higher chance of bouncing back than continuing to slide. Do you agree, or were you not factoring that into your investment?

Good luck with the investment, and I hope it turns out well for you!

I did mention some macro analysis. The oil price chart above shows that the oil price will go up. Even the prediction of the world bank (most negative prediction) shows an increase of the oil price for the future. If the company is ready to drill the price will probably be higher than at this moment and even with lower prices than now (like $30-10) this company's oil fields are still profitable. Also, a share of a micro-cap oil explorer is less affected by the oil price and more effected by its explorations.

Extremely interesting and informative. Thanks for that. I have upvoted and followed you. Thanks again.

Thanks for sharing this information. But I agree with you, I'd rather invest my money in the future of energy

I'd rather like sustainable stocks but if I can make a lot of money with an oil explorer i'm okay with it. We are still using oil for the coming years. And I'm investing a lot more in the energy transition. I'll keep you updated about it on my page!

If the company is worth so much more as you say, why is it price to book 2.47 according to ?

The company is worth $40mil and each share is worth $2,50 (the 2.47 you give is dalayed data). The stock is undervalued beceause is the company is more worth than $40mil.

Uhmmm... Sounds very secure for an investment... Shame that I live in the other side of the river :/ Anyway, thank you for sharing it with us!

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