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RE: This stock will make you a millionaire!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

I understand the reason you choose this stock. The key here is PRE-PLANNING

People can ask questions all day, but allow me to give you an example:

The truth is, as much as you explain... the fact is there are many that just do not understand. I mean that is probably a mix of ignorance or just plain unwillingness to become educated.

After building a giant team in network marketing the same thing is mentality. The difference here with investing in whatever market you choose, it is a lonely and very individual process, requiring yourself.

It is not for the weary. Definitely not, but seriously, putting the entire bank into an investment IS RISKY! You are exactly correct with this.

I highly recommend for readers NOT to do what I did, but to use it to LEARN what managing your money is. I charged a credit card and paid it with my bank account to get it into the blockchain. I did this because:

1.) I knew the risks involved and I am okay with this. My tolerance is NOT a representation of others' tolerance.
2.) I invested how I did because I have a lot of experience in the markets and because I knew with 0 doubt, and I mean literally ZERO DOUBT what reward I would achieve from this.
3.) I had an enter and exit strategy pre-planned.
4.) I take 100% ownership of all my activities
5.) I knew I had the money to backup my credit charge
6.) I have sustainable online income outside of my career
7.) I reviewed all angles before moving ANY MONEY

The list goes on but the justifications were made PRIOR to investing.

The result of pre-planning? - Huge success


Thanks for the feedback. I have also some tips for people. Especially newcomers in the cryptomarket.

  1. Never bet al your money on the same horse
  2. Dont invest money you can't afford to lose

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