Top 10 Things that Change Once You Become Rich

in #money7 years ago (edited)


If you're on Steemit, chances are you want to be rich. It's okay to admit it. Good for you, you're doing something about it.

On the road to riches, the path is paved with pitfalls and swindlers, so tread carefully! But have you ever considered what changes you might go through once you make it to the other side?

Y'know.. after you get done pouring champagne all over everything, and hiring a butler named 'Alfred' because now you think you're Batman.

Now I'm certainly not rich... at least not as I would define it living in the States. I'm treading the path just like you. I guess to be fair I do have a nanny, and a cleaning lady.... and a kid that mows the lawn, but hey it's all relative right?

Don't get me wrong I put in a lot of hard work and long hours, and I'm immensely grateful for the lifestyle I live and what my wife and I have accomplished thus far, but after watching a video the other day it really set me to thinking... what other things might change once I actually 'make it?' Do you even want to be a Billionaire?

Top 10 Thing that Change Once You Become Rich.

1. Your Friendsriga_pub_crawl_nice_place_in_riga.jpg

You might be thinking to yourself, "that's never gonna happen". I've been roll'in with the same crew since grade school. I'm real, I'm never gonna change.... but you will.

To be sure, it will be a gradual change over time as you struggle to build your business. Putting in long nights, growing as a person and researching the necessary resources needed to be successful in your field. You won't have time to hang out as much anymore and when you do you'll find you have less and less in common, since you no longer have the same problems or the same goals. With you trying to make it to the next level, and they happy in mediocrity.

You'll find you not only have more in common with others in your industry, but experience similar struggles and new found interests.

Eventually your old friends will ask you for money, and you'll give it, but it will forever change the dynamic of your relationship.

2. Vacations

This one shouldn't surprise you, now that you have the means, the world is your playground. Instead of vacationing somewhat near home, you now have the ability to go literally anywhere. Milan? Check, St. Tropez? Check, Belize? The world is your oyster.thailand.jpg

3. Goals

Since the Rich are usually highly motivated this is not a problem. However once you get rich, your goals change. What you consider "successful" will change.

When you started out, a Million dollars may have seemed like a huge sum, but once you have it you realize it does not go that far and is more of a starting point.

Once you become ultra wealthy, an extra million may not mean anything at all. Your goals will shift away from money and you are likely to be more interested in significance, generational wealth, and INFLUENCE.

How can you make a difference?

4. Your House & Cars

Like most people who come into wealth, you're going to upgrade your car and house to a McMansion. While clearly awesome, it does wear off and you're more likely to feel more isolated and less connected.

5. People Will Want What You Have.

Ever wonder what it feels like to be a HOT, 24 year old Blonde with big boobs and long legs?
Once you're rich you'll know exactly how it feels. Everyone will want a piece of you.

To quote Jay-Z: "There's no such thing as an ugly Billionaire, I'm cute."

Women will flirt with you and Men will want to be you.

Whether out of respect or envy, you're going to start getting treated differently. Once you've accumulated a certain degree of wealth, you're going to start getting SUED.

You've put in the work, you've made the sacrifices, now bring on the lawyers and sycophants trying to make a quick buck by siphoning off your riches.

Congratulations, this is your new reality.


Oh how the tax man cometh! Your friends and family won't be the only ones coming for your hard earned riches.

Once you become wealthy, your'e going to care A LOT more about TAXES.

If you're making 30k a year, and you look at your paycheck you might be a little bummed from the 6 grand you're giving up to Uncle Sam every year. But you're gonna be seriously bummed giving up 6 million.

When you're giving up that much money a year, you suddenly became very interested in how to reduce your tax burden.

When you're rich, the price of a good C.P.A. is literally worth millions to you, and are worth every penny.

7. The Foods You Eat

Now that you're no longer dependent on tuna and ramen noodles for sustenance, you'll find being wealthy opens up quite a few more options. Particularly as healthy eating goes.

Organic this, organic that.
Turns out there's a lot more to life than Taco Bell's Nacho Locos.

Not to mention it's a lot easier to eat healthy when you have a chef making all of your meals.

Goodbye Walmart, hello tiny 5-Star Cuisine!
^what is that anyway, a sausage?^

8. What Makes You Happy.

We all know money doesn't buy happiness.... or at the very least there's a relatively short curve on the diminishing returns scale.

For instance you may have been stoked when you went to your first 5 Star dining experience, but it then soon becomes commonplace.

That first trip in a Lambo? OMG right?
Before long though, it's like: "I can't put a car seat in this sh*t, and they pull me over for going faster than 70mph."

This is very impractical.

Take your own life for example, when I was a kid I thought a stainless steel fridge with the water on the door was only for rich people (I know)! Now my fridge has a video calendar for some reason and I don't even bat an eye.

While being rich can definitely buy you Time Freedom, someone else will clean up the house, someone else can do the landscaping, clean the pool etc. What you will really value is the things you probably took for granted when you were poor.

Such as spending time with the family, your health, authentic relationships, you get the idea.

Can't buy those.

9. You Dont give a F*ck

Let me rephrase, all our lives we've been conditioned to seek the approval of others.

If you meet a cute girl or guy you immediately ask your friends or parents what they think.

It's called social validation.

When you're at work you seek the approval of your boss or supervisor in hopes that you can keep your job, or get that raise etc.

But a funny thing happens when you are self sufficient, independently wealthy and have made yourself what you are today. You stop caring what other people think.

Chances are if you're rich, there are so many people sucking up to you as it is, you don't need more fake people in your life.

Your tell it like it is, and you certainly don't need to impress anyone.

At this stage you just appreciate honesty and sincerity.

10. Legacy

As you get older, you really start to realize your mortality and start to wonder how you will be remembered. What will be your imprint on the world?

Is it to not have spoiled children that blow your fortune in one generation?
Perhaps write a book, so that your wisdom can continue through the ages for anyone wise enough to look?

Remember, while it may be popular and even comforting to disparage the rich as greedy and ruthless, the truth is Hospitals don't build themselves.

Many wealthy individuals seek to leave their legacy by starting charities, building parks, hospitals, universities or even Eradicating Polio like Bill Gates.

Whatever they decide to do, one difference when it comes to the Rich, is that they certainly don't leave it up to chance.

What will your Legacy be?

Until next time.

It's your move.

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This is great info, let's hope we get there soon ;) I'm ready. That what everyone thinks right? Hhehe

I hope we all get there! I just try to remember to be thankful for what I've got in the meantime.

So true, I'm very thankful! thanks

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