Just A Gentle Reminder Today To Help Save You Money

in #money7 years ago

There are things we all want at this time but don't really need. Please allow me to encourage you to save money. Save your credit, save your money, save the stress!!!

One Way To Save Money When Shopping

One way to save money when shopping is to always and I mean always make a list, don't forget your list, and purchase only what is on your list. Many of you do this already I'm sure.

But if you go w/out a list, you will spend money on more things than you wanted to, and you might just forget what you needed in the first place which will cost more money in gas because you must return to the store. 

Use a list and save money!!!

Places To Save Money On Purchases

Also you can save tons of money over the long run on necessities. 

If there is something you need or want, don't forget about Ebay.com you might just save hundreds of dollars. But do your research because some things are actually more expensive on Ebay. However, you may be able to save a substantial amount of money on something you want to by. Also make sure the Ebay seller has a 100% positive rating or close to it or they are not very trustworthy. So even research their comments. 

Don't forget about yard sales and the local news papers. Again, toys and other things you might really need like clothing can be purchased at some of these places for a fraction of the price of brand new. Saving money is sometimes just a lot of common sense. You will have to rise early for the best deals at yard sales. But no pain no gain sometimes.

Save Big Money On Cable TV

There is something that has been around for I think a couple of years now - that is watching tv on your computer. And in some cases it can save you tons of money and you get quadruple the amount of channels. I think many of the offers are for a ONE TIME fee - that's right, so you don't have to pay a monthly bill like you are now. 

The programs are easy to install, offers over 1,000 channels and is perfectly legal. This could save hundreds of dollars a year. 

My favorite program at this time is: www.InstantTvOnline.com This a pretty awesome deal to save money. The program is instant download, and only costs $49.97 which is a ONE TIME payment now if you are serious about watching tv that will save you some serious money. Thats less than most people pay per month for their cable or digital tv. Also it's over 1,000 channels world wide. 

This company offers excellent support if you view the webpage and also, they have a money back guarantee I do beleive. So save some money and look into it.

Save Money By Making Bread

If you have checked the price of bread lately, you noticed that it's expensive and going up in price - especially quality bread ie (100% whole wheat). 

I know a couple who saves literally $1000's of dollars every year on bread because they make their own. A friend of mine - his wife bought a bread machine and they have about 5 children which will cost a lot of money in bread even with peanut butter and jelly. So instead of spending hard earned money on bread, she makes all the bread her and her family eats. 

It's not hard to make your own bread. For whole wheat, all you need is water, salt, honey, packed brown sugar, whole wheat flour, vital gluten and active dry yeast; all inexpensive ingredients for the most part. 

If you are going to really use it, a bread machine is worth the true "investment" After all, cash is cash!!

Save money and be creative - literally.

Save Money With Second Hand Shops

Before you put your nose up at buying second hand to save some money. My wife recently came home with a gorgeous dress for one of my daughters for only $2. But guess what...Here's the catch. The tag was still on it because it was BRAND NEW. 

Retail in the store about - about $35 dollars.


Good post, well written, and providing insight and food for thought. Neat money saving tips.

Thank you so much. I am glad that my advice may be useful!

Good advice. If shopping online, don't forget to use a cash back site like ebates or befrugal. Also, remember to look for discounted gift cards on websites like cardcash and raise.com. Also, don't forget to search for coupon codes before you make a purchase on any website.

Thank you so much! This is a very useful addition to my post!

Hi @stratilatkryuko, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

That nice to hear. Thank you for your attention!

You're very welcome.

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