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in #money7 years ago

“[G]rowth is the counterweight to emerging dissent.” (p. 93) - from The Death of Money by James Rickards

Dissent Image
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The other day I was making an observation on how the increase of education coupled with higher unemployment creates a recipe for discontentment.

Rickards provides a possible solution for this “emerging dissent”.


I think most of us here on steemit know this to be needed for us to be successful, but instead we seem to always have some sort of internal steemit spat going on that is not very becoming to outsiders.

But growth could help quell the dissent.

Anyways, I don’t really like getting into the politics of the platform.

And yes even decentralized platforms have politics.

Politics are everywhere that people are and power is possible.

And power abhors a vacuum or something like that…

Plus steemit, to the best of my limited understanding, is decentralized in the way it is organized on the decentralized ledger network blockchain (see diagram below) and not necessarily in governance.

Decenteralized Ledger Network IBM Image
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Anyways, let’s get back to our discussion on The Death of Money and what to do about it.

Rickards also had this scathing observation:

“Today central banks, especially the U.S. Federal Reserve, are repeating the blunders of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao without the violence, although the violence may come yet through income inequality, social unrest, and a confrontation with state power.” (p. 71) - from The Death of Money

That is not quite the company that I would like to keep, hopefully the U.S. makes some changes.

We already see growing income inequality.

The thing is that we have seen time and time again that civil unrest happens when people feel like their life is out of control.

This can happen when their money is worth nothing.

Or when they don’t have much or any money because they can’t find employment.

Or for a myriad of other reasons, but you get the point.

The point being, we can wait for someone else to do something, or we can look for ways to do something good for ourselves and others now.

James Altucher famously accepted bitcoin payments way back in 2013!, for his book Choose Yourself, that suggests people take charge of their life and future.

Life is like one of those Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to read as a kid.

Make a way for yourself in this world.

And help others do the same!

Now I haven’t finished reading The Death of Money by James Rickards yet, but if you know him, he is a blowhard for gold.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I would love to have gold and to add gold to my portfolio.

But as it stands now, that is not really possible for me of limited means.

However, steemit is possible!

And by way of STEEM, I have transferred some into BTC and other digital assests on the BitShares Decentralized Exchange.

From what I have gathered, Rickards thinks computer based currency is risky because of the hypothetical end scenario of loss of internet and power grids and any other sci-fi dystopian future wasteland dreams.

But like cockroaches, gold will survive a nuclear holocaust!

In a make believe theory where gold doesn’t melt or something.

Alas, the problem with gold still is that it is not easily obtained, not easily divisible, and let’s get real folks, not a good currency.

Trumpocalypse Image
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What then are we to do, those of us who can’t get gold easily but are concerned about the U.S. debt and dollar value?

For the common person like myself, I would suggest joining the blockchain revolution.

Start blogging on steemit.

And join me in the The Billion Hero Campaign by joining the BitShares Decentralized Exchange!

Stay tuned.
Stay interesting.
Stay Strange.


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because your money is as good as dead, so I will gladly take it.

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in The Billion Hero Challenge!

BitShares Title Block
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shared on Twitter! good post!

thanks for you support and encouragement!


An interesting material! Thanks for sharing.

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