Will Money Make You Happy? Or Will LIFE Make You Happy?...

in #money6 years ago (edited)

   If Someone Gave You A Million Dollars What Would You Do?

The thought of being given 1 million dollars is a pretty intense image inside my head. I'm sure it is to you as well. 

 Would you be excited? Happy? Relieved? 

Where does this DRIVE for money come from? I want you to think about this.

Money makes the world go round right? .... Well sure, in a certain sense BUT IMO that is incorrect to some degree. I believe that energy is in control of our god given life. There's no stopping your freedom. FREEDOM IS A CHOICE. What can we do to ensure a special life? 

I'm under the impression that as a whole, we are moving into a fabulous community full of incredible opportunity. Call me crazy but I think we've just landed on moon. That was clearly a silly analogy! Now I understand that food needs to be put on the table. I understand that people need to have shelter... 

All of this is understood. So how do take action on correcting our "Money Controlled Future" ?

Cryptocurrency could not have come at a more brilliant time. Steemit couldn't have come at a more brilliant time! See that picture above? I have no freaking clue where it is. I WANT TO GO THERE. DO YOU? Is that a yes???

Let's make it happen. SO! 1 million dollars isn't the key to getting to these places. 1 million dollars is an idea. A thought.. Just a thought! It's only tangible until it is.. Do I believe that you can make a million dollars and get to this beautiful place? Yes of course I do. But the million dollars IS NOT what will get you there.

This picture above is me sitting on my guitar at the first big painting of Austin, Texas I could find. I made it to Austin with a suitcase, my guitar and a few bucks in my pocket. 

The amount of Gratitude, excitement, love, creativity and community was absolutely PRICELESS!!! I am proof that energy, creativity and a good attitude can drive you straight to the top. Now let me set the record straight. I'm by no means a millionaire nor do I claim to be. But one things for sure! I went from being Broke, damaged and alone to having independence, freedom, and support. 

I'm not quite sure if we understand the gravity of all this. Steemit is changing lives people! Steemit is giving people life!  This is a cause for happiness. This is a cause for celebration... So let's get back on topic for a second. Back to a Million Dollars right. 

The kiss of a loved one, the smile of a child, the sunrise and sunset, the oxygen we breath.. Things in life are precious, unexplainable and certainly fabulous. We live in a world where money becomes the controller! This is not the world I want and I'm willing to fight for not only my dream but the dream of others as well. 

Steemit has literally changed my freaking world! 

Even if you haven't "earned enough" to live on "yet" DO NOT worry because if this is what you want, then this is attainable. I am here to tell you! 

Steemit provides us with the ability to prove our worth base on content. To me, this is worth millions. You want to know how to make it in show biz.. Look no further. And I'm not just talking about steemit! Steemit is the beginning of many more beautiful projects, platforms and ideas to come and sculpt our future. 

I promise you that your dreams will come true! The money will come! But the money is not the important part. 

Happiness is key. Peaceful living is key. Loving your family is key...

I know my articles can sometimes take different turns and I'll fully take responsibility for that.. You know what though? That's okay because I'm consistent and i'm fighting for this community with soul purpose. Money is only as good as we let it be.. So as a beautiful team of steemians let's fight hard to create our own beautiful revolution. Let's change everyones idea of money and continue to create and polish our warm lives! 

I'll list my ingredients to success in each of my posts.

  • Consistency
  • Passion 
  • Engagement 
  • Honesty
  • Qaulity

With all of this said and done, I'd like to hear your thoughts on Money, Steemit and what it all means to you! Please read carefully and provide me with valuable feedback to shape my own future. Thanks!

Yours Truly, 



a thought that clears up all stemians in this world .. I strongly agree, that the passion, passion, and attitude that will lead us to the top. thank you for refreshing this thought. I am very happy to read it. this can make the stemian think again and reinforce their initial intention to join here. are they happy or otherwise?

Thankyou so much for taking the time to read and agree with me my friend. Do you believe we’re moving into an incredible future ?

of course I strongly believe. hopeless man is the undead. he was dead prematurely.
moving to a better future is everyone's desire. but only those who are conscious and confident can do it.

You're right that it's all about attitude as money, in of itself, is not the answer. There are many millionaires who live like they're in poverty because they're scared of losing it - right bank balance, wrong attitude.

exactly steve! attitude truly is everything and i believe that we can make a strong impact if we stick together and let our minds connect on a creative yet intuitive level :) thankyou for your strong imput. attitude of gratitude

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I think about this ALL the time! Then I found steemit, then I got a better job, then I lost my job, then I met several of my blogging friends. Then I found a job and started thinking about the consistency in my life and what I want that to look like in the future.

Very nice post. And to answer your question, if I had $1mil, I'd only spend work-related time on ventures that both offered value and what I am passionate about - no other filling of busywork.

I do hope, that Steemit is a place we can grow to do that, as you suggest in your post :)

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