
Yes we do. Unfortunately the bulk of those are not active. In any given day you can expect to see up to 60,000-ish users (it's been a little less lately), with somewhere over 100,000 unique users in a week.

More people were inactive in January than joined, and the churn rate the last three months has been better, but still pretty high.

So, as you say, far from dead, but with only about a tenth of users on in any given week, and most of those the same people the place isn't nearly as lively as it should be.

The growth steemit has had I feel outweighs any sagging we may be seeing right now in user numbers.

See this post for alot of stats on steemit:

I started when we had 150k total users and 10k active users on my @freedomcoin account. So Im not worried about Steemit not being as busy as it has been in the past.

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