WHAT IS MONEY? A Guide To UNderstand The Difference BETWEEN Money, Currency and Where Cryptos Fit?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,


Today I would like to talk about Money and currency. Everybody uses it whether they like it or not. Great Sums of it can fulfilled your wildest dreams and desires.

However Most of us today don't use money, we use currency. Understanding the difference is key to what is happening in the world. It can mean a whole world of a difference in the next 10 years as the Fourth Turning unfolds. Below is a video series by Mike Maloney. Very educational and free.


Currency can be almost anything people have confidence in and accept it for trade. It can be in the form of paper, credit and bank deposits. When Cash is Deposited into a Bank it is changed into Depositor funds.

This is a liability to the bank, since they have to pay you interest and owe it back to you. Why are they paying you interest?? Because you are lending them your currency.

When you deposit currency into the bank you are effectively lending your currency to them. They are then able to do something called "fractional reserve lending." Meaning they leverage your depositor funds by x9 and can basically take your 1000 deposit and create 9000 of credit. It is worse in some other countries.

What happens if people go to withdraw cash because credit doesn't work any more because of some unforseen event. That bank will not be able to provide enough liquidity to satify demand for cash, since 95% of the currency supply is now based on Digital Numbers called Credit.

Currency can also be based on DEBT. This is what our government has a legal tender DEBT. IOUs in the form of treasury bonds. Whenever they have a budget deficit they hold a bond auctions and sell to top tier banking clients.

When a bond is purchase it is then monetized by the local government. This is effectively borrowing out of the future to pay for today. It is a very parasitic system. An enslavement system.

What we have today is a system where there is a derivative of almost anything in the financial markets. A derivative means derived from.

Example: an oil stock is a derivative of oil in the ground. Then an for that same Oil company you can buy Options of the Underlying stock with the right to sell or buy at a given date and price. That is a derivative of a derivative. It's the same thing that happens in the precious metals markets.

All you see is the big banking traders taking out Naked short sells on the metals. This create an artificial supply of gold and silver, thus creating a manipulated price. The Comex Gold price is based on the physical bullion supply and artificial supply. What you see if the Number of short sale contract pile up continuously.

Currently at the Comex There is over 500 people per 1 ounce of gold. That means for every one ounce of gold they had they lent out of 500 paper contracts to people for that one ounce. This is being done to Mask What is Really going on and hiding the fact that we are Currently in a Fourth Turning Crisis. It is to hold things together for now.

comex gold coverage ratio.jpg


Money is a superior form of currency, since it has a Store of value, whereas Currency does not. It continues get more and more expensive to by everyday products.

So far only GOLD AND SILVER bullion make the cut as MONEY. Since it has been considered Money for 5000 years. It has world wide liquidity. If i take gold anywhere in the world i will find a buyer easily, whereas if i took Canadian dollars it is not accepted anywhere but Canada.

Even the World reserve currency the American Dollar is starting to be shunned and may not be accepted in some countries. Reserve Currencies were traditionally backed by gold and as you see below, only last a limited time.


Now there is a new kid of the block that has a real chance to become Money. The only thing is it hasn't stood the test of time yet. What i'm referring to is Cryptos. This is Bitcoin, Ether, Dash, Monero, Steem you name it. Each one has a different function, supply and problem they solve which creates demand for them.

As of right now they are Referred to as Crypto Currencies. And they are fighting the same battle that gold and silver are, except Cryptos are Beating the Money Changers. That is a name given to the people who control the currency supply of countries, Hint it isn't the local government.

The reasons why Cryptos are being a successful Currency are as follows. It is a decentralized platform, meaning it is not control by an entity or a small group of such.

It's is a quick way to move wealth around the world, much easier then gold and silver bullion. However gold and silver are now able to do this on a platform called GOLDMONEY.

You get to store your gold money is a vault of your choice and can use it to preload a prepaid credit card and use it anywhere MasterCard is Accepted. Revolutionary in my opinion. You can also buy gold with Bitcoin, Ether and other cryptos on the platform. Heres a link to find out more. https://www.goldmoney.com/

Another reason Cryptos are successful is because of the limited supply some Cryptos have like Bitcoin, which will only ever have 21,000,000 coins made. Right now there is only 18,000,000 or so made. Having limited supply is what gives Bullion its value.

Also, Cryptos do not have any derivatives or artifical supply to keep the price down. They have to be mined by miners and cannot appear at the stroke of a couple keys like Credit. This is the problem with Gold and Silver right now. Too much artifical supply.

Below is a documentary called the Money Masters by Bill Still. Great history education and who controls the supply of the Currency.


We are currently in a Generational Fourth Turning. It happens when four generations are born within the a lifespan of each other. The last Fourth Turning to occur was from 1922 - 1942. This was A period of crisis. DUring these periods society changes as a hole.

Last time it was the NEW DEAL that changed society and made it into a social welfare state trying to make everyone dependent on the government for everything from health, education and income.

Before then most people were self sufficient.

Currently we have been in a Fourth Turning Crisis period since 2005. It is expected to end around 2025, but before then it is expected we have a MOnetary crisis and a war of some kind. Both look probable to me.

What will be the event that changes society today? Maybe a Crypto Revolution, along with Bullion.

Another Difference between Money and Currency is that currency carries a lot more risk because of the amount of counter party risk involved. If one of those third party systems fail, you are going to take a loss, and most likely lose access to your account while the bank takes a bank holiday. It happened for 6 months during the GREAT DEPRESSION.

Money that is secured properly doesn't have any counter party risk.

Cryptos still carry some degree of counter party risk but it is a lot less then having your wealth stored in a Phoney Fiat Currency at some illiquid bank.


Get some of your wealth into to GOLD or SILVER. Silver is the better buy. And also get into some cryptos you like. They are about the changed the world by storm. Keep Some cash on hand as well. Might be handy to have at first if there are BANK HOLIDAYS.

Gold is the Money of Kinds
Silver is the Money of Gentlemen
Barter is the Money of the poor
Debt is the Money of slaves.

Let that sink in for awhile. Understanding the difference can be Life changing in the Years to come. So do your part and Educate yourself. THe above links will get you well of your way

If you like upvote or Resteem. Thanks you



Solid info, even though I know these things it hasn't been in my consciousness for a while. It was nice to rediscover. Hopefully this posts garners some more votes. Did my part to get you on the way.

Gold is king, Gold is God's money. Silver is for the people.

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