If You Want To See The Future Look at What Rich People Are Doing Today

in #money7 years ago

The title of this post is a statement that hit me like a ton of bricks. I heard it while listening to a podcast where a man by the name of Tim O'Reilly was the guest. Wired magazine called him the "Trend Spotter."

When he uttered the statement it caught my attention, but it really didn't hit me until he started giving examples from the course of history.

Chew on this...

Things that have become the norm in our society were not instantly that. It took time for theme to be developed and adopted further and further.

However, there is one thing that happens more often than not with such things...

  • Rich People Were Using Them First

Take for example...

The Model T Automobile

When the automobile was first created it was a luxury, it was something only the rich could afford. Now cars are prevalent throughout all income classes.

Eating Dinner Out

Yes, there was a period of time where this was considered a luxury and only the wealthy went out to dinner regularly. Now more than half of America eats out more often then it cooks at home.

Following Your Favorite Soccer Club

A time existed when travel was expense and not as readily available. Only the wealth could afford to follow their favorite soccer club from city to city for each match. Now soccer hooligans follow their clubs regularly without issue.

Seeing The Trend

All of the examples above show something that was not common or mainstream in our society due to reasons such as affordability.

Then the technology, the process, the accessibility grew and put them in the reach of more and more people.

So I guess the question is what are the rich doing right now???

Some things I use:

  • 1broker to trade stock and currency using my bitcoin
  • Bitconnect to earn daily interest lending bitcoin. Love me some passive income.


Best Regards,

Disclaimer: All content in this post is my opinion and for informational purposes only.


"If you walk with the lame, you will develop a limp." - Louie Simmons

Good advise, so lets keep an eye on those rich people, then in time other can watch us Stemians!

The future begins now

The problem with this thought is the word "rich".

There are two classes we could call rich.

  1. The group who is at the forefront of making things work. Always innovating. Entrepreneurs.
  2. The group of leaches. Such as Zeros and Buffette who make money by controlling the money. How much money could you make if you could borrow money at 0% interest and lend it for whatever you could get? How much money could you make on the stock market if you had both inside information and enough money to move the market?

Darryl Robert Schoon has much more information on the topic:

Interesting video. As for as the statement as a trend predictor I don't think it matters where money comes from good or bad - what it is being spent on is the trend spotter.

Perfect! How can we define "rich" in a world that a few control literally, how the money flow. A few that LEND money to the gov's world wide, and that them the gov's have to pay enormous interested rates.
Successful humans are not necessary rich. They are happy with what they produce.

This is beautiful, life seems better now that certain things have been decentralised.

I have a problem with the word "rich", by that do you mean only the rich people set trends that are being followed??
I am a little confused, but thanks for the information, I guess I'd start paying attention to that now.

Sooo, you are rich?

Good point. The rich can afford the best advice.


I just listened to a Grant Cardone interview.
Real estate mogul, guys a force of nature, super motivating. Worth like half a billion dollars, he's certainly got some interesting ideas on trends and who and who you should not be taking advice from. And seeing as you're in real estate you might be interested.

I'll leave you with one of his quotes:

Yeah, I am very familiar with Grant. He was on the bigger pockets real estate podcast some time ago and I read 10X rule as well. Biggest thing I am learning from him is I need to be less humble and more grandiose when offering my investing education products.

I put out quality shit that gets limited attention.

Lol, Cardone does like to go big or go home. What did you think of 10X? I haven't read it, but it got some serious mixed reviews on Amazon.

And that's a good point. You can have the best product in the world, but if know one knows about it, its not gonna get bought.

The reason I liked 10X is for the fundamental idea of thinking bigger. I always set my targets much too modest. So it was good for my mindset.

And you are right about products; if no one knows about it, not gonna sell.

I have a real estate investing book on Amazon. "ScaredyCatGuide - Investing in Rental Properties" Its a simple blueprint for anyone buying their first rental property. You think noobs would be all over it...lol

Just created a free bitcoin e-book that I'm announcing tomorrow and acts as a promo for the crypto trading course I've created. I'll be pumping it on every outlet I can as Mr. Cardone has shown me ;-)

Nice, good for you man.

Definitely, thinking bigger is such a simple concept, but you look back on something you may have been afraid to do in the past, and it's like "well shoot, I should have done this sooner!"

Good luck, and you gotta work on your pumping, link that Amazon Real estate e-book! 😆

Great insight - I think you can also look at where they are investing their money too to get an idea of what might be coming down the pipeline.

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