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RE: Total Net Wealth Update End May 2019

in #money5 years ago

That's an interesting strategy - punishing yourself.... i might have to try that.

I was completely obsessed with saving up enough to fully retire a few years back, however now I'm not working full time anymore I've relaxed a bit as working part-time in different jobs is now O.K!

I'm aiming for about $10K a year to live off, with my house fully paid off - that'll buy my basics - someone described it to me as bread and milk rather than wine and caviar... If I want the later I'll just have to go earn some more!

I hear what you're saying about basically factoring in compounding interest. I don't do that myself. Then again I'm 46 in July, my TPS kicks in when I'm 60, it's not really something I need to worry about, any compounding is a nice bonus.

I do love wealth tracking, at least when things are going well!


10k makes a lot of sense and sounds about right. If you own a little property and can grow a summer garden and nice views, it will be fine. If you live in the city it will be miserable I imagine.

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