Is Your Money Really Yours?

in #money8 years ago (edited)


We live in very dangerous times when your money can literally be stolen, legally, with just 1 push of a button. Yes I am talking about bail-ins, or other tyrannical tools of confiscation, that have all been legalized, and are/will be used in the near future to rob us all. It has already been beta-tested in Cyprus and Greece, but I fear that the rest of the world will have a taste of it as well.

So what is your money exactly? Do you think that if you have 10,000,000$ in your bank account, and you can see that shiny number on your statements, does that make it yours? It can be stolen in an instant, legally, and you will probably have nothing to prevent it.

The truth is that all your wealth is phony, the numbers in your bank account mean nothing, they are out of your control. The only money that you have is what is under your control, and what you can defend. I'll say it again:


So if your bank decides to steal your 10 million, what are you going to do, sue them? Hahaha, like they are probably protected against legal action in the new bail-in laws that are being passed in secret:

(source: Amio Cajander)

Yea, so say goodbye to your bank deposits if you are naive enough to trust the banks. I don't want to tell you what to do with your money, it's your money, but just understand that I don't keep more than 500€ in my bank account, and I have a decent amount of wealth. So that should tell you something about my preparations, you can see my portfolio here:

Besides don't call me a Doomsday nut, because I make massively more yearly returns with my "Apocalypse portfolio" than I would make with phony bank interest or manipulated stocks. So in either case, I feel much safer this way knowing that my money is safe and I make good profits too.

But what about your money? So even if you put all your money under your mattress, you have to realize that it's not safe. Think of it as if the Government can bust in anytime and steal all your cash. Even if you have acquired your money legally, the Government doesn't care, they just want to steal all your wealth.

Nazi Wealth Confiscation

(source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-14468 / Georg Pahl / CC-BY-SA 3.0)

I've read some shocking stories about how Jewish people have protected their wealth in Nazi Germany. In Nazi Germany that Government was truly Satanic, and they have started outright stealing the money and wealth the Jewish people have worked to hard for. They confiscated land, cash, jewelry, gold, and other assets, sometimes not even formally, but just the officers broke into Jewish homes and started stealing the money themselves, like some violent thugs they were.

But Jews were not stupid, they didn't just give up their wealth without a fight, so they have used every tool they could to protect their hard earned money. They first started to bribe the German officers to store their wealth for them, but of course this wasn't successful, as they just took the money and then rat them out to the Gestapo, and because of this many people were killed. This was despicable, this is how much you can trust a Government Nazi.

Then realizing that this method was not successful, many of them started drilling holes in their walls, put their jewelry and precious metals in it, and then filled it up with cement and painting it over to not leave a trace of it. When they got kicked out of their homes, and their homes were then given to Germans, a lot of them have discovered the treasures in the walls, but a lot of them have never came back from the camps to reclaim it. It was very sad.

Finally the last method was just shocking, and you have to admire the brave Jewish people how far they have gone out of their way to protect their money from the evil Government. Many Jews have found refuge for the children in Catholic orphanages, that hid Jewish kids from the Nazis. So they took a piece of bread, put a small gold ring or some small jewelry in it, compressed it, and put it in the mouths of the kids. The piece was large enough to not swallow it and to not suffocate, and since the Nazis have only checked their clothes for money, they have successfully smuggled out some wealth this way. Of course many of the kids never saw their parents again, but atleast they had some small wealth left to start their lives, as many of them escaped to the USA later. They parents left some money to their kids, knowing that they will never see them again, this was their legacy.

So this is how the Jewish people have bravely resisted and used every available tool to hide their wealth from an evil Government, you can perhaps watch this movie if you want more details:

Schindler's List

Now what can we learn from this?

  • Your money is not yours, but if you can defend it
  • You have to go out of your way to defend your legitimate wealth against an evil Government
  • Protect what you have, because criminals are constantly planning to steal it from you
  • Don't trust the Government and the Banks

So when I see that the Greek Government is going full Nazi on their people, many Greek Jews will remember what their grandparents told them about the Nazi persecution and will find themselves in similar situation.

This is the world we live in, where the Government has become just rabid to steal your money. So prepare yourself accordingly.

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Most Canadians don't know that there has been a 90% bail-in clause in Canada since the 2013/14 budget was released. Even fewer know that the wording was changed this year to include the words "in whole or in part." For those who didn't quite catch that, basically, it's no longer a 90% theft limit, but an EVERY LAST PENNY theft limit, now.

Those few who DO know about the change, or even that the theft has been planned in writing for several years already, still CHOOSE to do nothing to protect themselves from what one could easily argue MUST be coming.

There was never a statute that was written NOT to be used. No statute ever written was not then used to the point of blatant abuse.

This is a global phenomenon, now, folks...if you're not living in Iceland, you're pretty much guaranteed to get SOMETHING stolen from you by your wonderful public employees.

I am not even shocked, it's an open secret now that pretty much all countries on earth have bail-in laws. They know that stealing from the taxpayer creates riots, so by stealing only from middle-class working people who have savings in the banks is sort of a "damage control", it will affect less people and they will most likely not riot since they are mor civilized people.

Yep, they pretty much steal all money they can get their hands on, it is a wild west world now.

Yea but Thats how world works That is more reason we should use Crypto currency?Don't you think?

I am full cryptocurrency. I just laugh when people say that crypto is a scam or a ponzi, but they have no clue how big of a scam their bank account is. I rather take my chances with crypto than with the bank account.

This does look familiar I have been looking for it

That is nice, well I'd rather not keep my money like that, a briefcase offers no security whatsoever.

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