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RE: Is Your Money Really Yours?

in #money8 years ago

Most Canadians don't know that there has been a 90% bail-in clause in Canada since the 2013/14 budget was released. Even fewer know that the wording was changed this year to include the words "in whole or in part." For those who didn't quite catch that, basically, it's no longer a 90% theft limit, but an EVERY LAST PENNY theft limit, now.

Those few who DO know about the change, or even that the theft has been planned in writing for several years already, still CHOOSE to do nothing to protect themselves from what one could easily argue MUST be coming.

There was never a statute that was written NOT to be used. No statute ever written was not then used to the point of blatant abuse.

This is a global phenomenon, now, folks...if you're not living in Iceland, you're pretty much guaranteed to get SOMETHING stolen from you by your wonderful public employees.


I am not even shocked, it's an open secret now that pretty much all countries on earth have bail-in laws. They know that stealing from the taxpayer creates riots, so by stealing only from middle-class working people who have savings in the banks is sort of a "damage control", it will affect less people and they will most likely not riot since they are mor civilized people.

Yep, they pretty much steal all money they can get their hands on, it is a wild west world now.

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