
Top it up with some fiat money ;) The prices will go up in the longterm, so most probably some good investment :)

I am still very, very new here.
I'm here from an ethical free market perspective. - The exchange of goods and services - and ideas, and let the market decide the value.

Before knowing the intricacies of it, ( of which I know pitifully little, but understanding more as time goes on)I was uder the impression thats how the platform performed.
If that was truly the case (as an example ), there is no place in a sane world a
:) emoji was worth nearly a dollar, while a 30 minute presentation by stefan molyneux(irrelevant of subject, to be honest), was worth 30 cents!!
That is not a value system.( or not one I wish to part of, that think it is a valid one)
It is a system with people gaming to gain more money, at the moment.
I am giving the benefit of the doubt , and will try to contribute my labor, in that aim.
Ultimately, if it stays with the mentality I see vis avis the gaming aspect, it will be surpassed by a different platform which DOES weight input over and quality posts in a way to minimize manipulation ( gaming).

I hope steemit succeeds, but I have my reservations.

Putting money into this as it stands, seems a little silly to me, to be
honest .
(bear in mind my motivation is profit from production of some kind, not profit from speculation - a disease of the 20/21st century, and extremely shortsighted - in my humble opinion).

What do you think of the direction/future?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 68244.61
ETH 2640.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69