Kinesis Monetary System: A Monetary System based on traditionally-stable gold for a Successful and Sustainable Future

in #money6 years ago (edited)

An Introduction Into the Evolution of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and the Monetary Systems


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The introduction of volatile fiat currency and paper money into our economy have been in use solely in this modern world as a popular means of payment. fiat currency depends mainly on the faith and credit of the economy as against what has been in record in the history of currency that most currencies depends mainly on physical commodities such as silver and gold.

Recently, the gradual directional change of the blockchain, mobile devices and cryptocurrency has been the driving force of technological growth and development. This has paved the way for participants of the world-wide economy with the opportunity or possibility of applying into money a creativity characterized by brilliance or genius and to be part of a revolution that centres mainly on empowering peoples.

However, Irrespective of the opportunities witnessed by this participants, the current systems of payment on the blockchain in connection with their cryptocurrencies have been questioned due to the different challenges attacking its usage such as severe volatility of price and so on, which will be discussed in details later in this article.

Nevertheless, I want you to know beforehand that Kinesis Monetary System which is based on traditional-stable gold rather than paper money, or fiat currency, has been specifically designed by a team of brilliant individuals to efficiently overcome those challenges.

Let's dive into Kinesis - A proper introduction of the Kinesis Monetary System

The vision for Kinesis is to bring forth a monetary system that would be able to function efficiently and bring about development beyond any other available systems of money. Furthermore, Kinesis is designed with the vision of benefiting all participants by enhancing money as an exchange medium and as a store of value.

The mission of the Kinesis monetary system is to bring forth a monetary system that has the ability to be substituted for something of equal value or utility between or among nations, which is designed to give additional return to the participants, and therefore, generate a solution for the desire of sound and dependable money concerning all parts of the world.

Kinesis is a digital currency that gives a produce in return, as from an investment, based on 1:1 allocated physical gold and silver. Kinesis encourages commerce and economic activity by accepting and giving in return something of value for the use of its own currency which serves as a driving force for the creation of a befitting system that supports the movement of capital.
The principal elements of Kinesis includes the following:

Gold and Silver: The allocated physical gold and silver is the most important dependable and definable stores of value to be used in private and commercial investment and transactions. Thus, the main currencies of Kinesis are backed 1:1 with the allocated gold and silver, as mentioned earlier.

Yield: A yield that seems to never end, happening or occurring frequently, with repetition which is created from economic activities, and not from fraction of the amount or value of what was borrowed such as fiat currency, serves the purpose of giving values that can be defined by means of Net Present Values (NPV) calcutions for use in retail, commercial, and institutional investments.

The Technology of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: This technology of blockchain and cryptocurrency has been improved or made better by collateralised currency and system of yield having multiple facets.

Anything whatsoever that can be designed in a standard manner, traded and stored as value is capable of accommodating the system of Kinesis when it is overlaid on it. By annexing a yield to currency and asset tokens, the estimation of the relative magnitudes of risk/returns for the future can be carried out, and a result, virtually all the markets of currency and investment assets can be aimed at and surreptitiously penetrated.

Therefore, Kinesis has it in their plan to put in place the addition of more currencies and assets as the time passes, eventually penetrating the spread of more markets throughout the world in a surreptitious manner.

This form of currency possess an essential application having a practicable, verifiable quality in both private and commerce transactions, in addition to having the power to allure capital from retail and institutional investors, as well as someone who keeps savings more than usual.

Kinesis will attract capital from markets that are undergoing little or low yields in a comparative manner at this moment. These markets includes the following:

  1. Gold and Silver Markets
  2. Investments Asset Markets
  3. Cryptocurrency Markets
  4. Fiat Currency Markets

  • Strategic Partner - Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX)

The public company Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX) which has been in operation since 2013, is the leading electronic institutional exchange for allocated, physical precious metals. Kinesis and the Kinesis Monetary System has been developed in partnership with ABX.

The Allocated Bullion Exchange Company are in possession of seven trading, pricing and vaulting hubs throughout the planet earth, and they struck a partnership deal with European Commodity Clearing (ECC) for the service of clearance and settlement not long ago. You can find out more about the deal here.

  • Sequencing

The process by which the Kinesis Monetary System develops, becomes deployed and consequently commence action is made up of two different and sequenced events which are stated below:

  1. The Initial Token Offering (ITO) of a utility token which is compatible to ERC20, known as Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT). The Kinesis Monetary System world-wide is given supports through capitals that are raised by KVTs. A certain percent of the transaction fees from an indeterminate set of business units within the Kinesis Monetary System is earned by holders of KVTs in a collective manner. The public sale launch of the KVT ITO, which is in pre-sale at the moment, is ready to commence on the 10, September 2018 and end on 11, November 2018.

  2. The Initial Coin Offering of the first Kinesis currency connected series or succession of products; each backed by 1:1 allocated precious metals which are direct. KAU (gold-backed coin) and KAG (silver-backed coin) are the first cryptocurrencies of Kinesis. Both KAG and KAU are based on a fork of the Stellar Network known as the bespoke Kinesis Blockchain Network. All forms of transactions throughout the Kinesis Monetary System is made possible via KAU and KAG currencies. The ICO of Kinesis currencies are scheduled to start on 12, November 2018.

    Design Principles - The Problems of Current Blockchain Payment Systems and Their Cryptocurrencies, and How Kinesis Will Solve the Problems

  • Addressing the Problems of Cryptocurrency Market

Cryptocurrencies becomes incapable of being independent stores of value and unfit to be used as currencies when they are attacked by volatility. Due to the condition of the world largest coins being uncertain, it has very much showed that they are not capable of being independent reserve currencies that can help bring about global commerce. However, It is a well known fact that a currency must be stable and be in a fixed form of exchange in an economy for it to support mass adoption. As such, the characteristics of the world's largest coins prevent mass adoption.

Early cryptocurrencies have been known to be the roadmap for a decentralized future. however, their use in commercial applications have been greatly prevented by their present shortcomings. In spite of what proceeded, they have greatly influenced the the design and development of new and enhanced innovations like Kinesis Monetary System.

  • Addressing the Problems of Fiat Currency Market

It has been a recorded fact in history that fiat currency has never existed for a long period of time. Moreover, since the Romans inception of fiat currency, every fiat currency have gone through devaluation collapse, which has had a lot of negative effects on the economy of the currencies. Fiat currency are not a good store of value. It has been big problem to have either banks or government as a central authority at the center of monetary system. This is one of the challenges that Kinesis aims to provide solution to.

  • Addressing the Problems of Asset-backed Currency

Gresham's Law of Money
Both asset-backed currencies and traditional cryptocurrencies have been frequently attacked by Gresham's Law of Money which states that "bad money drives out good". This problem also applies to gold and silver, where the holder do not want to spend it, thereby making use of the fiat currency that is of less value for everyday transactions. The astonishing facts of Gresham's Law is overcomed by the Kinesis Monetary System by encouraging people to make use of a currency which is valuable through a reward system with multiple facets being derived from money velocity and participation.

It is no more new that, yield are not attached to precious metals and lots of assets. Hence, this creates problems for asset-backed currency as well. The Kinesis Monetary System set off the attribution of multiple yields to different degrees of active and inactive participation, thereby, providing yield to these precious metals.

Asset-backed currencies have been facing the problems of security. There have been a lot of recorded fraud and theft cases against the use of precious metals and other assets as better alternative for payment. Kinesis aims to overcome this security issues by making use of a multi-layered third party audit and system of verification of ABX's Quality Assurance Framework.

  • Addressing the Problems of Bullion Market

Archaic and Inefficient Market
At the moment, the participants of wholesale bullion markets do business over-the-counter in the physical market either by way of emails, phones or in person. These system are always performed by humans rather than machine, thereby posing a problem, and becomes inefficient and very costly. However, a proper solution has been provided by Kinesis for bilateral wholesale trading across the blockchain. This is made possible by way of its institutional integration with ABX and its wholesale contracts which is having access restricted in its manner of operation.

Siloed and Inefficient Market
Kinesis will effectively bring about a connection in aggregate global physical liquidity and local physical markets, (which is currently doing business in a siloed manner, and which does not depend or have a connection with one another).

Limited Resources
The system and technology of Kinesis provide organisations and market participants with enough resources which most of them lack in the establishment of global operations and expansion of their range or limit of existence internationally.

Barriers to Entry
Gaining entry into the local physical market have been impeded by some important barriers. Kinesis have done a lot to overcome these barriers, thereby, making it quite easy to enter into the local physical markets and putting up a connection across the trading centres in a direct manner. With this, the traders can easily engage in arbitrage in the differential.

Market Access
The suppliers and end consumers of precious metals have various problems in gaining access to the wholesale market directly. However, suppliers can now easily act as the providers of liquidity via a facility developed by ABX. Thus, our exchange can be directly accessed by suppliers, and metal can be sold at offer price.

The Featured Components of the Kinesis Monetary System

The following elements and functions are what makes up the Kinesis Monetary System and bring about its successful operation as an effective system of money.


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Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX): KCX plays the role of the wholesale market where the currency is brought into existence and minted.

Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN): A connected series of Kinesis cryptocurrencies is built upon the blockchain technology of KBN. The currencies of Kinesis can be spent, saved, sent or trades on the blockchain. Some coins are bought in the wholesale market, and motivation brought about by money velocity causes such coins to be emitted into the KBN.

Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE): Kinesis and other digital currencies can be traded on KBE, which work as an exchange of digital currency on the blockchain. The internal developent bring about deep liquidity for the currencies of Kinesis.

Kinesis Financial Network (KFN): KFN functions as a system of banking which is mobile in nature, where the currencies of Kinesis can be used for payments or savings, remittance and movement of money. This system is designed to have a mastercard and Visa debit card and a user-friendly card facility enabling the application of Kinesis as a payment currency throughout the world.

Kinesis Commercial Centre (KCC): Participating merchants makes use of Kinesis currency suite as payment without interruptions. This is made possible by an online aggregator platforms of goods and services providers known as KCC.

Kinesis Currency Suite: The Kinesis' 1:1 completely allocated digital currency suite that is based on asset have the following products included as a part:

Reserve and Payment Currencies

  • Physical Gold and Silver
  • Digital Currencies - TBA
  • Segregated Physical Gold and Silver Bars
  • Physical Banknotes - JPY, GBP, EUR and CHF

Investment Currencies

  • Pair - Paper Silver/ Physical Silver

    The Velocity-Based Yield System of Kinesis

  • How does the Velocity-Based Yield System Operates ?

A yield system with multiple facets has been developed and designed by Kinesis to bring about retail and institutional capital while the utilization and velocity of the currency suite is being motivated. The amounts of rewards a user get depends on their participation and the rate at which the Kinesis currencies changes hand.

  • Yield Systems that are Incentivized based on Velocity


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Minter Yield: The minter yield of Kinesis currency is built with the aim of bringing in capital and then maximizing the incentives in the application of the currency when it is put into use.

Holder Yield: A yield is brought about by holder yield on participation which is not active in Kinesis currency while the currencies is being held.

Affiliate Yield: This form of yield simply rewards referrers of new users of the currency suite.

Depositors Yield: This is a reward given to users for directly making a deposit into their Kinesis wallet.

Fee Sharing: The early adopters of the Kinesis currency suite are entitled to higher continuing fees as shown in the table below.


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Let's Quickly Discuss the Economy of Kinesis

Kinesis Minters
When the minters of Kinesis buy Kinesis currency in the wholesale market of KCX and then send, sell and spend them in the Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN), they minters will get a yield on their participation.

Kinesis Depositors
When the Kinesis currencies bought or deposited initially by Kinesis depositors from their Kinesis wallet are spent or sent, they will get a yield for that.

Kinesis Holders
The inactive participation of Kinesis holders will also earn them a yield for holding Kinesis currency in their Kinesis wallet.

Kinesis Affiliates
The affiliates of Kinesis are entitled to get a share of the revenue on all transaction fees of the participants they recruited.

What Makes Kinesis the Best out of the Rest?

Unstoppable Velocity: The Kinesis suite of digital currencies have been developed and designed to be used continuously in our everyday life without ceasing throughout the world.

Store of Value: There is assurance of benefiting from the stability of price due to the unique features of gold as a store of value, since the currencies of Kinesis is based on physical precious metals.

Availability of Debit Card: Payment can be offered anywhere via debit card where there is need for important purchases to be made with Kinesis suite of currencies.

A unique reward systemA unique reward system which is of multiple facets is provided by Kinesis in its operation.

Reward for Referrals: A share of the transaction fees of a user that a recruiter recruites will be received by the recruiter.

The Application of Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT): This is a token which helps to pave the way for benefits of Kinesis currencies
pre ICO to be enjoyed. It also bring about an entitlement of 20% share throughout the network.

Kinesis Use-Case

Mr James is an ambitious investor who wants to invest a lot of money in bullions but he's not sure of which organisation to work with for him to get enough returns on his investment. This was after he was aware that most of these organization do not have the resources to carry out due diligence and establish global operations. Luckily for him, he read an article written about Kinesis on Steemit.

Mr James now has fear of investing in bullion because he his protected by Kinesis' system and technology which will make it easier for participants of local markets to broaden their horizon internationally. Thereby, helping them to attract international clients and benefit a lot from international liquidity.

Kinesis Tokenomics - Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT)

The Kinesis Velocity Token is an ERC20 utility token, which works on an ERC20 compatible wallet. The components of the Kinesis Monetary system gives a portion of the transaction fee to the token.

1 KAU : 1 gram of gold
1 KAG : 10 grams of silver

  • Use of Funds

Token Information

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Spend Allocation

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Token Allocation

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The Roadmap and Launch Timeline of Kinesis


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The use of fiat currency and paper money have posed a lot of challenges in our modern world because the current payment systems of blockchains and their cryptocurrencues have suffered a great deal from various drawbacks such as volatility. Fiat currency are not an effective store of value.

However, A new system of money which is ready to overcome this drawbacks and provide money with the crucial features of being the most efficient medium of exchange and an effective store of money have been presented as above by the Kinesis Monetary System. The Kinesis Monetary System recognised the unique feature of gold as a store of value and make it an efficient medium of exchange by way of the technology of blockchain and their cryptocurrencies. Kinesis in partnership with ABX looks forward to becoming the saviour of the world system of money.

Meet the Team of Kinesis

The Executive Team

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The Operations Team

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The Development Team

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The advisory Team

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Useful Links/Resources

Kinesis.Money Website

Kinesis.Money Whitepaper

Kinesis.Money One Pager

Kinesis.Money Youtube

Kinetic.Money Steemit

Kinesis.Money Medium

Kinesis.Money Bitcointalk

Kinesis.Money LinkedIn

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