Things I have learned about money; some basic steps to allow abundance in your life

in #money6 years ago

Excerpt: next to sex money is the biggest distracting device that the human mental system has created for itself and in the following paragraphs I will explain how and why. I will share some wisdom that I gained, giving one important tip on your way to become abundant and end with a follow-up Q&As.

Vladimir Kush 1965 - Russian painter - The  Surreal Landscapes - Tutt'Art@ (4).jpg

Credit: Vladimir Kush

Years ago I was offered a job. Through a personal contact I had then, I met with one of the senior managers of a leading investment house in Israel. I didn't have any background in finance or business management, I barely had legal experience, but my friend was fond of me and strongly recommended me to that CEO. I arrived at their luxurious offices in the center of the city of Tel Aviv, showed into the big hall where I met with my potential employer. After a short casual discussion, the kind and the impressive man offered me the job. I told him I needed some time to think. His poker face didn't show how surprised he was and only later my friend explained to me that such a job is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" and that I should accept it: "You will meet the right people, get into the right social circles, find the right woman and in a few years will become financially stable and even rich. Not bad for a man in your age", he said.

I must be honest and say that I didn't need much time to think about that generous and promising offer. It didn't feel the right thing to do, so I phoned him the next day and rejected the kind opportunity. If he was disappointed he didn't show it.

I made my decision based on sheer intuition. I was going against all logic and reason, I was unemployed, short of money, with some debts to the university and that job seemed to be something I would desperately need. Yet, something within drove me to say "no" and I didn't have to contemplate it. The voice was loud. I did not hear it with my ears but did feel t. And so I followed the only guiding compass I have ever had – my inner self. I didn't tell anyone about that job offer, not to my friends or family, because I knew they would not understand or even worse, would try to convince me to refrain from doing what would seem to them as a "big mistake".

Vladimir Kush 1965 - Russian painter - The  Surreal Landscapes - Tutt'Art@ (1).jpg

Credit: Vladimir Kush

Years passed and I never looked back. Throughout the times I met with that fragment of mine, that aspect who took that job. In my dreams, I had several encounters with him - a young successful man who has made lots of money in the financial industry. Is he happy? I don’t think so. He is still single, never married, and emotionally lost. In our encounters, I tried to convey to him some of the things I have learned on the path that I have taken. I hope he listened.

But that's not the issue. We live in this materialistic reality. Money is sought by almost everyone and most of the time. Your social value is often determined by how much money you have in the bank, what possessions you hold in your house, what brand of a car you drive, who your friends are and how big your investment portfolio is. Wherever you look, wherever you go, you are faced with the call to compare your level of wealth with your neighbors'. More and more people are pulled to invest, to find ways that would increase the amount of money they own.

Little do they know that it's the other way around. Without the right wisdom, it's the money that controls them.

Credit: pinterest

Nothing is wrong with being rich and having lots of money. Don't get me wrong. As the joke says – it's always better to be rich, healthy and happy than poor, sick and sad. But the thing, as always, is keeping it balanced. Being rich is wonderful and one of the soul's basic characters. The problem is the way to become rich and what you do with your wealth. What do I mean? Accumulating money, the pursue after wealth and richness, is a distracting mechanism, created by a huge and powerful aspect of your soul, in order to keep you in the box, out of the reach of your I Am self, away from mastery.

If your mind is constantly preoccupied with thoughts like: "how can I be richer? did I miss today an opportunity in the stock market? how can I win my losses back? where can I find the next financial bonanza?", etc., then you are not allowing enough room for your soul to come in.

The mental activity hums and buzzes all the time, surrounding you with tiny, unseen, strands of tempting darkness. You live in a golden cage and you delude yourself that you are free to do anything you want. The joke is on you.

All this I didn't know back then when I turned down the job offer. But I do now. It seems that our current hectic world has lost its balance. The repeating financial crises in the markets have created ample opportunities to make more money, to become more important in the eyes of other people, to increase status and false value. But all this is a big lie.

The big lie

Most of the people who work in the financial industry don't even realize how deep the hall they are digging for themselves is. But for few exceptions, most investment gurus would never understand that, at least not in this lifetime. It's ironic – despite the huge amount of money they possess, they are still not free to toss it all aside and start afresh. They think they are free but they are not. They are lying to themselves, convincing themselves that they can buy their way to heaven. Alas, the dragon at the gate doesn't care how rich they are.

Why did I write all this? I have no agenda. I don't want to change anything. People make choices and enjoy the experience. At the end we will all get to the same place of mastery; we have to, we are humans. But, if you ever wondered why things have happened in your life the way they did, perhaps my story will enlighten you a bit.

For me, the beauties of life have nothing to do with money. I am not a martyr by all means and not a hermit and money is a great tool that I use. What I am saying is that the most beautiful, inspiring, joyous and purposeful experiences that the physical life can offer are the interactions with other people and nature. There is nothing like spending time with someone you love, a friend or a spouse; Caring for them, basking your mind, heart, and soul in the essence of the moment. There is great beauty in the physical nature around you, if you only step out, physically, to see it. You do not need money to have such experiences!

There is a happy ending to the story, one that involves wisdom and abundance. If I am to come up with one simple tip about allowing abundance, it would be this -

It doesn't matter.

Once you step off the wheel, release attachment and don't really care how much money you have, it will come to you.


Here's a follow-up discussion I had with some friends regarding the issue of money:

Friend A: I am familiar with your attitude and I actually feel the same about many of the things you wrote. But what would you say to those of us who have families and need to support them? Can we really live with no money?

Answer: The question should not be whether or not we can live without it, but what power do we give it. Look at your life, you have been struggling for so long to gain money, to have more abundance in your life. And it has not helped, has it? You are still experiencing a lack. You are still worried how to pay the mortgage, aren't you? On your path, you are learning that no external force has power over you. You learn to disconnect yourself from what you thought is a necessity in your life – sex, food, love and… money. And that is what I was writing about.

It's great that you feel a responsibility to your family. But what do you teach them? That abundance is something that needs to be fought for? Work hard for? Or rather, you show them the effortless way, one that involves you, mastery, and allowing?


Credit: imindshift

Friend B: be honest - wouldn't you prefer to be rich than poor? wouldn't anyone?

Answer: there were times in my life when the best thing was not to have money because the money would have been distracting me. Just as much, I am glad that when the money could serve me, I had it. We are considering the financial markets as the new religion and we are focusing on money as if it's our new savior. Let me tell you this - without the appropriate wisdom money would ruin your life. It would distract you from the only true purpose of your life, mastery. So yes, any person would prefer to be rich than poor but more than that, any person should prefer to have the wisdom, first and foremost and above anything else!

Friend C: I understand what you are saying. But still, a human being needs food, home, company of friends, clothes etc - all those things require money!

Answer: your mind is controlling you when it should be the other way around. A human being needs nothing! Your mind tells you that you have to have a place of your own, friends to make your days and nights less lonely, etc. In reality, the only "possession" you need is your Self, your true Love. You ask, will this Self pay my bills?, and my answer is YES! Together with your human self, you will create the abundance you require.

You have tried the other way for so long; why don't you try the new attitude? It has worked for so many, and it can work for you too.



This is pure wisdom. Though, not all can welcome it.

Struggling to get rich does not make anyone rich, their is a wisdom behind making money that we should all imbibe into our day to day activities.

If you have wisdom, you have already make yourself a money magnet.

One thing I've realized in life is that money don't come to those that pursue after it, it only come to those that take their time in building up themselves.

I've seen the sad-rich man and I've seen the happy-poor man. What was responsible for this is the choices they both make. You need to make your choice which must come from your personal wisdom.

The day we realize that money should not be the determine factor to whether we are happy or not, that's the day we started living.

Thank @nomad-magus, this is pure wisd6, I must say.

Well said.

If you have wisdom, you have already make yourself a money magnet.

Thanks mate for echoing 👍

You are welcome.

It didn't feel the right thing to do, so I phoned him the next day and rejected the kind opportunity.

Whatever the reason of your rejection was I personally would be really proud of you. I was in your situation once. I rejected as well. It just didn’t feel right. Perhaps this money was not worth being someone else’s puppet in my case.

...has made lots of money in the financial industry. Is he happy? I don’t think so. He is still single, never married, and emotionally lost.

Almost every single day I read about rich and very successful people committing suicide. Just today in US very successful traveler all over the world Anthony Bourdain apparently committed suicide. At first I was shocked and then I thought about not everything is as nice as it seems. No money can always make you happy.

As the joke says – it's always better to be rich, healthy and happy than poor, sick and sad.

The only question remains “is it even possible to be rich, healthy and happy all at the same time?
I couldn’t say it better about people in financial industry “They are lying to themselves, convincing themselves that they can buy their way to heaven.” But as you mentioned, people make choices.
“There is nothing like spending time with someone you love, a friend or a spouse; Caring for them, basking your mind, heart, and soul in the essence of the moment.”
You are sooo right! I couldn’t say it better either.
You gave your friend A a great answer. Don’t become a slave to your money. At the and we work to live, we don’t live to work!
When it comes to your friend B. When I pray, I pray mostly for our health, peace in the entire world and not to get into situations where my family would suffer or starve. I never pray to be rich. Only to have what I need to support myself and my family. And also to live 120 years together with my wife lol.
At some point I agree with your friend C. I’m a house owner. I also own a small construction business and my wife is an interior designer. One of the main reasons we bought a house was that we could do everything by ourselves. Designs, bathrooms, kitchens, electricity, name it. It really makes me and my wife happy to be able to do everything we love. We don’t work like crazy, especially since this one health incident I had in my past.
At the end everyone should do what he loves to do. In many cases homeless person could be happier than rich financial person with expensive house and car.

Humans love to experience. We bask in the events we create in our life. So, many people create the fortune, then lose it, time and again, enjoying joyous moments as well as the dark despair. All, for the sake of the experience. So yes, things are never as they seem from the outside.
Thanks for sharing. Highly valuable 👍

ooooh, my God, this is the best advice I woke up to this morning let me share my experience with you also before I joined steemit I was not well off but spiritually I was trying like I would listen to the inner me, have some quiet time, read the bible before I go to bed, pray before bed and before I leave the house for work . After getting to know steemit that is when the love for money rose like even when I would open the bible I would start telling my self that if I dedicate this time for commenting I would earn more than reading this, even when am seated with a friend attention is less because I know I can open steemit and earn money instead of wasting time . The most deadly part of it is that even when being in church my attention is divided because am thinking am loosing out for the last two months have lost my self it is like am working for money yet it is supposed to be the other way round. @nomad -magus thanks for this great advice let me try as much as I can so it can sink into me.

my attention is divided because am thinking am loosing out

Indeed, a pattern of addiction. Don't give in to it.💪

Thanks @nomad-magus for that starting today am fighting it just like you mentioned no external forces have control of us but it starts from with in

Our happiness does not depend on money and I totally agree with you @nomad-magus. As what others would say that "Money makes the world go round!" still there are more important things like relationship and love. Real happiness is the time spent with your loved ones, your family and your friends. The joy you feel when you're with the people you love will always give you inner peace and that is something that money can't buy. Yes, we need money to survive but too much money will cause greed and sometimes pain and hatred. Inner happiness with our inner self is more beautiful and fulfilling to the soul. Thank you so much @nomad-magus for always enlightening me. :) ♥

but too much money will cause greed and sometimes pain and hatred.

With the right consciousness and your master's wisdom, you can be the richest person in the world and not fall to greed or power game 😊
Thanks for the kind feedback.

I agree and this should always be the right mindset.

With the right consciousness and your master's wisdom, you can be the richest person in the world and not fall to greed or power game 😊

This is a great voice of wisdom and advise to us human beings. Its high time for Caution to be taken. The fact is that every heart of a human being desires a great deal of things and money is one of them and this has turned out to be like a god to many people. "Its a great temptation to all mankind." And we are all subject to it. Excess crazing for it is a root cause of all evil as the bible clearly states it.

Thanks @nomad-magus for yet more great wisdom you have shared with us here today in this post. You are indeed an exceptional gentle man. Am so thrilled about how you have handled this prevailing issue at hand.

every heart of a human being desires a great deal of things and money is one of them

...I would say "every mind of a human being..."

Thanks for the feedback, mate👍

Mr @nomad-magus what your talking about is right and still an influence in many people's lives.

Every person all around the globe what to be rich, happy, and healthy soundly although they don't know how to do it and even into which opportunities they are meant to invest into to flourish.

People need to read and review this post because it's so colourful and educating on how to become rich. Thanks so much @nomad-magus for this information me personally I have learnt.

Glad to hear. 👍

Money can make or break you. Depends on how you handle it. Be wise and know the word ‘contentment’.

Proverbs 3:13-15
“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,
the man who gains understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold!”

for she is more profitable than silver

I like the she👍

Tighter u hold it... Faster it goes...

Great one articel my Teacher @nomad-magus
If we carefully pay attention to the lives of people around, then we will find the fact that all the activities they did led to a destination that is happiness. Happiness to be one of the most common expectation is pronounced by every person in this world. This can be understood because of happiness is always yearning to each individual. The purpose of life as a human being in this world of course is to be happy. No matter whether you are rich, poor, ugly, or rank of qualified or not ranked, large or small, a boss or employee, they definitely want happiness. But many who attended the road is wrong and mistaken. Even the thief wants to her happy, it's just the way he did for happy is not appropriate. Some of them thought that happiness is obtained by having the luxury cars, latest mobile phones, have a home real estate, can do a tour abroad, etc. Sometimes for it all, we have to spend a lot of money just for the sake of momentary pleasure or to buy things that are not supposed to be purchased. They think that this is what is called a happy life. But is it correct that way? Whether to be happy we have to spend much money? Whether happiness is so expensive to be retrieved?

Without we realize it turns out there's a happiness which is free, no need to pay or spend a dime. Free happiness can be felt by all beings, whether rich or poor, whether short or tall, well qualified nor ugly, whether he's a boss or employee, a COP or a crook, religion or not, everyone can feel it. This happiness need not be sought in distant places or remote. Happiness is also not hard to come by, anytime, anywhere, any time, every second and every time. At any time we can feel the happiness that this free. Happiness does not have to spend money is inside us. Is it actually happiness that it's free? Answer try to learn to smile and have the right mind in the daily activities. This is the happiness that's free.

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