(VIDEO). Stocks, Fed. Beige Book, Bond Yields Spike, Dollar Falls Again. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

Me new pic.jpg

In this video, I cover the days action and current events in the financial world.
Have a look! Click HERE: https://www.traderschoice.net/
Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
me steem.png



Greg is the fed still going to dump their balance sheet?

Not this year.

I tried upvoting myself for a while...
It didn't work the way I thought it would...

He outlined bonds and if anything you have to be skeeered shitless to short bonds...even tho the longer maturity bonds are "obvious" shorts. What Greg "glossed over" is the fact that he is short QQQ...not INDU (Dow Jones Industrial Ave). Yes, INDU only up 50 points...but Greg now under water on his Q's short. Look for him to crap out on the next gapup move. Then he will publish another $2 Ebook that you can buy to find out why he fukked up so badly. Greg shorted yesterday's open on the Q's...and was "proud" of it....yesterday anyway. :-)


Learn how to spot a "sucka" kittens. That chart I just posted is a snapshot of Greg...the sucka. :-)

Thank you as always Brother Greg @marketreport for the informative insight!

Thank you!

honestly it was much easier to find you on youtube...i just have to get use to this ...thanks again.

I do appreciate you. Thank you for hanging in there!

Yes i miss you tube nice and ez after work a good beer and a good video. .
But i got your back

Thanks, and I got your back as well.

Yes i miss you tube nice and ez after work a good beer and a good video. .
But i got your back

Hurricanes hitting Tex and "maybe" Fla, probly earthquakes gonna hit next...all signs that God "must" hate us. And now Greg is unbale to post a video at anywhere but Utube that will play through in its entirety...nevermind the "technical difficulties" Greg outlines right in the beginning. Is God telling Greg to just STF up already? I'll let you decide. :-)

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