Stocks Flat, Metals Down, Crude Down, Bonds Down, Dollar Up, MORE. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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In the video below, I discuss the current dynamics of the stock market which includes where the "cash" appears to be going, the current tend in metals, crude oil, bonds, and the US dollar. I also discuss my newest stock positions and how they should be played. I talk even more about the Steemit platform, and how I believe in this-encouraging more people to join this community.

Gregory Mannarinome steem.png


Did you bought any steem yesterday?

Hey, Greg.

Hope you're having a great evening.

With stocks being flat, metals down, crude oil down, and bonds down, could it be that a bunch of that cash that's been waiting for a place to go has actually been finding its way into what's been an explosion in the price of a broad array of cryptocurrencies lately? I came across a brief article today that notes an 80% increase in the combined market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies over just the past 30 days, representing an infusion of more than $20 billion during that time!

Thanks for pointing me to steemit, and again, thanks for all you do! Your help has been invaluable in my growth as a trader and investor. You are the man!

Excellent article link ! Definitely worthwhile checking out . Thanks .

You're very welcome, and thank you! There's no doubt a lot of speculation going on where cryptocurrencies are concerned, but I also have no doubt that there's very real, serious, and broad interest in cryptocurrencies, among individuals, as well as institutions and governments, as an emerging, legitimate asset class. Japan's already formally legalized bitcoin as an acceptable form of payment, Australia is eliminating taxes related to the use of cryptocurrency, and even the United Nations is embracing blockchain. While most of the 700+ extant cryptos will not persist beyond what is a veritable, ongoing, digital gold rush, I think cryptos with or associated with innovative technology (e.g., bitcoin, ethereum, steemit (!), maybe dash, monero, etc., maybe something still on the horizon) will survive, and even the ones that don't ultimately make it will have succeeded in having played a part in introducing and acclimating the world to cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Very descriptive thank you and nice touch with the link !👍

I could not agree more about Greg! He is the man!

Gregory, US citizen here living in Asia. I love your morning reports as I start to trade in the evening here. I watch the markets for a few hours, but have to sleep and wake up hoping my trades did ok. Your vids help me sleep better. Im curious what you think of the Goldmoney platform? Ive put some funds in for another alternative to the physical I own and Im very happy with the system.

Yes Greg I also would be very interested to know what you think of the gold money platform .

A calm surface is exactly what Black Swans like to land on.
Keep your head on a swivel!

As a matter of fact, I know very few folks who've shared unbiased independant market info for absolutely FREAKIN' FREE for SO MANY YEARS!

Greg, I know the paper derivative isn't real, however, doesn't it seem as if SLV is bottoming and that there isnt much downside left? This is obviously from a technical point of view from chart analysis. Does anyone else agree? Or does silver have much more downside

We need to keep an eye on SLV, it is on my radar. If I decide to trade it I will post it on my website (The Money Page).

Hi Greg, I've been following you for a while. Love your content. Have made money a couple of times, but not very involved in the markets at the moment.

It certainly is not the easiest time to start investing in stocks. I have definitely been investing in precious metals with what little I have to invest, and looking for other hard assets to invest.

Thanks for all you do. I donate to pet charities when I can, especially after I make some money with your suggestions!


I originally found you through the SGT Report youtube channel. Listened to every video since, even though I myself, am not an investor per say. I have invested in Bitcoin, and physical silver... at first, just to see what it was like and gain a better understanding of what it takes to actually hold these assets. One physical and one digital. I now converted all my BTC into DASH, because I believe DASH is a superior crypto. Results... my $2500 crypto buy-in, is at $69K today, and my $5000 physical silver is at $4200. Both were bought with money that I considered entertainment funds, and I really don't have and emotional stake in this at all, but I have sure learned a lot about both assets, see the benefits of each.

Thanks Greg, videos are always good. The algorithms set up in the stock markets make it tough to play the market now i fell. Last year I got burnt trading without a plan mostly in metal space, while acquiring Bullion as well. The last few years I have learned a lot about how rigged the trading really is so now I focus more on the Cryptos. In the end we will see what is left.

Thanks again.

I personally can not thank you enough for everything you have shown me. You are LEGENDARY Greg.

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