Stocks Are In A Holding Pattern Before The Fed. Minutes. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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It's early here on the West Coast of United States, and the market is only open for about 30 minutes.
At the time I am writing this article the stock market is up about .25 percent respectively across the three major indices.

With all the mainstream financial media nonsense being force-fed to everybody, they want you to believe that this market is being driven by earnings however, by just observing the price action of the market today before the Fed minutes you can see that this is simply not true.

The Federal Reserve is running the (horror) show.

At 11 AM Eastern standard time we are going to hear the minutes from the last federal reserve meeting, and it will be these minutes which guide the markets-not earnings.

The last time Janet Yellen spoke about monetary policy she made a 180° flip-flop going from hawkish to dovish in the blink of an eye, and I honestly have no idea what's going to come out of The Fed minutes however I do believe the market is going to react to them.

Again the fact of the matter is we do not have a free market anymore and the Federal Reserve is running the show.

The mainstream financial channels can push their nonsensical narrative that this market is being driven by earnings, but this is simply and utterly a complete falsehood. Until the Federal Reserve allows the market to determine fair value for debt, not one single asset, NOT ONE, will have a real price discovery mechanism behind it.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Push the "all is great" narrative and keep herding the sheep into the market so you can shear as many at once. They're quite adept at keeping the sheeple distracted.

Will she say something new for us to ponder or more of the same confused rhetoric.

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nice sir good article on stock market up and i also knwo u r right alwasys ur anylesis and prdictions on stock is fully true always

How would you explain the performance difference between US and Europe. We are only up 4-5% YTD with better macro/PMIs data than the US.
Let's hope she doesn't make a fool of herself and manages to keep everybody calm.

thanx sir again share ur article on market is really help us always and we also wait ur new post to know some one new greg sir

Very nice info greg, fed is responsible for the dollar decline previously let's see what fed can say in these minutes.

Metals should turn up here pretty soon

maybe you should come to crypto..but here is the's not a free market

This market is so fustrating when they are manipulated. The FED having control makes things ridiculous.
I guess that is the market we are in today.
I'm wait and see mode.

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