in #money5 years ago


Gregory Mannarino

Do you want the truth? Few can handle it but I will put it out here. The end game for the Banks/MIC is to depopulate the Earth via War and a major market crash.. and then, to issue in a totally new system. All the pieces are in place. It is just a waiting game now... GM
GLOBAL DEBT AND THE HUMAN BUBBLE. Click HERE: https://steemit.com/money/@marketreport/global-debt-and-the-human-bubble?fbclid=iwar2hjjntngdkq-tsnfmm1zhyci7ohxr-esuitwq3b7wklvzjoqzlqrn8gzu

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The reason you make so many correct calls is because you understand the REAL goals of the "elite". And the REAL reasons for the actions of the Central Banks et.al. You are not just re-vomiting the MSM crap.

Don't sell out. I doubt that either of us will make it to the other side of this "Great Cleansing" anyway. So our best gift to everyone is to open their eyes and help prepare.

p.s. I have seen many people I follow just magically change their tune or just stop talking about certain things. If you pay attention you can tell when they Sell Out.

Truth stanger then fiction.

you may be also interested to hear what I see through astrology to main market direction until June 2020

The world is run by the banks.

After the last couple years warning of an imminent market crash you had to add a bit of the worlds also coming to end via war to depopulate the earth to get clicks?

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