Are All GMO's Bad? Question From Gregory Mannarino

in #money6 years ago


I must admit that I am somewhat ignorant of the dangers of Genetically Engineered food(s)/plants, etc. Can someone (briefly) explain why these are bad? Is it possible that there is a good side to it? I am being honest, I do not know...


Kind of like asking are all derivatives bad?

No, but they tend to get out of hand rather quickly, without knowing the consequences. We don’t have long term consequence studies because they are new. Vs something like cannabis, which has been around a very very long time & long term consequences are well understood despite the anti cannabis propaganda funded by the pharmaceutical industry, you know the same industry that owns every medical school in the country.

I don’t trust pharmaceutical companies, nor do I trust gmos

Most people use a very broad stroke and say gmo’s are all negative. They often point specifically to Monsanto as a short hand for why gmo’s are so bad. (Similar to how everyone points to Nike for using sweat shops even though many other apparel companies do also.)

Many people will say that GMO’s are very dangerous due to chemical bypruducts with unknown side effects. They also do not like the ‘playing god’ angle with nature. These points are not totally unwarranted but the positive attributes of gmo food are very easy to explain.

Without gmo food humanity would starve. Drought and blight resistant foods have saved literally billions of lives, and made harvest yields more plentiful and predictable. Longer lasting produce also allows fresh food to be shipped cheaper and further than non gmo foods.

In short: there are obvious downsides to gmo use, but they do such life saving good attributes. If someone is wealthy enough, non gmo foods are a great luxury and are recommended, but for humanity as a whole, gmo foods do much more good than harm.

problem with GMO's is the race for profit and our relative inexperience with DNA.. let's face it, we didn't even know it existed until the 60's ! It's a big experiment and we do know that DNA can skip to other species.. a sci fi disaster in the making. when we learn to control it, we can certainly put it to good use. btw, we've all been eating GMO soyabeans for at least the last 30 years

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