11/8/17. Post Market Wrap Up PLUS: RIGGING OF STOCKS, BONDS, METALS EXPOSED. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago


Gregory Mannarino

*EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO RIP THIS MARKETS FACE OFF IN ONE PLACE! Click here: https://www.traderschoice.net/
#1 Trading Tip: You beat the Stock Market by watching THE BOND MARKET. Period.. Click here: https://www.traderschoice.net/
*This is an animal shelter which I personally support financially with monthly donations. Please adopt homeless pets. Gregory Mannarino https://animalfoundation.com/


If they managed to rig the bitcoin market would that be the beginning of the end for bitcoin? Cheers mike

Woww its very very nice

Beautiful video

Irrational exuberance all over the place. I think that they will wait for last average person to get into the stock market and than they will pull the plug.

Wonderful post and very useful video my friend well done

Any chance of you uploading to dtube for us steem users? We can vote/like on there too then.

it's a very useful video my friend i resteemed it

Great post @marketreport
thanks for sharing............////////

"Nothing is real" is a John Lennon quote. He was shot dead in NY 37 years ago on 8th Dec. 1980 before Greenspan's "irrational exuberance" in markets took off towards .com never-neverland and then got QEeer boost since 2008. As you correctly exhort, Greg, we're now well beyond irrationality & in advanced stages of insanity. It's not only the markets that are unhinged from reality, but everything in human bubble-head, bubble-wrap, bubble-blowing mentality... EVERYTHING!
Bitcoin, internet, computer systems, digital codes, algorythms, mathematics, technology, money, finance, social media, alt media, MSM, politics, religion & economics of all varieties are unreal! The whole shebang of our present global tech culture is RAISING CAIN, not only in financial markets but in EVERYTHING!
Cain's generation is symbolic of what we now call "technology" - the work of human minds and hands. IT all gets destroyed in The Flood and/or The Tower of Babel (babble, google, twitter, etc...). People globally are now bathed in microwaves, internet, satellite & mobile communications... all getting swept away to some place nobody knows. Same as the Noah story all over again, repeated, which even so-called Christains aint understanding because they're getting swept away too!
Greg, in your excellent explanation of zany markets, you didna mention the "Christmas rally" which often takes off from around now. Powers-that-be are probably planning to hyperdrive this one to get every Mom, Dick, Larry & their dogs invested in this craxy stock euphoria as it looks like easy money with insanely low volatility risk. When everyone & their pet hamster are in the orgy, THEN the big birdies pull out, leaving Larry, Dick & Mom to hold The Baby!
The Baby is the enormous debt load that's gonna be unloaded onto the sheople, while the big birdy vultures are gonna fly away with their takings from rigged markets that transfer wealth from the poor to the rich. However, this is a global Flood story! The vultures, stinkin' rich birds of prey, aint gonna find any safe place to land or settle! They're gonna get washed away too. Noah released doves towards the end of The Flood. Birds of love. The first two found no place to settle. The second returned with an olive branch, symbol of peace. The third dove didna return. Love is given to all and seeks no return. And this is the most important lesson for us humans to understand, so as not to repeat head-banging lessons all over again.
Markets are based on Devil Duality of buyers & sellers. Market mentality seeks gains, profits, hedged bets & getting an edge over others. These are not the characteristics of love, life & freedom. They are characteristics of Hell!
When asked what The End of the world would be like, the answer was clearly given:
"They will be eating & drinking, buying & selling, marrying & giving in marriage, then the end will come." (This quote is from memory & needs checking in the Gospels.)
Greg, what you're doing, your work & sacrifice is invaluable & much appreciated. However, trying to profit from markets 24/7/365 is like trying to swim & stay afloat in The Flood - VERY EXHAUSTING! We need to be lifted above this insanity going on all around us. We need Light to see the Whole Truth of what is happening. Humans are being swept away & riches will NOT save them!
"In all of your getting get understanding."

Beautiful video good idea

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