CM 11–20, A Compilation of Recent Posts … from “Baffled Bankers” to “The Wealth Gap,” and more (Chaos Monitaur)

in #money7 years ago (edited)

 Below is a compilation of the 10 most recent Chaos Monitaur posts, numbers 11–20. I hope you enjoy reading them, and I hope you find them both interesting and informative.  

CM-11 – Hey, Jamie! It’s Modern Finance that’s the Fraud. Including You.   

CM-12 – Money-Printing Frenzy Will Result in Shocking Revaluation of Gold   

CM-13 – $2.5 Quadrillion and Counting (… if that’s possible). Global Debt at Mind-Boggling Levels   

CM-14 – Get Rich Slowly ... Thru Deflation   

CM-15 – Get Poor Quickly ... Thru Inflation   

CM-16 – Baffled Bankers Blather about Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies   

CM-17 – Banks Jump in Where the Fools Feared to Tread … Previously   

CM-18 – Spot the Coming Financial Crisis – without a Crystal Ball   

CM-19 – Russia Doubles Pace of Gold Buying ~ James Rickards   

CM-20 – Wealth Disparity Will End In "Revolution, Taxes, Or War" ~ Paul Tudor Jones  

(Furthermore, the following is a link to a compilation of Chaos Monitaur #1–#10)


which do you prefer cryto or printed currency? I say we need both.

I still like the "convenience" of cold hard cash, but that's probably cuz I'm used to it. I definitely do not like the concept of governments printing truckloads and helicopterloads of fiat currency, inflating it to the point of hyperinflation.

Sure, printed fiat currency might continue to be useful for certain transactions, but not as a store of value. But cryptos can probably take over for almost all the transaction we conduct in daily life, from buying a candy bar from 7-11 or from a vending machine.

which do you prefer crypto or printed currency? I say we need both.

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