5 Easy Steps To Fall For Any Scam

in #money7 years ago


Falling for scams seems to be everyone's cup of tea every now and then. Although most people do manage to get owned at some point at least once, an exceptional few seem to be resistant to the trend.

Below I will outline how YOU can fall for any scam, hassle free, any day! That's right folks. YOU can do it from the comfort of your home and I will show you how in just a minute in this special limited pre-sale edition post.

1. Be Emotionally Overwhelmed

A scam is much like a seed. It needs air to breath and soil to root. If you are to fall for a scam you need first and foremost to be emotionally consumed by an idea — so you can let the scam grow. Most choose religions and political parties but those have slowly lost their edge in the game.

Today there are far greater ways to get your feelings going. 'Easy Money' scams for example is one of the best ways you can shred yourself emotionally. Just make sure that your passion aligns with someone else's con-game to the point that it overwhelms your rational thinking. Always remember. Rationality needs to be kept at bay at all costs.

2. Surrender Your Senses

Try to pay attention how someone promotes their scam. Their wording will often entail promises of grandeur. Are the money easy to make with no to little effort? Is the amount absolutely crazy enough? Do they reassure you constantly without ever outlining any negative aspects? Then you got yourself a solid scam you can get in bed with. If they use positive thinking rhetorics — even better. Just make sure they make those butterflies in the stomach going.

3. Believe in Oracle Super Powers

A scammer that can see into the future is probably one of the best the best out there. They have been around for quite some time and they can rip through the fabric of spacetime in order to make money for you. They will remind you of all the times they got a prediction right and neglect when they got it wrong. The will habitually misinterpret events and assert different forms of causality. They will tell you how they made money and how they are dedicating their lives to help you out of fucking nowhere. Just make sure to close your eyes and feel the magic in the air.

4. Become a Loyal Sheep

Do they have thousands of followers that act like brainless zombies? Do the followers leave uneducated, pathetic and shallow comments? Then rest assure that you most likely have found a solid scam to join. Follow the positive mob vibe and buy into the hype. If everyone is doing it then it will feel more secure. Remember to reassure each other so you can let the jerk-circle grow organically. If you spot any criticism ignore or report. Toxic freethinkers need to be kept away.

5. Refuse To Learn From Your Past Mistakes

Perhaps one of the detrimental factors against scams. Keep repeating the same shit over and over again. Treat your habits like drugs. Never try to understand why you do what you do. Enjoy the moment of surrender. Try to follow Step.1 so you can make sure you are absolutely brainREKT.

Remember a scam is much like love at first sight. You can always fall for one, any day. They are always around because most of us need them. Do the right thing. Nourish it. Take action TODAY and shill recklessly one to someone near you. The power is YOURS!


Everyone enjoys a good scam. We are hard wired to fall for them.

Eternal Suckers

How cool would an eternal sucker be?
I'd like one of those.

Oh, Yes!!!!!
Do I have to move to Dallas though?

we haz the internetz. no needz

still needz!

I think we're just hard-wired for greed, which is really just an optically inferior way of saying we are all afraid of running out of resources. We are a squirrel that is so worried it will have no nuts, that we lose 80% of the nuts we hide. (There's an NSFW joke in there somewhere.)

I think that I'm ready to fall for every scam now, thank you !

Glad to be of assistance in your endeavor then! :D

Sadly, it seems quite a few people of such a disposition are often attracted to cryptocurrencies in general and Steem in particular.

Voters on Steem need to wisen up a lot. It's not just scams, but there's just all kinds of posts with hyperbole or drama that people vote on without thinking. The whales and regular curators are just as irresponsible, of course. Vote content that'll attract more people to Steem, not shoo them away.

Indeed. I have to agree completely with you here. It is still a major issue.

#6 Onecoin...

I enjoyed this, as so many people get caught in them...

every. single. time

It's all in the dream: freedom. money, fame, wits to boot!
Yes, the promises of THE BEST DEAL EVER are plenty....
It's a scam, maybe.
but what if...
it isn't?!!?! :D

oh yeah. the "what if"!

the imaginary and the hypothetical are still both non-existent

i want to fall in scam ... lol

i am going to use this one in the future :)

Remember to reassure each other so you can let the jerk-circle grow organically

It's got to be organic 😂

always man.
A L W A Y S!


See also, politicians and their promises to the voters.

the classic scammers

And it works every single time. The Tea Party elected their favorite candidates, and got virtually nothing. Then people fell for Trump's talk, and got nothing. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I've suspected a few symptoms from other people during the recent impending scam. Good thing the downvoters saved the day.

Tip for everyone: Read this list.

yeap. this is why I made it. Steemit attracts scammers but we need to get more efficient repelling them

I also think that we should. I'm wondering how we could do that.

I think we saw it happen today.
I'm also a member of the AboveTopSecret forum (I'm Hammaraxx there too). They have a saying "Pics or it didn't happen" which means if you can't provide proof or a source, it's BS. They've impressed me time and time again how they'll come together to get to the bottom of things and reveal hoaxes or provide evidence to back something up.
I didn't expect to see that here too, but am I so happy to see that we did.
Steem on Steemit!

well, train our radar and flag

Train like in AI? Could work...
How about a scam-trail with bounty and stuff.

we do have those indeed....

I think that no.1 gets me most often. I get so excited that reason and rationality goes out of the window.

I think that one is the first to get all of us sooner or later.
Like the Borg say

the borg was awesome.

but for me..Q remains the best character on Star Trek..

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