
Spot on about my SNAP prediction as spewed at TraderGlen's blog here?

Spot on about my "purt near unbelievable" JCP prediction that it would trade to 4.51 by 8/18 as spewed here?

Spot on about my decision to exit the short position in UVXY I posted on Th yesterday with a small gain before it "rocketed" to yesterday's new n improved and HIGHER high as spewed here?

Oh, you mean spot on about Greg. :-) Heyell, I'll even tell you why Greg is now "huckstering" his services "1 on 1" to his legion of lions (meeeow!). It's because he can't make any money trading the markets. As I mentioned several times before, since I monitor the "actual" pricing of the options Greg posts as trades I know for a fact that nobody is actually following him into his trades. The new XRT trade he posted only traded a total of 2 contracts for hours even after Greg posted his pick. My purrdickshun about Greg's new "attempt" to take advantage of his viewers is that nobody will take him up on it once they hear his "asking" price. The winduP? >>> No "damage" done once again to anyone who actually takes Greg's advice. One more purrdickshun. This spew is strong enuff for Greg to actually flag it. Greg HATES the truth. I say he flags this spew. Let's see. :-)

Greg is one of the few voices of truth in the investment world. He is a true economist like David Stockman. He is correct about the crashing US dollar and adding physical assets like Gold & Silver to your portfolio. He is a true economist like David Stockman. Everyone is an expert in a Bull Market including yourself, but very few survive a Crash and Bear Market. You assume you will be able to click your mouse exit the market during the next Crash. Except you will find the exits will be small and few.
You will have competition:

  1. HFT Systems.
  2. The Hedge Funds
  3. Pension Funds
  4. The Big Banks
  5. 3 Trillion in ETFs
    All trying to Sell.
    The only survivors will be the Investors that prepare Now. Knowledge does not ensure Wisdom. Greg does his homework and he has Wisdom and you would be wise to listen, instead of picking apart his trades.

You tawkin ta me about small exits? ...or the guy that just paid $4040 for bitcoin?

I notice from you invest in Futures/Derivatives. The Derivatives Market is 1.4 Quadrillion in size. It is control by the Big Banks and the Central Banks. Make sure your bets are the same as the Banks because they have unlimited Leverage of the Derivatives Market, which means they control prices.
I see your a Bitcoin & Jeff Berwick hater. Jeff has made millions in Bitcoin since 2010. If you had listen to Jeff in 2010 you would also be a Millionaire. But you think your a brilliant Trader.
The Market can humble any investor including you.

I'm thinking "maybe" we should thank Greg for rescuing the entire retail sector via his XRT short? :-) Wait for him to crap out...then look for new lows. No charge for my "mentoring"...just going with a system that posts 7 to 1 losing trades..."documented."

Jeff Berwick is a scam artist.

"Hopefully" when the cryptos crash and burn he will do the right thing and commit suicide next time instead of just "thinking" about it. on about greg....(who called me out rudely incidentally re: my polite criticism.) said I'm obviously not a Trader!...I'll spare you my backround...but it is subtantial and quite successful. I have seen his "like" many times. My advice? (unasked for lol) I'd waste little energy on the topic. Let the "sheeple" learn. TC

I'm actually "shocked!" he didn't flag that spew. He approached me and told me that he muted me because of MASSIVE requests from his lair. Greg needs to take a lesson from Peter Schiff. I'm sure Petey is getting lambasted right now at his most recent Utube spew as Bitcoin just crossed $4K. Schiff never blocks anybody. He believes in free speech even when he is under fire for "poor performance." I'm still going to make Schiff "beg" Janet Yellen to QE4 as Bank of America is "on the brink" of belly up and gold is trading somewhere below $700/oz. But I will always respect him for the fact that he allows everybody to voice their opinions.

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