The Bond APOCALYPSE Is Upon Us! - You Won't Believe The Latest News!

in #money7 years ago

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the crazy world of bonds as we see a massive crash quickly approaching us.

Currently, Italian junk bonds are yielding less than US Treasuries. This is dramatically alarming.


As countries throughout the world are reaching complete bankruptcy, even if they won't come out and admit it, this development adds to the rightful concern people have.

Junk rated debt is giving us the same % return on investment as AAA rated US debt. The Eurozone has about €3 trillion in "junk debt".

As the Eurozone struggles with bad southern debt they are continuously bailing out the bankrupted countries.

It's absolutely insane that the Italian bad debt costs THE SAME as US debt. This is a great example of how manipulated the ECB's interest rates are.

As we so often talk about, everything is manipulated today into oblivion. The fiat, centrally planned monetary system, the debt driven derivatives markets and the regulatory burdens on the markets and of course this insane bond apocalypse cannot be excluded from this global manipulative insanity.

This all comes right after cashless society kingpin Kenneth Rogoff claimed that interest rates are to go negative in the next crisis. We know the next crisis will come soon as all fiat system come crashing down.
The bubbles in the monetary system and markets throughout the world are ready to burst and we're going to see something on an epic scale but we have to stay self sufficient and come out on top of all of this.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this story! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow! :)

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Shared on twitter. Stephen

winter is comi.... i meant economy crash is coming

lol and instead of fighting each other, we must take down the white walkers... er I mean the manipulators.

Josh - thank you for brining more and more RELEVANT news!!! Keep it coming/upvoted.

Another great post, Bonds, stockmarket, housing market and debt is massive risk to the economy. Just a matter of time. I'm going to keep checking those yield curves ;-)

This is the collapse everyone has been screaming about. I've been yelling so long, my throat hurts. You've got mere weeks to prepare for systematic collapse.

We shouldn't put dates on such things. It discredits us. There are no fundamentals due to the level of manipulation. We know it's going to happen but we don't know when exactly it WILL happen. Many say September, but experts have been saying September every year for many years.
Let's just warn people about it coming and not be so precise or else they won't listen to us down the road.

what would you reccomend to move your cash into ? precious metals , crypto or the most productive metal out there ,lead.

Self sufficiency and your community, it will return more than precious metals or gemstones which you cant do much with, tools and utility is my advice.

Not only that but all europe junk bonds are overpriced. Russia has a higher credit rating then Greece, yet Greece's bonds yield about a quarter of what russian bonds yield. And all the negative rates, like the swiss 30-day treasury yielding almost negative 1%.

bring on the crash, I be ready !!

You're a firefighter?

nice post , thanks !

Pretty Useful Information.

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