Deutsche Bank FAILS Stress Test! - This Will NOT End Well For The Big Banks

in #money6 years ago

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent news that Deutsche Bank has failed the Federal Reserve's most recent stress test. Let's keep in mind that Deutsche Bank announced about a month and a half ago that it will likely lay off 10,000 employees. The bank was also downgraded by the S&P an entire category and has been found guilty in court several times over the past couple of years of gold and silver market rigging. Deutsche Bank's share price has been continuously falling and its credit default swaps are hitting peak highs again.

Alongside Deutsche Bank, news has come out that Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs also flunked the Fed's stress test but were offered a deal, or a cheat sheet for that matter to pass.

John explains what all of this means for the future of the banking system as we see a far more enormous calamity than Lehman Brothers approaching. Do we know when? No. There are no fundamentals, but we know that it is inevitable.

As John had researched and gone into in past videos, the cash to deposit ratio at most major banks as well as smaller local banks is astonishingly low. We're talking 0.15% in many cases. That is complete insolvency.

So what can people do? Well instead of being dependent on the banking system and government, individuals must save for themselves outside of the banking system. Never mind the pension schemes meeting vast shortfalls, individuals must educate themselves on money and purchasing power and protect that purchasing power with wealth insurance. Now, this isn't investment advice, moreover it's not even about investing. It's about insuring their wealth. Gold, silver and cryptocurrencies with fundamentals are in our opinion good choices for diversifying wealth.

Individuals must be self sufficient and independent. Individuals must be financially responsible as responsibility is the hallmark of freedom itself. We must see a true free market. We must prepare for what's to come or else we will wait too long and be unable to solve the problems that face us.

This is an easily solveable situation, but we must understand it before we can solve it.

Let's stand up for ourselves and our families.

See the FULL video report here:

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Same old same old. Leech the cash pay management and shareholders, leave the corpse for bail-in / bail-out.

Well said.



We need to have the complete collapse and reset and a new view of things, which John said awhile ago..... will not be pretty or easy.

Happy Birthday once again man!

I dropped by my friend to wish you a Happy Imaginary Lines in the Sand Day!!

Douchebag Bank ❗️LOL 😂

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