This Long Weekend In Canadastan & the USSA Yearly: Happy Imaginary Borders Enforced by Manufactured Consent Day!!

We share a massive common "border" and trade policy, we are linked to the USSA as such. Fact.

I care about people, that is the key overtone of this post.

But I am wide awake also.

Also facts:

You know we are all being lied to daily, by those who claim to serve us and we are in this together, right??

I've been politically aware and active for years standing up for the civil rights, environment and many other issues here.

That's WHY I know what is going on here.

And can take the stance I do.

  • and here above, it is the same in Canada where I've been an active member of the group demanding Canadians be given back their banking policy and profits by the corrupt government...

-- none of us actually consented to anything the "leadership" has done!

#COMER is the group suing the gov't in #Canadastan in the Supreme Court system where the case is being buried by the media and the court system.

Collusion if you ask me, along with wilful blindness and #Corruption as always.

In the rising #PoliceState.

Keep telling me how great everything is with a loaf of bread being $4 now, the public sector "employees" controlling every move and being the wealthiest group by and large among us and growing every year.....

How "free" are we really as civil rights are dialled back on us, daily??

Yet we keep paying..... in every way possible.

Yes, Happy Canada Day and Independence Day to us all, right???

We need a mass awakening.

Your Friend in Liberty....


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