The Largest Transfer of Wealth in History. Other Countries are Buying Gold. North America Sells Debt and Broken DreamssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

This post was inspired by a fellow stacker and friend @vegansilverstack. He posted about China and it's insatiable appetite for buying gold and adding to its massive gold reserves over the last few years.

There's a giant transfer of wealth taking place that for the most part goes unnoticed by the general public. While the United States claims to have 8000+ tons of gold it hasn't performed an audit or publicly displayed it in almost 30 years. They used to do audits and show it off to quell public concern. Many now believe it's not even there. Donald Trump has even said that the gold isn't there anymore.

While the US plays possum with how much they really have, my country Canada sold the bulk of its reserves a couple years ago and the news of such went for the most part unnoticed. People lost touch with why a country owning gold is so important.

For one, paper money is worthless. 1s and 0s on a computer screen have no value. Fiat money and banking systems across the globe have been failing. How long can the US keep their worthless dollar propped up while being trillions of dollars in debt?
China basically owns the US at this point with all the treasury bills, notes and bonds they own. A whopping 68% of the U.S debt is owned by China!

I've read they could tax every American citizen 100% of what they earn for a decade and they wouldn't even put a dent in the total of the US debt. There's no paying it down or catching up. We live in a debt based economy. The average North American owes $3 for every $1 they earn. This is not sustainable.

When a country gets in trouble financially they rely on their reserves to keep their country functioning and the economy running. Other wealthy countries will lend another money based on the real value they store in gold.

During war times, over the course of history countries under conflict transported their gold reserves across the world so once the wars were over they had something of value to rebuild their nations.

When Nazi Germany was entering France and most of Europe those countries were moving their gold stores by train and then boat to Canada and the United States for safe keeping. Nothing has changed since then. Your country is only as rich as it's gold reserves. It's the only object that has and will have real value. It has tangible worth.

The rest of the world gets it. Asian countries such as China and Japan are steadily adding to their gold reserves. European countries are buying as much of the shiny metal as they can get their hands on. They see a massive opportunity to buy up gold while the price has been so suppressed and the West is blind and ignorant to its importance of ownership.

For the longest time, the US held 17% of the gold that's ever been mined in it's gold reserves. Now many speculate the bulk of its massive gold reserves have been sold off. Much of the gold they had was held in Fort Knox for other countries. Germany just repatriated their gold that America was holding for them, I believe because they smell a rat here. They wanted to get their gold back while there was still some there. Fears were confirmed when the U.S dragged its feet with the return, at first saying they'd return it in small installments. They prolonged the process for years until Germany finally got what was rightfully theirs.

Whether or not you believe in gold or that Americas banks could fail.. a shit hit the fan scenario could take place, bringing power down and freezing everyone's assets. Countries in which you live could and should be prepared for that. It only makes sense to be prepared for the worst. Does anyone really think that these governments truly have the interests of its civilian populations in mind? Even getting away from the doom and gloom scenarios to me it only makes sense to be prepared. With tensions across the world growing and our foes funding large departments and training forces in hacking, a major event could occur that doesn't take large armies storming our shores to cause widespread chaos.

Full disclosure I'm a gold bug. I love buying it, holding it and looking at it. I believe the evil powers that control most of the worlds wealth have been manipulating the price of metals meanwhile buying up tons of it for themselves. I believe one day the true value of gold and silver will rise exponentially when they want it to or they can no longer keep the ruse going. If you look historically at golds importance or even take away the intrinsic value of gold and silver, it still has many uses that will always be in demand thus always giving it value. I'm not a doom and gloomer but i consider myself a realest. I think everyone should be more informed and although its easy to get comfortable with technology and the status quo, like anything its best to be prepared for anything. I think everyone should own some gold and silver not as an investment but as a hedge against economic uncertainty. In Venezuela right now you can purchase 6 months of food for one oz of silver. Hyper inflation is a real thing and banks do collapse, why not buy an oz or two of silver and gold and store it away? People buy flashlights, candles and batteries to protect themselves during uncertainty.. why not buy a little metal to protect yourself aswell? Your government isn't trying to protect you, this is something you have to do for yourself.

Thanks for reading,


*Pics courtesy of Business Insider

Banner by @bearone


Great article GA! It's amazing that the west is so blind to such an obvious object of value.
-- They (we) just keep getting a new car and a new teevee on credit every couple of years and think everything is fine.

I need to go visit the Local LCS today and see if they have any Cool Silver Trinkets at Bargain Prices....................... @goldenarms of course I UP vote my gold and silver friends........

are you also having problems browsing steemit bro ? :/

Yes big time, I blame North Korea :)

40% of federal reserve asset holding are student loan ... or how to get a modern financial slavery system... switch some gold for silver if you don't have your fill yet, at a ratio of 76oz xag for 1oz xau this won't last forever.

I've got a healthy does of each metal. I'm spread out pretty well but I do plan on adding more silver than gold going forward..for one it's cheaper so easier to obtain. I didn't know about the student loan statistics although I'm not surprised. We invest in jails and fighting wars we have no business being in while the price of a decent education keeps skyrocketing

The rest of the world's governments understand the worth of gold/silver and so do the minority of us. If the US wants to keep pumping the world with paper currency(petro-dollar) and if certain nations accept that as a store of wealth, then more fool them. The longer this game is played, the higher the value of precious metals become when the rebalancing happens. So stack on, stack hard and hold out for the crash my friend

Nice post GA. What we are living through now is going to go down in history, I have no doubt about it. The biggest debt bubble in history, the biggest financial crisis in history and the biggest wealth transfer in history....all bundled together as one.

I have to agree with everything you just said my friend. Just looking at the data it's staggering how anyone can think we can sustain this..and when the dollar collapses America will change forever. It will be bad. It may not happen in my lifetime but it will happen eventually..I'm preparing myself the best I can tho, I've learned I can't trust banks or my govt to look out for my well being

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The only one that looks after your well being is you. The government won't and at this point, it probably couldn't do it even if it wanted too. The world has pushed the reset button. How long it will take is anyone's guess, but it ertainlt won't be pretty.

This post received a 2.62% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @goldenarms! To learn more, check out @randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!

This post has been resteemed by @msp-canada courtesy of @goldenarms from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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