2nd Quarter 2017 Net Worth Update! [+$18,513]

in #money7 years ago (edited)

net worth update.jpg

It finally happened - I became a fifth of a millionaire! Passing financial net worth milestones are a real good psychological boost if nothing else.

Also, it means I’m coming for you, Warren Buffett! Haha!

Crossing the $200,000 mark happened on April 19th when I received my tax return. It was a hefty return as all my income earned while I was working in Qatar for half of 2016 was untaxed. This left me with quite a small amount of AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) which gave me a large lump sum back, a lump sum that was turned around and invested in my 2017 Roth IRA. (You can read about what stocks I bought with my 2016 and 2017 IRA contributions of $11,000 here.)

Not too much of note happened in this last quarter. Life just goes on, ya know? I keep putting one foot in front of the other on the long path towards financial freedom while always on the lookout for deals to make some bank with and double my dollars.

Some small things have thrown themselves into my way. The house A/C was running continuously, I managed to find what was wrong and replace it myself. The contactor was stuck closed and I purchased a new one for less than $20. If I had no mechanical skills like so many people these days It would have cost over $100 easily.

Next thing to go wrong was the A/C in our Odyssey went out. I found that the Schrader valve in the servicing port was leaking. While I could easily replace the valve, I wanted my A/C to be in top shape and servicing it back up with those cans you can buy at any car parts place leaves a less than perfect cooling system. We need really good A/C here in Southern Arizona, so I took it to my local place and told them to replace both the high and low-pressure A/C valves and service it up with the proper equipment. It ran me in the neighborhood of $120 but A/C is life here, especially with two little ones.

The third thing to go wrong was when I was using the weed whacker I hit a small stone and it went directly into one side of my French doors, spidering the full pane glass. I got a quote for replacing the glass at $430 and also a couple quotes from different companies for replacing the French doors with sliding glass doors. The cheapest slider being in the range of $2,200. It just didn’t make sense to replace our nice (and now known to be expensive) wood with the cheaper vinyl so the wife and I just had them replace the glass.

While these things are minor, together they have added up to nearly $600 in unplanned expenses. Money that could have been made to work in investments for decades to come.

Additionally, I still haven’t gotten around to selling our 3rd car, the 2003 Ford Mustang. She ain’t no beauty queen but I still want to clean her up and have her looking at her best. I don’t want to leave money on the table by selling a messy vehicle (see How to clean car carpets for under $10!) like the people I purchased our Odyssey from.

Not to say the car isn’t being used as it is. I’ve been driving it as my transportation to keep miles off of my 2012 Mazda3 (sitting at 45,000). The Mustang is over 150,000 miles so any few thousand won’t do much, if anything, to its value. I plan on having the Mazda3 for MANY more years.

The family and I just got back from a vacation in the Boston, MA area. We went to see my family and show off my kids as some of them never met my daughter and all of them have never met my son. My daughter is just under 2 years old, so we were able to have them fly as lap babies. My wife had never been to the area either, so we all got to explore. Beaches, museums/zoo/aquarium, short hikes, and a whale watching trip as just some of the things we did. Total cost – about $2,000.

Vacations like this one are the things that decrease your financial wealth but increase your emotional wealth.

Well, that’s about it – on with the numbers. At the end of the first quarter of 2017, I had a net worth of $189,947.



Starting $12,546 Ending $13,593 [+$1,047]

I like to have around $10,000 in liquid cash, spread between my emergency fund and checking account. The two large drops, one at the start and one towards the middle, are from me moving my money into my IRA’s. Other than that it is just the normal fluctuations of day-to-day life.



Starting $57,241 Ending $72,781 [+$15,540]

Through my work, I invest $1,000 per month into index funds. Add that to the $11,000 that was put into my Roth IRA and you get $14k. The rest of the increase is from growth and dividends. Investments have been trading sideways for the last month, as seen in the graph.

I did not contribute any additional money to throw into my Robinhood brokerage. I just haven’t been working my side-hustles with enough vigor. This comes down to two things, one being that I have been lazy and the other being that I have been spending much more time watching my children while my wife works her hustle selling LuLaRoe clothing.



Starting $64,600 Ending $62,557 [+$2,043]

My only debt (credit cards are paid in full every month). I know there is a huge debate on what is better, buying a home or renting, but for where I live it is a very good choice. My mortgage is $715 (taxes and insurance included) per month on a 15-year loan but I round it up a little to $850.

It is a blessing to have no other debt and just a small mortgage like this. To know that I have enough in savings and other assets to be able to make the payments for years, even if I didn’t have a job. Of course, I would always find a way to earn something. Even a minimum wage job could cover it, but I would work my hustles.



Starting $186,195 Ending $186,707 [+$512]

Three cars and a house are the only things that are included in this figure. Nothing else, not even the largish amount of cryptocurrency I have on Steemit.com. The house value estimate is automatically updated from Zillow’s ‘Zestimate’, I think it is relatively accurate for my area based on the latest sales.

All together this comes out to a NET WORTH OF $208,460!



I don’t know how I did it, but the second quarter was even better than the first!

I started the year with a net worth of $173,276 and increased it by 9.6% to $189,947 in the first quarter.

I have increased my net worth by 9.7% Q/Q!

From the start of the year, I am up 20.3%, or $35,184!

This is from my gross salary of about $65k/year. I think I am doing quite well. I just wish that I started caring about increasing my wealth earlier in my life.

I’m just a normal guy supporting my family on one salary. Like so many other people, I used to not prioritize increasing my wealth. Buying more things to occupy myself with was what I was doing, chasing the new and shiny.

I changed my mindset and am changing my life. (see Why Tracking Your Net Worth Is A Great Motivator To Become Wealthy)I want to be financially free and I will get there.

You can too if you want it.

Onward to financial FREEDOM!

How about you? How are your finances progressing? Hitting any speed bumps (like I did) or roadblocks on your journey?

Missed my first quarter net worth update post? Check it out HERE.


Yes, @getonthetrain! How I missed seeing that name!

I remember how many chats we had about this very same subject only a few short months back. The climb to financial freedom and how you were determined to get there.

Well, it looks like you're closing in on that goal fast and I couldn't be happier for you. Clear of over $200,000 after taxes! Impressive numbers, man. I think one of the key factors to your success is how you split everything up into manageable chunks and deal with each accordingly. Liquid cash, investments, mortgage, etc. You've got a great system going on.

So, if this is any yardstick to go by... I'd say next year some point, you'd be where you want. Let's hope that prospect comes true.

So happy to see a post by you again, my brother! :)

The big thing is going to be my cliff pension that I finally get in February of 2019. I have focused the rest of my financial life around that.

Pretty good to be getting a $2,000/month pension at age 37. It will allow me to focus on my family and my side hustles. Who knows what a concerted effort on that stuff will bring in. Looking forward to it man.

Hey man, that is funny. I little just ran my net worth update earlier in the week. Quarter end and all! Glad to see you are making continued progress man! And yeah, here in South FL A/C is also life so spending up $ on that is a must.

Hope things are looking good for you too!

This is by far the most pleasurable post I've ever read. I'm sincerely proud of your success. You'll cross the million in no time!

Thanks man. Look at you, traveling the world going wherever you want to. You got the freedom man, something I don't have.

That is really good and yeah the AC problems can be a death sentence out here. There is a problem with my car AC and it might be a similar thing that happened to you.

Also it is a good feeling that property values got a solid bump this spring here in Tucson. I have stuck around longer than I wanted to but if my neighbors house sells for what he is asking for then it could all be worth it in some respects.

With how crazy hot it is here in Tucson I can't imagine not having A/C. It still turns on, just not cold right? If so, I think the only thing is it not having freon. It leaked from somewhere. You can take it to a place and they can put dye in the freon to see where it is leaking from.

I have already crossed this milestone in my life and it is psychologically a wonderful sensation.

Great job! I have only been serious since late 2014 - I have a bit of catching up to do! :D

It does feel good to see my net worth always increasing!

Very Nicely done fellow Arizonan

Thanks so much @stokjockey - and thanks for the comment on my website! :D

Congratulations on moving closer to your financial fredom :).
Are you still on track?

I am, still set on February 3rd, 2019!

Congratulations. Only 3 months to move up another milestone. I wish I have the same achievement.

I hope you do very well for your situation too, @ace108 :D

Thanks. Best wishes to you too.:-)

Freedom is my future goal, i know its possible, with time and good choice.thank you for your post.

Just keep working towards it every day! It doesn't happen overnight.

@getonthetrain big congrats to you!! I hope one day you be an billionaire.

I hope so, maybe with Steemit's help! :D

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