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RE: Bitcoin, Debt and You

in #money7 years ago

This is not my video. 666 is the number of the Sun, just like the pentagram is a symbol of Zeus/Jupiter Ammon, the Sun, or JeZEUS (Jupiter Zeus, I-Sus, Lord Fish, Dagon). If you seek a more thorough understanding of the occult, my book will help you with that. But in terms of minimizing your exposure to this paradigm of debt and death, keep DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Being SELF-SUFFICIENT is worth more than all the gold, silver, or crypto in the world. If you can grow your own food, get clean water, shelter and resources, you will do fine regardless what happens. God bless & protect you for as long as you serve Truth.


Thank you.

I had never thought of that link, Jesus and Zeus. That's amazing.

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