How The Government And Central Banks Fuel Inequality

in #money6 years ago

We are all different, with unique gifts and abilities, there isn't any individual who is equal to another in that sense. You aren't even the same individual that you were perhaps a few days ago, because we are always learning, growing, and changing.

Regardless of what societal design has been implemented in the past, we see that inequality to some extent, has always been a fact of life and has always existed. However, this doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement though, and I believe the government and central banks stand in the way of that promise.

Their policies do anything but promote equality, with their bailouts, taxes codes, overzealous and nonsensical regulations, quantitative easing, subsidies, and more.

Thanks to governments and central banks, the people have lost a significant amount of their purchasing power and this greatly reduces their quality of life and standard of living.

Over the last 100 years, we have lost over 90 percent of our purchasing power.

When you have an organization such as government like we have today, that is able to afford some individuals with exclusive and privileged benefits, they enable and favor a small group to benefit while using coercion to prevent others from trying to do better in their own lives; it's not a level playing field.

Rising inequality as we see it today might not be the fault of the marketplace then, but the result of government intervention.

With their intrusive monetary policies and regulations, seeking to limit trade and competition etc, they have worked to keep standards of living lower and have prevented millions of people from being able to try and improve their lives.

Using central banks to inflate the money supply is also done so for the benefit of a few, at the expense of many.

A great deal of inequality that we see today is directly a result of government intervention in the market and we can assume that things would be slightly if not greatly improved if people sought to reduce the coercion.

Seek To Lift Others Up Rather Than Advocating To Use Force To Bring Them Down

Instead of first looking to use force and coercion to address this problem, by bringing people down around us and taking from who we think needs to have less, why not look to get the organization with a monopoly on coercion out of the picture and see if you don't get some different results. The marketplace doesn't promise to provide results signaling any utopia, but the outcome would likely be a far better one for many other individuals today.


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I have decided to drop END THE FED.
As fighting against something so ingrained is hard and tiresome.
Further, we now have cryptos.

Crypto-currencies provide the real money that the FED should have provided all along. It is trustless. It is transparent. And it works for everyone equally.

You say END THE FED, i say adopt crypto-currencies.
And... it really is the same thing in the end.

I would also state that we have lost about 160% of the purchasing power.
While the value of the dollar has gone down, manufacturing ability has been going up. We should have seen prices dropping on everything.

We had 5 and Dimes back in the 70s. Instead of Dollar stores today, we should have penny stores.

And, as you said, the FED is absolutely against equality.
Its actions affect, negatively, the poor the most. Creating the most inequality.

Thanks for covering this topic, hopefully crypto will help fight this.

Do you think you can make it to this years Anarchaforko?

there isn't much time left to have it, are you holding it in dec? i thought one already happened this year?lol:) i would love to attend some day

We're referring to next february, right after Anarchapulco again on the dates of February 22-24. We would love to have you involved, check out our work in progress website at, there are 8 days left to get the early bird discounted ticket. But then you can add events and sell tickets, if you want!

Welcome to late stage capitalism

Posted using Partiko Android

Free markets do not cause the chaos of corporations, government interventions, and central banking. The concepts are mutually exclusive.


Its what happens when crapitalism is unchecked for just a hundred years or so

Posted using Partiko Android

"Unchecked?" The free market is literally illegal. Governments tax, license, and regulate almost everything. This is not a consequence of free markets. Your baseless assertions are getting tiresome. Calling things you dislike "capitalism" or "crapitalism" doesn't constitute an argument, or even a point.

That's all literally part of the "free market". When people accumulate wealth they accumulate power and use that power to accumulate more power. It's not difficult to understand. Your dream of some weird free market where everyone is equal is called socialism, by the way

Posted using Partiko Android

Wealth and power are not synonyms. In order to gain financial wealth in a voluntary exchange, one must provide non-financial wealth that others value in order for the exchange to occur. There is no inherent exploitation. It's not difficult to understand, and despite government interference, the process still occurs all over the world every single day. Calling things you like, "socialism," is just as silly as calling things you dislike, "capitalism."

EDIT: I found this old post that you may find enlightening.

Theres never been a communist country so I'm not gonna bother.

Wealth and power are the same, sorry. It's that simple. Talk to poor people some time it might be interesting for you to experience

Posted using Partiko Android

If you can tell the difference between, say, Stalinism and communism, why can't you grasp the distinctions that separate free markets from fascism?

I don't imagine that poverty doesn't exist. I've been so poor that I had to rely on picking up roadside litter so I could recycle the aluminum cans for money. But it wasn't the market that put me in that position. Poverty is in large part a consequence of political plunder, and the solution is economic production.

Market prices are just a decentralized information network to signal supply and demand. Under these circumstances, profits are the reward for filling needs. This concept is completely different from the system of government subsidies, bailouts, protectionist regulations, trade restrictions, prohibitions, licenses, taxes, fiat money mandates, etc.

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