
I "perfected" my system over a period of the past dozen years. I doubt you will find anyone who can consistantly post trades that generate 100%+ my next short entry in the Q's will generate. So, no, you haven't seen everything. You haven't even learned to monitor prices above and below that need to be breached as of yet. When you see UVXY break below 29.77 you can ask me how I "knew" of course.

I generate top line $840K a year. I think I do ok.

If you say so. :-)

Sharing market updates and doing video tutorials is a first for me. I blame Greg for that. He is constantly paying it forward making the rest of us feel like selfish money-grubbing pigs......which is actually true, but sharing helps alleviate some of the guilt.

Anyone can give market tutorials but I'm a "results" kind of guy. I tracked Greg's trades up until the time he stopped posting them. The results did not come anywhere close to the "enthusiasm" of his you will soon see with his UUP trade. Anyone who spews without being able to back it up via positive results is just another talking head as far as I'm concerned. No better than the "main stream" media actually.

Although I do not know exactly how Greg structured his UUP set-up, regardless he is already in the money and raking it in as the day goes on. That is what I call results.

He opened the UUP trade today and it was most certainly an "in the money" trade as that is his modis operandi. So let's check the "logical" strike for Sept, and Oct expiry. It's more likely he went with the Oct 20 expiry $24 calls. Days range is .28 to .34, last trade of .34. The UUP trade is actually more typical of what Greg does. We have seen him chase rallies...and also close long trades on gapdown moves and then go short. Tis part of the reason why his "actual" results are so dismal actually. Yesterday was the first trade I can remember where Greg actually "bought" a gapdown move...via his Q's trade. :-) UUP just breached the 24.09 high and is signaling a short term sell...which I need "if" I am going to get my GDX short/DUST long from a "logical" pov...and this is about as "logical" as I get when trading as trading on "logic" gets your ass kicked 90% of the time. :-)

Again, target of 23.77, which doesn't even show up on that chart. Ask me how I "knew" when you see it.

If you're trying to swing trade his calls, you are using the wrong tactics. A daily call like this one on UUP is meant to be worked in 4-hour increments...not days and not weeks

I "prefer" to make "lotto" bets that pay off bigly until the final market highs come and the downside can be traded. I'm "expecting" my short in GDX forthcoming will generate a 1000%+ gain by Rocktober expiry. BTW, I'm sure you realize that if you generate losses and trade the same vehicle within 30 days the loss is not deductible. Greg also makes that mistake...ALOT!

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