A Marijuana Stock I'm Watching

in #money6 years ago (edited)

There is a lot of speculations surrounding Weed companies. It's similar to the tech boom back in 2001. Companies with no profits or solid foundation are going public and people are buying into them simply because they are associated with what's hot right now:


There are a lot of investors out there in the Steemit community and other places as well. I felt as though I had to bring you all value by finding a quality company within this space. This value derived from fundamental business value, and technical value in it's price and chart.

There are different types of companies in the market place you can invest in. 

Biotech companies trying to create the next THC/CBD derived cure for diseases. These companies are tricky to invest in, as very few biotech companies succeed, there is a ton of federal regulations, and profit margins are razor thin without success. 

Sin Companies are companies that are commonly tobacco or alcohol companies like Heineken and Coors. These companies are already behemoths and it is hard to imagine them having massive growth already, as large companies become sluggish as they have more liabilities and moving pieces, though may be the safest bet in the space.

Brand Companies are simply retail companies that profit from in store purchases of product. They typically partner with big producers and sell their product at retail prices and create a brand to sell to the public through clothing. These companies typically have astronomically high marketing costs and really only have one source of revenue, the consumer.

Production and Cultivation Companies are the companies I am keeping my eye on. These companies are right in the sweet spot of things, in my opinion. They have the potential to make income off of the retail brand companies, the biotech companies, the Sin companies, and even the consumer. No matter what happens in the weed space, people will need product. 

Whether the majority of that product is for medical cures, or retail and recreation, SOMEONE MUST GROW THE WEED.


So for me, the choice of sector within the marijuana is easy: The producers.

I found one producer that has a lot of upside for growth, is at a relatively "cheap price" compared to the price of its competitors shares, and looks healthy financially from a fundamental perspective.

Aurora Cannabis, $7.30, NYSE

This is where I get into a bit more of the technical side of my analysis for the company, so if you don't speak "financial-ese" skip down towards the bottom and I'll have a simplified summary for you.

Let's dive in.

The Fundamentals

I was doing a bit of digging through cannabis producers by looking at their financial statements. Aurora really caught my eye. It has a clean and growing balance sheet, and an increasing income and profit. Most cannabis producers are not yet profitable.

One thing to note on these statements is that something like $50,000 would actually represent $50,000,000.

Income Statement 

A crucial part of the producers business is obviously revenue from sales of goods and service. 

Here we see Auroras revenue increasing by 305%. Notably, Aurora is receiving a decent amount of income from good and service. They seem to have a diversification in their sources of revenue, which is healthy for a growing company. Also, both types of income increased at about 300% YOY. 

While revenue increased by 305%, the cost of those sales increased by only 242% YOY. This means that every $1 Aurora spent on revenue-based activities, they received $1.58. This is a huge incentive for Aurora to spend more on the sales side of things, but may be dangerous as sales might plateau for a number of years until more states in the US legalize. Nothing that worries me however.

It worries me a bit that Aurora isn't profiting before "other expenses." However, It is promising seeing that they have more than tripled their spending on research and development. A company working on new solutions and ways to tap their market is wise at that. Their loss before other expenses has accelerated to 9 times greater than the year before, though this is a growing company.

The other expenses category can be somewhat hairy. Sure, its income for the company, but it is impossible to know if most of this income can continue. If you look at the bottom, Aurora profited $166 million on derivatives. Derivatives are essentially financial products that have price movements based on other assets. These are hardly stable investments. 

But, I must say, the things Aurora is doing on the investment side of things is crafty and is giving them an edge over their competition by keeping a slim profit while expanding. Most producers are not currently profitable.

It is very encouraging to see this company pull a profit after a year of a net loss. However, we have to see this kind of success sustained for it to mean anything.

Balance Sheet

Aurora's accounts receivable are increasing. This basically means that there are individuals or companies that owe them money on product that was given to them. Similar to when you have an account at your local hardware store. You can buy when you don't have cash, but you are expected to make payments every month. This will provide some stable income for Aurora down the road.

Aurora also has a huge increase of biological assets. These are the actual cannabis plants. These cash crops provide product for them to harvest and sell. The more plants they have, the more income they will have down the road, assuming they can make continued sales at a profit.

Overall, Aurora assets have increased by 592%. This increase brings value to the shareholder which is what you should be looking for in good companies along with relatively low debt and growing profits.

Here's the kicker about these statements: over the past year Aurora has increased shareholder equity by 711%. This essentially means they are acquiring more assets than liabilities, increasing the fundamental value of the company.


P/E Ratio: 48.6

High for traditional companies, but low for the industry. Most companies don't even have PE ratios because they don't have a profit yet.

Book Value: $1.23

This means that if it were priced out at the value of it's equity, it would be $1.23 per share.

Debt/Equity: 0.13

This means that they only have 13% debt against their total assets. A very strong indicator of financial health.

The Technicals

Now let's look at the chart of ACB to get an idea of where its price is at.

On the weekly chart, ACB looks like it's gaining momentum to the downside. RSI is dropping, and it is testing its 100 day MA. If it breaks this it could head towards its 200 day MA near $5.00. 

On the daily chart we can see that the RSI for this company is reaching oversold as it is holding support at its 200 day MA. IF it breaks this range it is likely to head for $6.00 or so. there are a few trendlines that it may find support at during a decline in price.


Overall, Aurora proves to be making smart moves financially as a company. It is acquiring more assets, increasing profit for shareholders, and keeping low debt relative to its assets. 

Aurora is relatively cheap compared to its competitors at $7.30.

I will continue to watch this company and see how it performs over the final quarter of 2018. I'm hoping for it to get down towards the $5.00 level but we will see.

Thanks for taking the time to read. I hope to see you again soon!

The information in this article is meant only as educational content, expressed opinion, and not investment advice. Investing your money in openly traded companies is risky and can result in the loss of principle. Investing in commodities is more risky than trading company stock as commodities are open to more risk since they are traded on the global market. This means that the ETFs of the underlying commodities (GLD and SLV) are at risk to having big movements in price while the US markets are closed. Cryptocurrency carry a great amount of risk as well. Only invest what you can afford to lose, and always do your own research. 

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Great article & choice, I have purchased more Aurora in the past few days than any other.

Have you seen Hexo? HYYD.F they are buying up a lot of grow space! & MedMen at 67 dispensaries now & will be making exponentially more money quarter after quarter upon legalization. MPXE.F in 10 states with dispensaries & trading under $0.75!!!

Thanks for checking out the article. I hope it brought some value to you. I will have to check out HEXO. Currently I don't think the broker I use has access to the canadian market, Since a lot of the up and coming companies are on the TSE, I may have to find a broker that does. $0.75 is a bargain, I'll have to check HEXO out.

Again, thanks for stopping by, hope to hear from you soon.

MPXE.F is .75, HYYD.F is around $4-5

Thanks for a great post! I've been watching on steem for macro economic analysis from someone who actually works in the financial industry. Followed and upvoted.

About the post, here in norcal I notice things about the cannabis industry, and that it seems only the illegal weed is leaving the state. If Aurora is US based, wonder what state and if they've got a means to get it beyond where ever they're from. The local producers here are getting crushed as prices (leading into harvest) are at about $500 per pound. Aka, all govt fees paid, no profits at all. Here its a terrible time to be a producer, and I can't see that change over the next couple years. Unless they can get it out of the state, but I can't see why Kansas or Connecticut would let their industry be flooded by cheap cali outdoor.

One to watch for sure, the extractors seem to be next. There is a barrage of new money landing locally to build all these facilities that seem significantly larger than the entire california consumption. I really expect it to follow the cottonseed boom of the early 1900's in the SE and in five years plan to pick up mas used equipment on the cheap.

$500 per pound is profitable if you are a corporation with machines doing most of the labor... Great comment & valid points... Thats why we invest

$500 per pound cannot pay the bills when there is a $5000 /100 plant up front annual fee, plus taxes of $8? per ounce. It literally all goes to the government and rentier. Only chance is for those who have clear title to the land outright, or another way to pay agricultural bills, like, say, a vineyard.

Lets say you know what your doing and you get 5-10lbs a plant 1 time a year... @ 100 plants that is either 500 or 1,000 lbs a year. Lets say you are in Oregon and its closer to 5. At $500.00 per 500 lbs that is 250,000 and after tax of $5,000 & $8 per oz of $64,000 you still can earn near $200,000 per year. I am guessing it is still more profitable than growing potatoes

If post harvest prices stay around $500, I agree. Broccoli growers would love those margins. Or, artichoke growers in Monterey, who seem to have the perfect climate, and are ready and willing to switch on masse.

Last year's prices in January were closer to $100 (untrimmed), restaurants in Garberville closed up, and the local coin dealer had oodles of precious metals for us to choose. Maybe it will be different this time? I think we're going to need to see a bunch of people get out before the prices stay remotely constant, and I don't think we're there yet. Lots of places for sale in Willits, but the prices haven't really dropped yet. Maybe by this spring? Seems so inevitable somehow.

As with any growing industry, I'm sure we will see periods of lethargic growth. Everyone expecting the Cannabis industry to be a play without long term volatility is mistaken. Afterall, these companies are commodity companies and are at the mercy of the commodity price of cannabis and hemp, and the mercy of governments and taxation. We will most likely see the price of Cannabis suffer as supply floods the market from a mass of suppliers. The governments can prevent this by only handing out a fixed amount of grower licenses.

We'll see how it plays out. If you can stand the volatility, it's a great land grab to be apart of, I believe.

Thanks for checking out my content. I hope to see you here again soon.

Having deep pockets going in, the key to surviving the highs and lows. Prices will rebound to where the farmer gets $400 - $450 per pound (after taxes) and boutique production will follow the Napa eco-tourism model. Inevitably there will be a market for the refined blended commercial extracts, but from the street down here, it just seems like MJ corporate stocks follow the greater fool theory before principles of sound money.

Watch the price of real estate in Garberville CA. When that hits a relative low, then I think that is a good time to check out the industry. Although, if Mike Pence has some grand awakening and embraces the medical potential, then being invested one day prior would likely be a major windfall. :)

Good luck with Aurora. I’ve been watching it closely, but I don’t know these things nearly as thoroughly as you do, as evidenced by your great analysis and statistics. I heard that another weed company, Canopy Growth has got a multi billion dollar partnership with Corona.

Yes they have & over valued in my opinion. I bought CGC @ $2.35 & sold all the way up to $56. If it corrects below $20 I may rebuy yet excited about ACB, MMNF.F, MPXE.F & GTBI.F so trying to increase my holdings in these cannabis stocks.

Good job being early. I wrote off weed stocks as purely speculative a year ago. I was stuck on the Gold and Silver mentality. During this pullback of crypto and Cannabis companies, my outlooks are changing.

Both great new industries full of opportunity & speculation.

I was actually doing analysis on CGC and ACB and went with Aurora because I think they have more room to grow. Their profits and equity are increasing at a greater rate and are currently pulling a profit unlike Canopy.

Another worrying thing about canopy and other companies is the PE and Book value. Astronomical multiples on some of these companies. Aurora seems to be the only company "reasonably" valued by the US market at this point in time.

What is the ticker??

Yes, ACB on the New York Stock Exchange.

Thanks for the article , I'm invested in Aurora, like the potential of the whole cannabis market, maybe looking to buy more if the general stock market brings these stocks down with it....

Make sure you go with a company that matches your values and time horizon. Look at fundamentals and technicals.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again soon.

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