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RE: New World Order Mouthpiece Warns We Are On Verge of Greatest Debt Jubilee In History

in #money8 years ago

Another post toting impending doom. Doesn't this pony have any more tricks?


This pony is simply spamming the same thing. Only the pictures and wordings are changed but the message is same. He is just a one-trick-pony.

It is mathematically impossible for the crash not to happen. The can has been kicked about as far as it can be so our time is short. Jeff seems to have a good handle and theory on the timing. You should listen.

That's what bullshit peddlers always say. They're like all those religious nuts that swear the Christ is gonna return and Armageddon is gonna happen any day now. Subscribe to my newsletter to learn how to prepare for the rapture 'n stuff. The big Shemitah crash was supposedly going to happen in September of last year but obviously that turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. Rather than admitting he was full of shit, our favorite internet huckster just pointed to some bad news stories and said "there! See? Something bad happened somewhere... because Shemitah!" ...and now he's still at it because there's never any shortage of suckers out there that want to feel special and righteous just by subscribing to an ideology and not actually having to do anything good.

Is the dollar gonna last forever? Of course not. Nothing does. It's just a tool. Old tools are abandoned and new ones are adopted all the time. Today, we have an infinite sea of alternatives at our fingertips and human trade doesn't depend on any single one of them exclusively. If the dollar is shit (of course it is) then its withering away is a good thing that ought to be cheered rather than feared. Fear of "the collapse" is really just a fear of your neighbors because you don't trust them to behave themselves in a crisis. Anyone living in such a place would do well to do some traveling and find a new place to live where rumors of instability don't make you worry and fret and rant about end times like a freakin' lunatic.

when are we having the apocalypse again...and why haven't we revolted?

Piedpiper, What do you do when you lend someone money and they don't pay you back? What do banks do? They foreclose or ruin the persons rating. The US is the greatest debtor nation dollar in the world. We (the US) owe trillions of dollars. The lenders (people and countries) are getting wise and are deciding to cut their losses. That will mean that the US will not be able to borrow money. So what is a superpower nation to do? Print more money of course. How did printing more money work out for Venezuela? The Weimar Republic? Not so well. That is the fate that will soon engulf the US, unless something unprecedented happens. A "false flag" perhaps?

What I do is very different than what the world's most powerful organized crime syndicate does. It's not just apples and oranges, it's apples and battleships. When my buddy refuses to lend me money, I can't threaten his entire country with annihilation.

So many people miss this point. It's not gold which backs the world reserve currency. It's violence and air craft carriers.

An individual can do bankrupt, and the bankruptcy laws allow the person to start anew. Some, most, or all of the debt is "washed away".

You said it all. Amen!

May be a good reason why so many of the American wealthy are high-tailing it to other countries. Places like New Zealand.

Yeah, I moved to Chile.

If he were making mathematical arguments that would be one thing but he is appealing to emotion with unfounded conspiracy theories. As for him being right about some sort of crash... well even a broken clock is right two times a day.

"Jeff seems to have a good handle and theory on the timing."

Yeah, I heard he had some great timing on some real estate in Chile too.

Doesn-t de-validate his claim...we all have different personalities....some math oriented, some feelings sounds very reasonable aside from all logic.

Actually it does completely discount his claim.
He's been predicting this every single year now for a long time.
It's not that it will never happen, it's that even a broken clock is right 2x a day.

There actually is no "debt crisis". There is debt, yes but the people borrowing the money get to set the terms of the future value of those "loans" and right now it's at zero and may go negative.

If that happens it doesn't mean that the primary holder of that debt is suddenly going to stop holding the debt and frankly if the USA decided to tomorrow to default, really who's going to come collect?

China who is the primary holder of this debt is holding it to depress their currency in order to bolster trade. They don't care about getting that money back in the long term, they care about being able to continue trading with the USA next year.

The Mexican peso right now is trading at 20:1 against the dollar. It's now cheaper to build things in Mexico than China. China is buying even MORE USD debt than before in order to regain their mfr status.

Money just isn't what you people think it is. I'll make a blog post about this soon if you want some real facts. Upvote this and I'll make it my Monday topic.

I'd resteem that, for sure

The word unsustainable is what it is. I would rather be 5 years too early than 10 minutes too late. The rich will be fleecing the weak soon enough. Here is my blog on same topic:

By logic?

"Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones or appeal to feels is a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence."

well display evidence proving otherwise, because anyone actively researching without a bias can't seem to find any...

You are correct no one searching can find a TVG post that doesn't claim impending doom.

The tinfoil is strong with our friend @contentjunkie. Very strong.

I guess people like sensationalised crap. Economies go through cycles. Eventually it will crash and then he will tell you


No, he doesn't have any more tricks...I like that JB promotes libertarianism, but would not touch any of JB's products or services w/a 50 meter pole...and his advice/commentary is that of an amateur economist/investor w/a pretty awful track record.

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