The Importance of Living Within Your Means & Common Pitfalls to Avoid

in #money7 years ago (edited)


Today, after work, I went for a run like I regularly do. Near my work are several developments of beautiful homes that start in the $900,000's. So essentially, million dollar neighborhoods. As usual, during my run the gears in my head started spinning. I have pondered many times the income needed for such home(s). Most, but not all, of the residents I have observed appear to be working class people with children. I work in relative proximity to the capital so I've surmised these people must be:

  • high ranking government officials
  • doctors
  • surgeons
  • etc....
  • maybe some retired senators or retired somebodies from xyz high paying job.

Now, I will say first of all good for them if that's what they can:
a) afford
b) need
c)want (this is ranked last because it can't exist without a and/or b)

Very few people out there can actually really afford this though. For sake of simplicity let's just take a $900,000 home. For a 30 year fixed mortgage at a 4.75% interest rate, we have:

  1. Monthly payment of $4,694.83
  2. 30 year total interest paid: $790,137.37
  3. Total paid: $1,690,137.37

Gosh, ends up being nearly twice the original purchase price! That monthly payment doesn't even take into consideration: utilties, expenses, property tax, possible HOA cost, etc.

Taking that monthly payment alone, with simple math, we deduct a whopping $56,337.96 a year !! That is many Americans base salary! If not more! In fact, according to 2015 stats by business insider, the median income in the US is a "mere" $52,250! Mind blown yet?

Over the years, I have read things saying if you have a partner/spouse, financial advisors say you should IDEALLY be living off the person whose salary is the least. Example :
Jackie makes $42,000, Joe makes 65,000
Therefore, the pie in the sky situation is save Joe's income, use Jackie's income for living.

If you're financially unable to do that then you ideally live off the larger salary, save the smaller one.

I don't really know of many people at all who are able to actually acheive this. Maybe 1 or 2 couples personally, that's it.

My partner and I can't live off either of these models currently. Mostly because I have a fair amount of college incurred and related debt. He also has debt. Our current situations would not allow us to rely solely on one person's income at the moment.

A few months ago, I was listening to the radio on my ride to work, discussing this concept. It basically was a story like this:

Sally & Joe both have their "dream jobs" both relatively fresh out of college. They both have student debt. But they make enough that renting doesn't make sense so they decide to buy a home. Joe shoots conservatively, wanting a home that had some outdated features, but was within their price range . Sally wants the home in a newer development that needed no updating of features, but it was just outside their price range . Joe is against this. Sally argues they will both inevitably get raises, they can cut other expenses, it will work. She convinces Joe this will work. They buy the home just outside their price range

Before ya know it Sally is preggers. Extra expense of a child now (come on we all know how expensive day care is). This couple soon finds out. Meanwhile they are making budget cuts at Joe's job. He loses his job. LONG STORY SHORT, THESE PEOPLE GO INTO BANKRUPTCY AND HAVE TO GO LIVE WITH THEIR PARENTS.

Hence, it is IMPERATIVE to live within your means ! I can easily see the above situation happening to some couple in the nice, rich neighborhood I ran through earlier. Big ouch!!!

Here are some common things that can happen to single and hitched people that can easily have you living paycheck to paycheck, or worse:

  • Taking out store credit, because what you want to buy is just outside your price range and you just have to have it . Sorry that watch really can wait.
  • getting the latest piece of technology when you don't actually need it . This one can be frustrating. Yep, i currently use a Samsung Galaxy S5. It still works just fine. However, the S6 hit the markets almost right after I got the S5. Of course, with nicer features and all that. (Insert eye roll here)
  • PAY DAY LOANS - you think well, I just need an extra $500. That $500 will turn into $3500 when they start hitting you with those 1000% interest rates!
  • buying things just for the sake of having them (aka the classic "keeping up with the joneses) LAME. Who cares? We had neighbors at one point growing up that paid very close attention to anything my frugal family bought. The next day they'd have the "better" version of it. (Insert eye roll number two)

Those above are just a small amount of potential pitfalls. Most I am aware of due to personal experience or observing it. If you know of others, please do share!

It should also be noted - often those living the simplest of lives are richer in soul and also money. Example:

  • Joe: retired. House paid off. Monthly needs/wants = steady $1800 a month. Joes retirement income is $3000 a month. He saves quite a bit as you can see.
  • Martha: also retired. House also paid off. However she has a lot more "wants" than needs putting monthly expenses at $4100. Her retirement income is $4500.

**who's richer joe or Martha? ? **
Should be pretty clear.

So, in summary living simply is the way to go. I am by no means saying you can't treat yourself.
don't be frugal to the point of misery
Just live within your means you'll be happier.

Thanks for reading. As always, hope you are having a great day /night and FULL STEEM ahead!

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Image source 4: google image

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All other info - my head!


My phone doesn't always pick up notifications bc of dead spots at work, so no!! Thanks for pointing it out. Made my night

You deserve the extra attention! :-)

Means a lot ....!! ♡

Very good advice. I've got some colleagues and friends buying $20,000 rolex watches even though they earn $120,000 per year. Silly buy.

I just couldn't imagine paying that for a watch even if i did make that amount! Imagine if it got stolen

It is always a hard one to pick. Do you live within your means and just do fine? Or do you roll the dice to achieve more? Hindsight is always a useless bedfellow.
I live just fine with my mediocre existence without the need for an expensive house.
I also don't see how others can afford the housing bubble that has burgeoned the prices in my city to the point of ridiculous.
This new fractal economic dynamics that grips the world with debt that can never be repaid with the feeling that maybe it never needs to be!
Will the cookie crumble or is this new world economy able to absorb it all?
Thanks for the post. You have put out openly what many of us are thinking.

Thanks for the response. I don't think its being mediocre to live within your means. I think its mediocre to not acheive more when you know you can. But it is all about finding that fine line where we are not complacent yet are still making the best of ourselves.
The whole risk vs reward ...because you don't want to live with regrets of a passed up opportunity

My voting power is so low I'm not even sure I can upvote at all right now. LOL But I did resteem. My husband would love to firebrand this entire article into my brain. Very, very nicely done.

Thank you so much! ! I'm far from being perfect at this stuff but way better than my mid twenties

It is a fantastic piece. I hope it gets tons of resteems.

Good sounds advice. Upvoted. it's important to live to be happy but also within reasonable means.

Thank you. Yep all about finding that happy medium

upvoted, nice article !!

great piece people are just obsessed with wants and trying to impressive people they don't even know nowadays that they don't realize how broke their going.

Yea, i don't understand the need to impress others with materialistic things

Great post @chelsea88!! You are a valuable asset to this platform!!

Thanks so much!

Excellent advice. I've been in debt due to careless spending and it was the worst feeling in the world but I recovered it and have good credit now and learned my lesson.

I feel you!! Part of the reason I wrote this. Feels good to recover

It's nice to not have that kind of worry and stress anymore because I have a lot of others but resolvable as well.

Exactly don't need anything else adding to the already full plate

That's absolutely right. And lesson learned!

This should be very obvious but its eyes opener, great article!

Thanks @ruta . Yea, as I've said I've learned some of these through personal experience.
You'd of thought I would know better. But nope!

and that amazing you shared this, very useful! thank you @chelsea88

Just my gears grinding during a run :)
Your welcome :)

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