The Goldilocks of Money

in #money5 years ago

Hey Jesseemingly unknown

If you're following my blog lately you'll notice that I've been posting a fair bit about money. I can't speak for the rest of you but I do think a fair bit about money. I think if I had enough I would have so much brainpower to use to think about other things that I could invent more things to make money, and I'm not even the worst of it.

I think the direr your situation seems to you, the more you fixate on the money. We never seem to have enough of it, we're always wanting more and finding ways to justify why.

There really is no limit you can always move the goalposts.

Due to our current financial system, thefts of the past, and in an exclusive formal economy we've designed a trickle-up system that benefits a select few pooling large amounts of money in the process while the rest compete for the second tier reward pool.

The second tier reward pool might be far bigger in terms of value and numbers, but its more competition and to extract that wealth is a lot harder.

These seemingly parallel yet somewhat integrated systems have lead to a pretty interesting dynamic I would say and I call it the Goldilocks decision.


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Money has too polar opposites each with their own unique effects on humans.

Too Much Money Without Working For It

If people get money too easily, it becomes funny money, I'm not talking about rich im talking about wealth

If you just give your kids money without requiring them to do something to earn it, you will likely end up with spoiled, ruined adults, have you seen what spoilt rich kids are capable of or they way they think and see the world? It's not just those who are raised in wealth without work situation, we've seen that given wealth can ruin you even if you never had it from birth. Examples of free money ruining lottery winners’ lives are so common as to be a cliché.

This is not just solely exclusive to the wealthy, the poor also suffer from wealth without work. Welfare programs from around the world are meant to do good but often keep these people down as they are hooked on the free money and showing no ambition to use it constructively.

There isn’t any question that giving people money without work will almost always end badly.

Too Little Money For Too Much Work

On the other hand, too little money, people either having no jobs or jobs that pay so little that full-time workers are still living below the poverty line, also makes a mess. Poverty is an accelerator for other problems and is contagious.

Having too much unemployment can turn firstly into a crime spree and then escalate into civil war. As soon as people feel dehumanised by their conditions and become disillusioned with the system, they are bound to rise up and try to take.

Taking is always seen as the answer in these cases.

What exactly is just right?

I have no idea myself, we're all figuring it out as we go along!

Up until now money has been a monopoly with a select few thinking and contributing to how it works, how it is valued, where it goes, who should get a piece of it and how it is used. Its a system that has worked the way it was designed to and it's now under threat.

If we know anything about humans it's that self-interest trumps altruism when in a position of power which is why antiquated systems like these are allowed to continue on long after its expiration date.

Cryptocurrency may not be the silver bullet evangelists are screaming about but its an alternative, a way to opt-in and out of the systems currently in play. It shows the blatant misuse of the current financial system and dishonesty that is rife in it.

It might be fare from disrupting it but cryptocurrency has clearly got their attention and hopefully get the old system stakeholders to think a little more critically on how this wealth distribution and accounting system should work.

What do you think is just right? What would you feel is the right amount of money for you to be happy?

Have your say

Holla at me in the comments! All my commenters I will now refer to as Jessie. Jessie is a good friend of mine, but Jessies got a girl, and I want to make her mine.

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, simply comment "I am a Jessie."

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To me Money is purely there to buy Quality of Life. Never at the end of someone's life do they say "I wish I worked more and spent less time with my family". Rather instead most will likely say their biggest regret was "not spending more time with their kids when they were younger".

To that end I live a life that allows for a lot of flexibility to spend real time with my kids. I could easily earn more money, but it would take me away from spending time with the kids and my Wife.

I 100% agree with you and we all should figure out what the number is we need before we can cover everything that we need for that type of quality of life that we desire and then go out and enjoy the quality of life you created. I think it takes a while to find that balance for everyone

You are quite right in your assessment. The scales of money are not very well balanced... on one hand we have people barely working who earn lots of money, and people working lots and earning almost nothing.

This will only lead to disgruntled and lazy workers... and the whole economy suffers, in the end.

Thanks for your article!

Indeed, this financial system for all its brought us is basically limping along and is due for a facelift. I don't think we'll ever get a perfect balance, but trying out different mixes of capitalism and socialism is probably the safest bet to keep most of the world a lot less annoyed with the outcome of things !ENGAGE 10

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Nobel Prize-winning economists Angus Deaton and Danny Kahneman at Princeton University published a study a few years back and came up with a figure of $75,000 USD/annum as the point at which happiness peaks. But "satisfaction" is a slightly different metric, more related to long-term goals and not day-to-day "happiness." (May need to adjust for inflation since 2010 and variability in cost-of-living worldwide.)

I think 75k a year under current circumstances would be more than enough for me to live a satisfactory life. I'd love to know whats the % of the world that actually earns that much money

I am 60 years old now and no matter what I have earned - high or low - I have never had a comfortable monetary life. Bills and needs eat into all levels of the money I have had.

I lived in Appalachia for one year and no one had much money. But all would feed another mouth and help you beyond what you could imagine. Now I live in SE Asia and most people I know do not have much. But again they will help anyone, and there is always room for one more.

I contrast this with places I lived that were "rich" and found a different attitude there. In those places people put up walls and security cameras to make sure no one takes what they have.

For me - no amount of money would make me happy. Whatever I have has to be enough. I look to other parts of life for happiness and generally stay in that lucky place.

That’s a fair bit of life and world experience you got to draw from and I’m pretty sure many of our so called financial problems are due to a perceived need for materialism!

If we simply could evaluate purchases more rationally instead of adding in emotions, class and status I think you’d see your money go further and your happiness much higher


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About $350 AUD a week I think would make me just right.

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Really? So AUD$1400 would be enough to live comfortably in Australia? That's insane, never been that side before but I do have family there, perhaps I should come down for a visit. In SA I'd say you need around R30 000/2100 USD per month to be able to live okay

Only because I have my home and everything else paid for and built my own solar power system and don't get any power bills🤣

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that's pretty smart, lol I hope to join you in the off the grid lifestyle and just spend my days doing whatever I feel like instead of what others pay me to feel like doing lol

Yep that's the way👍

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Sometimes I just read your post to see how you "play with words".
A contentwriters wet dream is to see twisted sentence (do not know If it is right word in english)

"Cryptocurrency may not be the silver bullet evangelists are screaming about"

Like that!

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Lol, why thank you, you know I do it for those like you that still bother to read my posts! Especially for someone who isn't a first language English speaker :)

All about creating "unique content" am I right?

Yepp. Uniqe But also with a good uniniqe touch. Everyone can make uniqe content...
Time to go fishing!
It is sunday and someone has stoped the ventilation at My office-hotel...😖 Impossible to work without ac

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Bravo. Well written prose with meaning.
You have my upvote and follow.

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I think the issue here is, what do people want out of life and how much money does it take to sustain that? If you are a materialist, OR, you have a lot of people to be responsible for, it takes more money. But it seems that the materialist is never happy, no matter how much money and material he or she amasses, so perhaps maybe the first thing is learning how to live in harmony with others no matter how much money is involved...

I agree, I think if materialism is your goal you can always shift the goal post because there’s always something new and better coming along!

I think having money to meet all your needs is a privilege which should allow you to find peace and internal growth, I think people are missing the point of having financial freedom or having
“enough” these days


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What is bookkeeping?

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It used to be a bot that tells you how much you spending on various dapps

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