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RE: Unsure - What direction to go.

in #money7 years ago

Sounds like a dilemma.

When faced with a bunch of choices like that I take the analytical approach and make a list of all the Pros and Cons of each option. It helps to weigh it all up and clarify what's really important to you.

That said, I personally am more of a minimalist, so would lean toward the experience rather than the possession of something. If you're young and haven't travelled yet, that really is a must. When you're older with more responsibilities or poor health you might not get the chance again.

See the world, learn how others live, experience new's priceless.


Yeah, and I have some friends (I hope friends?) that I'd like to visit, and help.

I have some notions of going to a place, helping out with as much as possible (within a budget). While I'm there keeping up updates on the blog, what we are achieving and so on.

Once time is up, funds are burnt, or they just want me gone. I'll move onto the next.

The only thing I'm worried about with the bike is (riding alone) if I have an accident things could be bad. The ongoing cost is marginal compared to the cost of the vehicle itself and I will be reselling towards the end of the year most likely.
And the only thing I'm worried about with is being 'lured' in with a request for help, and being taken advantage of. Or having some sort of anxiety related drama.


Better content perhaps? Or at the very least a new way of expressing myself.
Freedom to move about easier.
Helping people.

Kinda smushed both together.

I'm sure there is more, but that's what I could think of just this minute.

Thanks for replying!

Sometimes the best way to help others is to help yourself first.

If you are too generous then you can be taken advantage of and taken for granted. There are always going to be people with their hand out wanting more from you, but maybe they don't really need it as much as someone else....

Sounds to me like you've got it all in front of you. Just remember, there are no bad choices. Even the ones that go bad are ones you will learn from and be a better person for it. So don't be guided by fear or anxiety. Be bold and own your decisions, for better or worse that's what makes you YOU.

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