My Listing Limit Got Increased To $875,000,000! What is Your Limit?

in #money7 years ago

Some of you have been following my pool meetings where I talk about making money online outside of Steemit.  Well this morning I got rewarded once again for my excellent sales record over on eBay.  My listing limit has now been increased to $875,000,000!   

This is not something that is simple to accomplish.  eBay starts you out with the ability to list 5 products and some piss ant limit like $1,000 or something.   They don't trust you.   You might be a scammer so you have to work your way up and build your reputation.   Even after I had an eBay account for 5 years my limits were still kind of low for awhile and I kept running into them.  I would call every month and ask for an increase.   

Finally they started showing me some respect and realizing I was the real deal.  

Also check out @rulesforrebels and @reseller for great advice in the online sales game. Here are some of the videos I have done about making money selling things online.   

Self Branded Products

Shipping Strategies

Shipping To Oregon and China

Three Websites Resellers Should Know About

Business Discussion About Being Under Capitalized

Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


20 years on steemit? lol

My tenure is unsurpassed!

Congratulations on the increased limit - that's a lot of product :)

Yeah the bump up is pretty nice! I figure if I find a supplier I can start dealing in exotic cars now! LOL

You are Awesome Brian, Thanks for the post :D

Thanks! Yeah no problem. Hopefully some of the videos help some more people make some money online.

I enjoy helping others as well :)

Wow! Congratulations. And great information. I can't wait to watch your eCommerce videos.

So I think you're going to have to start listing Dubai penthouses on eBay in order to hit your upper limit!

I know.... that limit is kind of hilarious in some ways and it is kind of funny because I remember when my limit was around a Million and the way it would calculate it was if you had a bunch of combination like shirt sizes or flavors for a consumable product it almost multiplied the dollar amount of the listing. So I was running into the limit because of the combinations. Also $875 Million seems like an odd number. You would think they would go to $750 Million and then to a Billion or something. Kind of funny.

It is pretty funny. I'm sure you can think of all sorts of crazy things that theoretically could add up to that.

Well and also at those selling limit the account itself has a lot of value if I wanted to sell it. Because for someone to get to that it takes so many years and a big baller doesn't want to jump through the hoops. They just want to hit the ground sprinting.

Interesting thought. I guess you'd have to well and truly be done with eBay selling because it would be a shame to have to start again if you changed your mind after selling it. But that seems to be a big part of being a serial entrepreneur - build one business, sell it, build another.

Yeah, for the right price I would be willing to sell that business and the accounts associated with it but yeah it wouldn't be fun to restart from ground zero in the future.

Great post and thx for sharing ur videos really great advices and inspiering :0) upvoted and resteemed. Wish u a great weekend!

Thank you so much and I hope you have a great weekend as well!

Ur welcome :0) thx for being so inspiering.

This is going to be some great info to review over and over. I have always been intrigued with drop shipping. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

Drop shipping can be tough but also if you work yourself into the right situation it can just pay you over and over again for years!

Interesting videos. that ship it to website sounds interesting. Do they put the fba box label on for you? Or does that not really matter as long as you upload the tracking number?

Yeah you send them the FBA box label and they slap it on and send it out.

awesome thanks for that

Wow really great. Are u also in amazon?

Yeah I'm on Amazon as well and and my own websites. I'm everywhere!

You seem to be very focused ! I see you doing well in these platforms :D


That's insane, good job man. A couple years ago my partner and I got ours up to about 8 Million and then stopped requesting increases as I knew we'd never list anything close to that. I know your not supposed to sell eBay accounts but just an FYI your account would probably be worth about 50k if not quite a bit more to the right seller

Holly SHIT! REally? That much? I didn't think it would be worth that much and to be honest what I was wanting to do is sell everything as a package deal eventually. The eCommerce accounts, my website, all the suppliers contacts....etc. But where did you see that an account of that magnitude would bring 50K?

I know a guy in my niche who was running around buying up all the top eBay accounts. I would say about 50/50 got shutdown shortly after the sale vs stuck around but he was paying about 50K for accounts not even as large as yours. He wasn't even concerned about the feedback scores ie 55,000 or whatever so much as the listing limits.

My partner and I actually got offered 250K for our eBay and Paypal account. We had the lawyers involved and were hasing out a deal but the dealbreakers was he wanted to keep everything in our names and I didn't want someone else running a business that essentially I was on the hook for ie if he sells 100k worth of stuff and doesn't ship it eBay and Paypal are gonna be comming after me.

While technically your not allowed to sell an eBay account you can sell it as part of a business. They don't really give any specifics in terms of what that means but typically if you have are an LLC as opposed to an individual and if you have at the very least a domain and online shop you can pretty much get eBay on board with the fact that it's a business. If you have a brick and mortar its pretty easy but as long as you have an ecommerce shop off eBay you should be good to go

When you say half of them got shut down? What do you mean by that. Was he trying to corner the market somehow or was it because eBay saw the accounts all logging in from the same IP addresses or something?

That is weird the guy was wanting to keep everything in your guys' name. That sounds sketchy.

It sounds like you guys have been approached more about it but at one point I reached out to different Meetup groups in different cities that were business / Amazon / eBay meetup groups to sell my business. I didn't really get any traction which I was sort of surprised about in some ways but wasn't surprised in other ways. I have also followed listings before for resell businesses that were for sale on eBay and it seemed like they didn't sell but who knows if the deal ended up getting done.

It makes a ton of sense for someone to buy some of these businesses but I think the common thing is that it takes so much work usually to keep it going and all that they just think that building the business from the ground up would be the same.

It just simply isn't the case, you could have supply channels, already proven products and listings, long standing accounts with rock solid feedback which is huge.

I was going to ask you if you have ever worked with an Amazon Ghost account? So many of the categories seem gated at this point it is ridiculous on there and in a way I kind of messed up on there. At one point I wasn't selling as much on there so I stopped paying the monthly fee for several months. Then when I got back on. I was gated.

Hey buddy, yeah as far as shutdown once an eBay account is sold, the buyer of the account is most likely going to want to change the account info to their name and link their own Paypal account.

Now because of this I'm quite surprised 100% of purchased accounts are not shutdown as it would be pretty easy for eBay to tell that account name, address, linked Paypal accounts were all changed which if there's no selling accounts there's really 0 reason for anyone to do this with the exception of a move or I guess maybe a women getting married and changing her last name to her husbands but basically there's no reason to change account info unless you sell so I'm surprsied eBay doesn't crack down on this more than they do.

Yeah this guy I was talking about was paying 50k plus per account, some lasted a while some got shut down within a couple weeks after him purchasing them.

We were in a pretty unique niche without getting into specifics there were probably less than a dozen serious sellers and probably like 3-6 of us really dominating the category. There was somewhat of a barrier to entry in that it wasn't something just anyone could hop on Ali Express and buy so I think this guy knew if he was able to buy up all the accounts he would pretty much run the show and it was pretty unlikely he would face any new competition as everyone who's accounts he bought he made them sign a non-compete.

I think he wound up getting most of his money back despite his plan not really playing out as well as I imagine he thought it would. That said had it worked out he would have been doing millions if not tens of million ins sales per week and would have had all of it to himself.

I've never really done any ghost or stealth accounts for Amazon. I know some people make good money doing that but personally I'm not great with VPN's and proxies and all that jazz and it seems like way too much work to have to setup different addresses, different credit cards and banks, different IP address, different user account on computer etc all just for some eBay or Amazon sales and at some point with eBay for sure once you hit 20k in sales they are going to want more info at which pointyou've blown up that account and have to go through that whole stealth rigamarol all over again and build up a new account.

I guess to me I want to build up a longstanding business so the idea of going stealth and basically building a castle on sand which will eventually collapse just doesn't appeal to me.

There may be better ways of doing it where you can have some long term possibility by setting up LLC's and stuff as opposed to having personal accounts but just not something I've delved into alot

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