Economic Cycles Repeat. What Goes Down Must Come Up. Learn This, & Why... and Remain Healthy Emotionally, Financially and Spiritually.

in #money6 years ago (edited)

In a market driven by greed & globalists who do not give a damn about you, is important to find sanity in an insane world.

DEFINITION of 'Divergence' ... In technical analysis, traders make transaction decisions by identifying situations of divergence, where the price of a stock and a set of relevant indicators, such as the money flow index (MFI), are moving in opposite directions.

-- Investopedia.

When I explain to individuals that we are at a 5000 year historic low for interest rates, I truly mean it.

Look at that graphic. Just look at it.

The chart ends at 2015 but it does not matter, just extend it out to 2018, because it has not changed on the flattening out of basically 0% rates driving things, unsustainably.

That is what governments do, everything about them is unsustainable.

Understanding how artifically low rates reward debtors and punish savers is critical to grasping when and how much debt to take on.

If you are an owner of a home and are using debt to finance the lion's share of it, you would be wise to begin understanding the cycle we are in globally and why interest rates are finally rising (and will continue to).

How this impacts government's ability to borrow and the cascading impacts this will have on markets could save you a lot of grief in the coming years. There are many changes that will result from this including the accelerating trend of assets shifting form public to private.

This happens every time faith in the system begins to wane and it is a natural consequence of smart money protecting itself.

We currently operate in a debt-based World, so if you are living a life fuelled by cheap credit you will want to have an appreciation for this all.

What goes down, must come up afterall.

And not just in the markets.

We need to remember everyone is at a different place in all this. We were all born free. (right?) - but also, born statists and thru propaganda and indoctrination every day, we are taught to not think or challenge THE MAN. When you do, you become a target, many of us have been thru it and others see this, and you are ostracized.

The masses do not want to be this target, nor ostracized as such.

We have to try to remember these things as we help people. In biblical terms -- it is called discipling or raising up leaders.

I get frustrated too but we are all in this together.

Some charts to compare parts of where we were at for the 2008 financial crisis/meltdown, to where we are now, in 2018 as the next complete collapse is due, or overdue, depending on who you talk to, or what metrics you use.

It is coming --- mark my words and the banks and politicians who are TOO BIG TO FAIL -- may just bail themselves all our, again, at our expense.

Again is the key word.



2018 Q1 (Jan/Feb so far) Stock markets legendary crash...





Note this one ends at 2015 as do a few of these -- make the necessary adjustments out 3 yrs further.


A friend of mine Jason Cassidy was talking about this, this last week and many of us chimed in.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


The amount of sovereign debt and the size of central bank balance sheets is frightening! Inflation will only be the beginning, but the markets will leave a trail of disaster like it has in the past. Decentralization will be a key initiative to create some sort of financial independence when he time comes.

Great to hear your thoughts, followed and upvoted!


See comments below my friend.

Wow nice post
Great Bitcoin and etheream price chart shere
Thanks for sharing

great post keep it up

Its a damn shame how the government manages the economy, not just in the US but most governments around the world.


See comments below my friend.

Government decision to interest rate has never been fair to individuals and that's their power to control and rule the masses. People should be shrewd always avoid going into debt never fight the givernment but invest invest invest.

See comments below, agreed.

But gov't is corrupt.

This is some really good information, great graphics! I'm interested how you see this information tying into the future of crypto currency... but outstanding information, upvoted and followed!


Crypto is the future and is not controlled by lying, thieving, overpaid useless govt's that are bloated in terms of both manpower and salaries, with golden pensions and benefits driving humanity into the ground.

And related always and forever, the lobbyists, tied to bank bailouts, and fraudulent fiat, also screwing humanity

Give me Liberty.

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