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RE: 2 SBD giveaway + New "Den of Thieves" Movie Trailer shows Multi Billion Dollar Heist of Federal Reserve, this is what Bitcoin is basically doing. + a Call to Animators/Video Artists interested in Contest to Explain how Steempower Works

in #money7 years ago

Excatly we have an easy salespitch, peope are already using social media and getting ripped off and facebook is worth half a trillion and steemit less than quarter Billion so we have major growth and steem can be teh replacement or facebook when people realize they are working for free... people are caught in a trance , total trance and its fun y how facebook has to run ads to get peopel to keep using their servcie sto REMIND people to open their facebooks, eventually facebook WILl have to start psying oir rewarding itw users or at least the ones who upload the most contenta nd getthe most veiws like how youtube has partnerships and pays its big content creators... facenbook and even instagram will AHVE to start paying its big users to compete with steemit

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 65753.03
ETH 3281.80
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68