Met a teenager while driving home who needed some Busfair, gave him a ride & $20 cash and got him signed up on Steemit! You can help me prove i am not crazy and that a post like this can earn me over $20, to prove I can make money by giving it away!

in #money7 years ago

Yesterday as I drove home and was on my way to the Bitcoin ATM in North Park at The cave Smoke shop to buy some Bitcoin, I of course started yelling at any random person on the sidewalk who I saw smiling..and i yelled, "It's all about that Bitcoin!" at this teenager I saw walking while I was at a red light. I yelled about Bitcoin and he told me he needed some help getting bus fare after having some problems at home I believe, something like that, don't wanna get too personal but I decided to just pull over and offer him a ride so he wouldn't have to take the bus. So since I was driving home with nothing left to do, i pulled over, opened the door, and on the drive down the road to where he needed to go a few miles away, I told him all about bitcoin, steemit and got him signed up on Steemit on his phone. When i told him he could make money online like this, he said "But I don't have a credit card" and i just smiled and made him confident that you wouldn't ever need one, and that one day because of Bitcoin and Bitpay that bitcoin would basically get hima debit card and I explained how he wouldn't need anything but his phone and internet to use Bitcoin ATMs or even a dealer or using the Android Mycelium Wallet app marketplace to find ad hoc local bitcoin dealers in your area for cash, and those are just some of many ways to cash out any bitcoins you need to cash out. And to make sure he knew I was serious about how much I really was getting paid on steemit and to show him how serious the whole crypto thing is, I gave him a $20 bill and asked him if I could take a photo with him holding it with me holding the steemit logo on my tablet, and explained to him how I will be able to make that $20 back on this very steemit post!

When his account is approved he should be @malimal here on steemit and he was very grateful, extremely police, even called me "Sir" when I first talked to him from my car, when he asked for some help, (I guess Im just getting Old lol) and he was not expecting this but I wanted to give the Steemit (and bitcoin/crypto) Community a good impression on the streets of San Diego! I yell about Bitcoin and Steemit when I drive around especially after going to or from a Bitcoin ATM like the one at the cave smoke shop here in North Park (6% Fiat ->BTC only). When I am out walking or driving, I ALWAYS yell about bitcoin to people on the sidewalk and usually people can tell I am genuinely excited about something and just either are nice and respond and humor me or they genuinely are aware of Bitcoin and are happy to hear about BTC in real life! nd only a few have ever heard of Steemit, like the Carribean Dance Group guy at ComiCon me and @monkimo and his family got to see and talk to and that was one of the first Steemit users I have met in real life 9All the local Steemit users I know are ones I introduced to steemit, besides a few I have met hre on steemit itself and discord like @captainobvious and @lilrut (i believe or maybe hes in LA or something) and of course there area few others so just comment below if I forgot you and you are a San Diego Steemit user!

(The Local news claimed this guy installed the first Bitcoin ATM here in San Diego back in 2014 and I got to meet this guy many times and would do business with him in 2015 buying lots of bitcoin with simple Bank fo America Deposits of Cash and he would send the BTC and i should have kept in contact with him he is probably very wealthy now since he kept with Bitcoin while I dropped out until late last year which I regret very much but will make up using Steemit! )

When I first have to explain Bitcoin and Steemit to someone, I usually begin with something to a stranger like " You know about Bitcoin?" and if they say yes I just nod and tell them "And Steemit man! you can get free Bitcoin just for posting stuff online! like getting paid to use Facebook or Instagram or reddit! It's like you get paid for how many likes you get!" and I try to explain it very quickly like that like in one or two sentences! Sometimes they say they have heard of it, but only a little, most have never bought any but have heard of it. But what is really funny is when people tell me they don't know what Bitcoin is, and respond like they have never even heard the word Bitcoin before! they will give me that now oh so classic 'Bit...Coin?" or even sometimes "Big Coin?" haha thats the funniest when they think i said "BIG coin" but usually if they give me that response I say "Yeah its that online digital money drug dealers use that the government can't take away" and they will at first think that sounds dangerous like thats a red flag to stay away and then I tell them that it has gone up over 4 million percent in 8 years, and they ignore the drug dealer part! They either are just not interested or they become so interested when i tell them that part that they even sound embarrassed that they dont know anything about it yet. I love telling them the new Tai Lopez talking point how if you would have put $10 in bitcoin in 2010 you would have over ten million now" and then THEN sometimes they say "OOOooohhhh THAT thing yeah I heard of that" because honestly most people HAVE actually heard bitcoin now that Ransomware wanna cry which basically made everyone with a Television set aware of Bitcoin in 2017!

You have to seriously be living under a rock to not have at least heard about it once in the last 8 years. I know the stats show that maybe what 3 million people in the US actively trade cryptocurrency now hah according to this study from May 2017 and on Quora here they have estimated a number of how many people se crypto on the planet at around 15 million back in June and that 1% of the global 7 billion person population is WAY too high for an estimate on how many people use crypto! Because 1% of 7 billion is 70 million! jesus christ if 70 million people use crypto we would have a large nation state! Hmmm maybe 70 million will become the figure by next year though! And why would this trend stop?

(This Is from sept 2016 AND does not take into account that some users may hold large amount of BTC in multiple wallets to not raise flags, but still it's interesting to see half a million people with at least 1 Bitcoin in their wallets back at $400 prices (for easy maths sake), so around half a million people basically made 10 X profit in a year now that BTC is over $4000 and also that means half a million people gained like over $3000 each, so that is around 1.5 Billion dollars collectively gained by the half a million people who decided to buy 1 bitcoin around 1 year ago...

The people who underestimate crypto just are not aware of the actual pattern here when they talk shit about bitcoin! Crypto is going to keep eating all the fiat till the fiat is all gone! People who have Bitcoin, around 15 million or so on Earth, if they all just triple their portfolios, the coinmarketcap goes from around 100 billion to 300 billion, and see how close we can get to 1 trillion?

Thanks for reading everyone! remember, keep spreading the Steemit Love and tell everyone in real life about Steemit and maybe you might end up getting a neighbor or family member to buy Steempower, follow you, and upvote all your posts! See how you can help people invest in crypto buying steempower and then get rewarded by getting their upvotes after they buy steempower!

Thanks again to @tytran for the Steemit Hat and Shirt and ETH mining rig and video cards and now even a backup smartphone which i need after my iphone wont turn on! Oh man do we have some awesome steemit stuff coming out soon! Well I'l try to keep it a surprise but I will be showing you all photos of the Ethereum Mining rig i got from him which I haven't had room or wifi to setup but we just upgraded the Wifi here and so i can get it started again and not need any Ethernet cables etc, and i should be tripling my currency ethereum mining! I feel bad for not mining more since ethereum is switching to proof of stake one day soon and i wont be able to mine eth anymore (I think???) but I will still be able to mine ethereum classic which is going to be fine!

Come join my San Diego Steemit Bitcoin Group and also check out the possible new meetups by @captainobvious and check out his hang gliding posts,m maybe we can do a Steemit Flight Club to practice for my dream of purchasing a Cessna J $800,000 private Jet to fly Steemit members around the world and have Steemit Logo on the Jet, and it can be Steemit Airlines, and we can even setup a system where you just pay for the Jet using Steem/SBD or even a Steemit Airlines Smart Media Token (SMT) lol hah that would be just so perfect just for publicity purposes but imagine rewarding random hard working minnows and dolphins 9or whales even) by picking them up at their local cities and flying them around the world to meet other Steemit users but also just to make Tai Lopez style Videos about the Steemit Success Cult XD haha it will be so epic! KNOWLEDGE!

I know things may seem tough when you want steem to go up as much as Bitcoin, but you can fix this by simply buying more Bitcoin with your SBD to alleviate the FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out) but instead of taking money out of steem you should use your fiat cash to buy Bitcoin! Sell some extra stuff on ebay, or craigslist, and if you have learned all about Bitcoin and steemit but just don't have any money to buy it BUT you're educated on it, you can post a craigslist ad claiming you will teach people how to use and buy and sell and trade Bitcoins and altcoins and Steemit and even offer to do it with the guarantee that they wont have to pay you unless they actually make money over the next few months, and they will no doubt make money with the bitcoin you help them buy, and they will

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 but iPhone stuck in reboot loop, so instead just please text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza


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Kool post man.

I think you got the right idea; making it about helping others, and making it come back to you so I'm on board. Cheers, SY-

What an Awesome Post. It just goes to show how one man and his steemit knowledge can change the face of the world one person at a time, till there is noone but bitcoin steemians. Then God can rest. :)).

Changing the face of the world one person at a time.
Steem On. "
I think this is a good slogan for @ackza don't you think?

@tytran I mentioned you in a post about 3 weeks ago and have not heard back from you for a long time. I always follow the posts of people I am following because I follow the eprosns that write quality posts of the topics I like the most.

I agree with you about the slogan for @ackza . Just upvoted! @gold84

Why thank you.
Yes sorry I have been busy with my job lately that I have not been active with Steemit. I was just discussing with @ackza that we should be each other's accountability partner. Let's see how that goes.

@tytran Agreed! I like what you do do with sports, I am following you closely and like to give back for quality content. Will continue upvoting and promoting what you are doing. Upvoted your comment.

Here is my latest post:

Looking forward to your thoughts.


lol God is always at rest, isnt his plan going according to plan? why would he need to do anything?
ha just kidding man, but let me ask you this, could God microwave a burrito so hot that He himself could not eat it?

but seriously yes we are doing God's work here on Steemit, not Goldman Sachs!

We should open Steemit Christian ministris LOl seriously tho E- ministries are vry popular, people do sermons over youtube etc, we could have steemit church and connct christians all over the world, make steem the currency of christian chairty, imagine when peopel can find out they can directly donate money to someone in need, via their upvote, and not have to spend a dime of theior own money....christians can invest in steempower, upvote a person in developing world and its a win win, as steem gos up they amke money, and the person ineed gets paid without it coming out of the pocket of the person giving chaorty!

imagine how badly we could disrupt the corrupt Charity industry!

Upvoted and resteemed to my small bunch of minnows.

i read that as "my small bunch of minions" hah we should change minnows to minions

Giving him a $20 today you just gave him another day to live, but you let him signup to steemit you gave him a chance to change his whole community from rug to riches.

Ha! Great comment! Hence the 70% upvote from me.

Great post. Keep spreading the word.

GREAT POST! This is exactly the type of thing we love on the Steemit Promo Team!

If you use the tag "promo-steem" or "promo-yourcountryname" you will get the support of the Promo Team.

Check out this post


Lets get the guy you spoke to commenting on here once his account is approved, that would be fantastic to see a new user becoming active from this effort!

Very nice post and clever well done I really enjoyed it .
Definitely upvoted 👍🏼

Ackza has become.... The man with the plan.

Upvoted and resteemed!
Keep spreading our community! Steemit will grow because of people like you

hell yeah, thansk for that resteem, heres 24 cents !


Upvoted also for the resteem!

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