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RE: Holy Smart Node Payouts Batman! ~ What happened?

Ooh! What hardware are you using? I'm wanting to get more heavily into mining.

I've got one rig mining ethereum right now as part of a pool. I'm wanting to set up my good PC, which keeps freezing when I try to set up a node for Monero.


I'm actually renting out the server from Vultr, I just had to set up the wallet and node on my computer. So no fancy hardware needed really. It's the lowest price (that I know of) barrier of entry to have a full node. Pretty neat if you ask me, considering others are closer to 20K-250K.

Yeah, PoS is generally pretty expensive. That's by design I suppose.

Did you look into ZENcash? They've got a hybrid PoS/PoW system. Las I checked, the staking cost was around $1200usd plus hardware.

How much does your smart cash node cost? I've heard renting server space can be really inexpensive.

I have done a little digging on Zen, but I'll have to dig some more if that is the case.

It is really inexpensive for the smartnode, considering their requirements to operate are so low. At Vultr it runs me about 5 bucks a month USD, which easily pays for itself with the node and smart rewards.

Very nice. If you were to buy your own hardware, what would the requirements be?

Just dig in for a few minutes at and watch a video from @hannahlicious when you're ready to launch your node. She has vids for both mac and windows.

1GB ram and 20GB hdd? you can pick up servers like that for a couple hundred on the used market! Granted, I have zero clue how to use one, but with a total investment of just over a grand, this is sounding unusually plausible.

Right!? I'm more than fine with paying the 5 bucks a month and not having to worry about it though. No need for the extra physical computer space and electricity costs, and the upfront capital (although not a lot).

It's plausible, I'm breathing proof.

It's great to see a success story in mining. I'm going to look into making this happen in my life too.

Wonder if there's a vps that takes ETH payment? Cause my ETH miner would more than cover the cost of SMART mining. That would be super cool. Heck, for XMR mining too! This is a whole new world of possibility that I hadn't considered!

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