The Three Amigo's of El Discorda. - A Minnowsupportproject story.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #minnowsupportproject7 years ago (edited)


For generations the people of the small Mexican town of El Discorda have told of the time their town was saved from evil bandito's by three local men.

This is the story of 'The Three Amigo's'.

The people of El Discord had lived in peace for centuries leading hardworking fulfilling lives. Most worked the land until one day huge silver deposits were discovered on the towns outskirts. Word spread quickly and many flocked to the town to seek their fortunes.

Along with prospectors came all manner of shady characters and the towns folk soon realised they needed law men to keep the peace. They were known as the Moderators.
Sammo, Shane and Muxxy had been best friends since childhood and had always dreamed of being heroes, they were all fairly effeminate children however they managed to escape the bullies by perfecting the little known art of Mexican dance fighting.

The earliest known picture of the Moderators.


As they grew up the stories of their dance fighting became legendary in El Discorda, so girly was their dancing none of the tougher kids would go near them, so naturally when they were adults and heard of the need for Moderators they jumped the the chance and volunteered.
Most of the time the three friends had no problem dealing with local issues, a waggle of the hips, a thrust of the crotch and impeccable choreography was enough to deter even the most violent criminals.

The Three Amigo's performing their signature move 'La Danza de Bandido gay'.


Then in one day everything changed.

A huge dust cloud was seen on the horizon and at first it was assumed a storm was coming however soon the citizens of El Discorda realised it was no storm, the cloud was from the many horses of the infamous gang of bandits called the Sandernista's lead by the evil Bernito. The gang were feared throughout the land and the citizens of El Discorda cowered in their homes in fear of what may become of them.

Bernito Sandernista.


Without a thought for his own safety Muxxy stepped forward out of the shadows and screamed in a suspiciously high pitched voice "no friggin wayyy! Get out of our town you filthy bastardo's."


Bernito took one look at the 4ft 6inch Muxxy and burst out laughing prompting the whole town to join in out of fear. "So this is the famous Mexican dance fighter Muxxy, where are your camp compadres Sammo and Shane? Are they too afraid to face me?"


Sammo and Shane stepped forward to face the leader of the 'Sandernista's. "We're here scumbag" they said in unison. Shane spinning his toy gun in a display of misplaced bravado.

After the laughter died down the gang encircled the Three Amigo's."Who are these fancy pants idiota's" said El Cerdo de Ausbit the gangs most deviant henchman "I like the little one" he said and sent a creepy smile in Muxxy's direction. Muxxy clenched at the thought of the grim future he may now face and turned to his friends with fear in his eyes.


Something had to be done.

"Moderators" Shane shouted "We dance!"
But right as the Three Amigo's were about to launch into a devastatingly camp routine called 'El impulso genital tres hombre' another sinister character stepped forward and brutally slapped Shane to the ground.

"We don't do no stinkin dancin" said El rey del agro.


Shane was stunned and burst into tears much to the chagrin of the towns folk and amusement of the gang. "You made me bleed you monster, look! I was going to let you off with a snazzy two step routine but this means war."


Sammo stepped in to cool down the situation before Shane got his butt kicked again. Thinking on his feet he said "We give you until sundown to leave town, if you still are here when we return you will rue the day you ever stepped foot in El Discorda."
With that the Three Amigo's made a hasty retreat to work out what to do next, the towns people watched them leave concerned that their heroes would never return.
"What will we do" said Muxxy.
"We need a plan to defeat those pigs." said Shane, still smarting from the slap.
"We will devise our most cunning and devastating dance yet and rid Discorda of Bernito and the Sandernista's for ever." said Sammo.
The Moderators rode off into the desert to choreograph the dance to end all dances, they worked for hours spinning and twerking their way through endless routines none of which seemed good enough to bring the gang to their knees. Finally when all hope seemed lost Muxxy had a light bulb moment. Realising what had been missing he told the others and they agreed his idea was brilliant. Being camp wasn't enough to defeat these bad guys, Muxxy was going to go full tranny!
The dance they had come up with was....'La Cruz vestido do dos etapas' - The cross dress two step!
Finally they started making their way back to El Discorda battling the suns burning rays and dehydration all the way after Sammo downed the whole canteen without a thought for the others as he was so infuriated that the dance was a two man affair, literally!


Finally the Three Amigo's got back to town tired and parched but ready for action. They went straight to the saloon where the gang had settled in for a night of debauchery. Walking up to the bar they decided to have a drink to steel themselves for the upcoming routine that would decide El Discoda's fate. They got off to a bad start by embarrassing themselves by almost choking on the local hooch.


As the gang and barflies were still laughing at the Three Amigo's, Muxxy slipped off to grab the props needed for the dance.
Bernito was so confident that nothing the friends could do would convince him to leave town he barely noticed when the dance started. Enrique the barman was the first to see what was happening and was so shocked by what he saw he got down behind the bar shouting "Oh mi Dios, mis ojos, mis ojos!"


The dance continued and as the story built within was revealed to the now stunned gang of Bandido's even the most deviant among them started to second guess their belief that the now Two Amigo's [Sammo was barfing in a bag throughout the routine out of jealousy.] had what was required to get them to leave El Discorda.


The Two Amigo's danced and danced, did a costume change without breaking step in which Muxxy revealed his hidden love of cross dressing and desire to be a woman! Not sure if this was enough to rid the town of the recently arrived tormentors Shane and Muxxy finished off the dance by simulating a full on, stand up, from behind rogering. It was the perfect coup de grais and had Bernito and his Sandernista's fighting to get out of the door, get to their horses and get out of town before the music stopped.


The towns people of El Discorda cheered as the gang left as quick as they came. Everyone celebrated the incredible feat of dancing bravery by partying all night. Things soon go to acknowledge of normal in El Discorda and word got around that the Moderators weren't to be messed with. Bernitos gang never returned and everyone lived happily ever after. No one cared that Muxxy had come out as a transvestite as El Discorda was a place where all peace loving people were welcomed with open arms.

Exactly like discord is today, and it's the best place to learn the ropes as a minnow new to Steemit. If you are new to Steemit and are struggling to find your way and attract followers click this link and start your journey.

You'll find the modern day Three Amigo's there, @gmuxx @swelker101 & @sammosk moderating the newbies. You will find many other great Steemians of all levels there dedicated to helping you get the best out of this great platform and yourselves.
There are many different threads there too now so I'm sure there is something for everyone

Thank you for visiting @tremendospercy


gif by @justcallmemmyth

Images and other Gifs courtesy of Google Images.

Additional Images courtesy of HBO films.

TremendosPercy avatar by @epicdesigns



Once again pure awesomeness unleashed. Nice one dude.

Cheers you sexual chocolatier 😃

♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟 ♡🐟

I'd respond by saying, "I wrote a post a few days ago with almost that exact title"
Cheers for reading

Thanks for linking me up...I'm sure we will cross paths on Discord at some point, and I look forward to the day. There are too many things to be jealous of. Just control your own shit and smile doing it!

also relevant, and was required before the dance off.

Great post as usual percy, laughed my ass off.

Thx buddy, glad you enjoyed it.

This is so beyond wonderful, The Moderators rode off into the desert to choreograph the dance to end all dances, they worked for hours spinning and twerking their way through endless routines none of which seemed good enough to bring the gang to their knees. That is exactly why I love DISCORD <3 Cannot wait to be featured in one of you stories. I must make my mark in the discord and fight justice with the three amigos!

You nearly made into this one. There was a love interest for Sammo but it made the story a bit long. Don't fret babe you'll get in one soon.
Thanks for reading and commenting.

I thought that was the direction you were heading in and I almost was disappointed I didn't see it, but all good things come to those that wait :)

I like chicken.

I've missed you the last few days. What's new?

I know, I know!

So loved this when kid, was there bit where he said there using real bullets after being shot

I know,right! 😂

Very interesting I enjoyed thanks for the post I PROMOTE.

This post has been chosen to be featured in today's @muxxybot curation post

Congratulations. You have earned 1 Muxxy Buck.

Ooooh Muxxy bucks! Nice one.

Spend it wisely. Invest in Muxxybot

Muxxybot is a generous bot....%....

Nice xD it's much more funny as I know at least one of the characters this time.

Glad you could enjoy this one a bit more ;-)
Thx for reading it.

OMG, I'm dying, as "close" as I feel I have gotten to this MSP family. What a brilliant piece of work, Mr. Tremendous! WELL DONE!


Cheers buddy. Another fun one to write. Outing Muxxy wasthe best part :D
Thanks for the comment dude.

Sounds like an epic tale.
Glad you recorded it for the history books :)

It needed to be written for the ages ;)

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