Bamboozled: An Afternoon With Dark Templar @Zeartul, Founder of the Bellyrub Vote Bot

in #minnowsupportproject7 years ago (edited)

If you've been on SteemIt for a little bit, you've probably run into @Zeartul (your 81st Witness, by the way).

He's always been kind to me, and he seems to be doing big things these days!
So, my curiosity got the best of me - and I decided to interrogate him in the "Panda torture room".

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@FATPANDADESIGN- "So...Zeartul, is it? Why on earth did you pick the name? Is there a special or hidden meaning to it?"

@ZEARTUL - "Yes, I am a Dark templar. I am a powerful psionic warrior which my ancestors resettled on the planet Shakuras
after they were exiled from the Protoss homeworld of Aiur for refusing to join the emerging Khala, the communal mind link shared by the entire race.

In place of the Khala’s bright energies, We the Dark Templar learned to manipulate the darker powers of the Void, which gave us the ability to become invisible at will (hence my Main page saying).

Armed with our potent Warp Blades, We the dark templar are deadly and relentless foes capable of devastating conventional forces."

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "I know you're a big part of MSP - what role do you play that makes you an important piece on the chess board in the land of Steem Giants?"

@ZEARTUL - "I did join MSP with in its first days of coming together, I witnessed @Aggroed's post on the deal he and @Neoxian made. I am the guy who created the minnow to whale logo from which I made a post about basically saying how I saw MSP as a who.

I am not as active as I would like on the server due to my projects (@bellyrub) and now I am part of the alliance. It is funny that you say land of the Steem Giants... I wish I was even on the radar but I hope I am at least known I am your 81st Witness."

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "Time to get a little personal - Let's say you woke up one day and were dead broke, your friends and family abandoned you and you had no credit (and no crypto wallets stashed away cheater) - what's your next move?"

@ZEARTUL - "Ha well damn that is a toughy, seems like a go for broke type of thing! Well one thing I would like to point out is fuck credit haha all Crypto or maybe even cash.

Damn that was my damn move moving some crypto around. Well With out anything lets see I have always been a person that sees outside the box type of crap I see an opportunity and I pounce on it.

Considering I crypto is still a thing I would follow @venuspc's moves! I would litteraly steemit away and post about my daily life and vlog the shit out of my personal life! Than start building my portfolio like I am now."

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "How long have you been on SteemIt? Do you have a job or business besides SteemIt? If so, where do you see yourself and your endeavors a year from now? Be descriptive, my readers love a good story! The crazier, the better!"

@ZEARTUL - "I registered my account a little over a year ago, and that was that. Did not look more into it big mistake! Active steemian I say about 5 months. I do have a day job as an IT contractor, Ill leave it at that."

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "Personal time again! What is the absolute craziest thing you've ever done in your life, legal or illegal?"

@ZEARTUL - "Hmm, craziest thing I have done wow I am a bit of a boring fella, but I had an SUV back in the day and I packed it with a bunch of people and we headed over to Hollywood. Made a wide turn and we were on two wheels.. Stupid but that is what popped in my head."

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@FATPANDADESIGN - "If you could commit any fucking crime and get away with it without any repercussions, what would it be and why? Tell us a funny story!"

@ZEARTUL - "Damn, Nothing too crazy but I would do the fucking Italian Job! Yup, I am one of those bank robber, Oceans Eleven guys. I love organized crime moves. Funny but have you seen the movie BABY? Love it"

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@FATPANDADESIGN- "What's your favorite activity outside of SteemIt? Do you have any special hobbies or talents you'd like to share, or that you're particularly proud of?"

@ZEARTUL - "I like hanging out with my son, building robots, teaching him code, and going on hikes to look for any kind of animal.

Special talent: none like I said I am a bit of a boring guy. I am very proud of my son that guy is fucking smart, he is 8 and already knows what he wants to do when he grows up a damn engineer."

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@FATPANDADESIGN- "Last question - what are some current projects that you're working on related to SteemIt or crypto? I've heard of @Bellyrub and that you successfully just gained a massive boost from @ADSActly towards it - congratulations! What exactly is @Bellyrub, though?"

@ZEARTUL - "Yes I run @bellyrub - you might have seen it all over steemits underground crew. @bellyrubbank is another one which shares profits to steemains with bellyrub's profits.

@ASDactly loves @bellyrub and @bellyrub loves a decentralized society - so, we joined forces, and they were kind enough to delegate some juice SP.

@bellyrub is a bid-bot much like @booster, with some slight differences. @bellyrub has a bank! booyah! you send sbd as a bid on a 100% vote.

One Project I just recently joined that I would like to mention is the alliance - they run the bad ass @sneaky-ninja and the @killerwhale accounts - look them up, great crew."

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Based on your responses, @Zeartul, it seems you've been an amazing part of this community that I'm proud to call home. It's members like you and the initiatives/projects you dream up and build that change the game and keep the ball rolling.

Thank you for being such a huge part of SteemIt. We need more people like you contributing to improving and growing this community.

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Cheers to @zeartul for a kickass interview! Everyone be sure to follow him and check out @Bellyrub project for bot bidding your posts to fame and fortune!

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Another great interview Panda.
I'm glad you picked 'The Bamboo Room'.
And I'm really pleased we met up again buddy.
Nice one.

Thanks! Not quite feelin' the love on this one - maybe it was the timing :O And i'm not talking $$....just purely comments/etc - normally I get tons of feedback.

It's still only three hours old dude, give it time. 😉

Maybe this mornings Discord title should be impatient Panda LOL

Gezzzz what an awesome interview!! Tks panda

It's always interesting to learn personal details about members of the community who have developed large projects.

I think it's really neat that @zeartul is so proud of his son and teaches him how to code. Looks like I've found another witness to vote for. I'll also have to check out the Belly Rub bank. Sounds interesting.

Thanks for another great interview!


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Thanks boss for the interview thank you all who enjoyed it!

Thanks for joining me! Hope it stirs up a lot of extra business for you - seems like quite a few people actually were not aware of the @Bellyrub service, but now are. That's awesome! I wish you all the best and success <3

haha. I always misktaken belly rub and buildawhale. But I am glad that there are more and more services available to help kickstart some minnows to swim a little closer to the rest of the school of fishes.

Great work getting hold on one of the prominent individuals here @fatpandadesign !

Oh! I love @bellyrub. Isn't @zeartul his dad? @fatpandadesign, you ask the best questions ever! Seriously! Your questions bring out their personalities.

Yep, The Dark Templar is the daddy of little mr. bellyrub :P and appreciate that compliment - I really just hope my interviews allow other community members to have the opportunity to learn more about some of the Steemians making SteemIt a better place, while also allowing the interviewee the opportunity to do a little self-promotion.

In my opinion, I think it's a pretty fair trade and that's why most that I ask are more than happy to join me for a few questions and a little bit of fun!


Neat, I didn't know about @bellyrub before- that'll come in handy!

Great interview @fatpandadesign. Been seeing Zeartul pop up all over Steemit lately, it's great to learn a bit more about him and his projects. I think I might have to give the old bellyrub a try.

You should give it a test try on this one to see if it works - you know, in case instead of bellyrubs it gives you something a little more.....unwarrranted xD

I think you have to pay a little extra for that Panda.

panda pay for boom boom

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