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RE: Your Values might be what's holding you back from Success on Steemit

in #minnowsupport7 years ago

Thing is that this is not the place for quality content, more of a everyday blog platform where you write what you ate this day. Write and forget about it.

But if you want to make some kind of guide or something that people can revisit later well it is not that easy, usually people just check latest or trending but not something that was written 8 month ago even if it is still great.

Then again quality content = high payout? Ofcourse it is not and that is sad. While other people just spam several posts per day and just upvote it with bots or just buy steem and self upvote. This system simply does not encourage quality content.

Being positive is fine but you should not ignore those who are negative because there is a reason for that, it is a sign that something is not fine and needs to change. I can't imagine how people would land on moon if they wouldn't talk about problems. If you don't complain you are just ignoring problem.

Now ofcourse there are different ways to do that you can just say steem is bad or you can say steem is bad because, and the second is much more valuable because you state problem and show why it is a problem.


complaining is different than offering constructive criticism and helping to solve problems.

however, you might want to consider that this IS actually the place for quality content, and if you are just doing your "what I ate today" posts, that's ok, but don't expect big bucks to do it.

Yes, it takes me 12+ hours for almost every article I write.

This was a recordbreaker for a short easy post that only took me less than 2 hours.

It may be different but still people don't complain without a reason.

Guess we just have different opinions about quality content.

It may won't work with what I ate today but it certainly works with news about bitcoin that people just copy paste from news sites.

Which often gets reported and flagged.

In my experience it wasn't so often but whatever. The complaining thing will be with us as long as people find current system unfair. Anyway even if you write good content you still have to be noticed by people and that is more important than quality.

yes, that's where I mentioned about MinnowSupport and MinnowsAccelerator and DIscord.

also, it's easy to get noticed if you are shining the light on other people. You have to be interested in others in order to be interesting to them

btw, I'm reading your post about linux distros right now :-)

I'm upvoting for the thoughtfulness of the comment, not because I agree with with the comment all that much. If we should listen to complaints then it stands to reason we should also listen to complaints about complaints - which this post is. I mean the perspective might add something useful.
Right now, Steemit is a popularity contest where the actions of the fattest wallet have the biggest impact. That might seem like anti-quality content, but it doesn't have to be: Steem is getting big enough that people can do okay in a niche. And, the fattest wallets within the niche have the most impact on defining quality within that niche. So, bring in your news curators, the spicy memes, the instagram girls, the @sweetsssj s and the like. I ignore what I dislike and upvote what I like. One thing a minnow can do to help build a niche is thoughtful comments. Good comments can be worth more to an author than a penny upvote.

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