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RE: Chemtrails Debunked!

in #minnowsunite7 years ago

Ok I read your post, and you use the same ol tired arguments of someone who refuses to face the facts at hand. And if you are indeed a PAID Researcher, then your opinions and writings are biased in nature. When you do the research and work required... FOR FREE I would be willing to entertain a conversation with you on the topic of Chemtrails... Not Corntrails!


LOL. YOU here? Why am I not surprised.
Never mind this post. That's only a troll. And not a very good one for that matter.
He claims to be an academic but writes like a fourth grader.
The IQ of this individual cannot possibly be higher than room temperature. 🙂

Yep! LOL I figure this person for either a shill, or they are seriously taking the troll role too far. And the language of this post is sub-par at best. And if that is the route they wish to take, fine. They are barking up the wrong tree when they make the rounds and start comment spamming, uggghhh! Not a great way to initiate a conversation. :-D

He just downvoted me. Not a nice one...

Eh, no worries. He hasn't got the VP to do any kind of damage. ;-)

Clearly @herrleeb and @inthenow i mis-judged your posts. I wrongly assumed you were simply individuals who were trying to make sense of a phenomenon you didnt have an answer too... The reason i assumed this was because after comming across one blog regarding "chemtrails" i found post, after post, after post... In honesty I had NEVER heard of this theory before and therefore assumed you were a isolated group of people who were trying to make sense of something through the use of steemit. If i were trying to troll you I would not have gone to the effort of preparing the blog or tracing all the articles to share with them... in this instance i assumed you were on Steemit looking for answers... i was wrong.. im sorry. I appreciate you feel you have answers already, just as im sure you appreciate that I also believe i have answers... i think its best to just agree to disagree and go our separate ways. As for the derogatory comments from @herrleeb regarding my person I hope you find it in your heart to become a bit more sensitive and co-operative... there is no place for hatred and name calling in the world... especially on steemit.

I did not receive this post because you replied to the wrong person. I understand your position now and apologize.
I sincerely believed you to be malevolent. I encourage you to do some research about chemtrails. It is your life as well.

and @herbleeb I have flagged your comments regarding "dancing naked on the table in his mom's basement" & "He claims to be an academic and reasons like dump truck driver, his evidence is ridiculous" for as you know bullying has no place on steemit

@herbleeb i think you were out of line several times. Based on your language, repetitive attacks and disrespectful tone I think you should also be apologizing to @beery.
Those characteristics are more aligned to a troll then @beery's post and comments.

I did not receive his or your post, because they where put in the wrong place. I already apologized for my error in judgment.

Ok, We are exploring the phenomenon as you put it. But as far as first impressions go, you failed. If you want to have an honest and intelligent conversation, I am always willing.

However, you cannot go around spamming every comment and every post, not cool! You will find that most people on Steemit will not tolerate such behavior.

Oddly enough, somebody has. @bloom flagged my chemtrails posts and he HAS the power to harm me. My rep is only 42, his is 44...

Rep is a part of it, but most importantly... VP is the main thing. I replied on your other thread. Do give me a shout.

Just don't get it. Why? Are people THAT bored? Nothing else to do?
This moron is getting sprayed as well, it is also his health. What's the benefit?

Haha, but you have to give it to him. He succeeded in lighting us up. Lot's of comments on this post. He is probably dancing naked on the table in his mom's basement 🙂

Hi @herrleeb, as mentioned in my post below the only reason i flagged this comment was because of the rude and bully like nature of your content. I would be happy to remove the flag if would adjust your comment to something less insulting.

From the nature of your article I made the assumption that your claim to be an academic was false and that the purpose of your post was to ridicule concerned people.
I mentioned that I experience pain everyday as a result of pollution. To me, your post was mean spirited and completely unnecessary. However, I will give you the benefit of a doubt and remove the offending words. It is not my intention to insult people.

Thank you I appreciate it.

It was foolish of me to misinterpret your intentions. I want to take this opportunity and sincerely apologize again.
Please understand that this is a very sensitive subject for me and emotions can run high.
Nevertheless I'd like to encourage you to research the depopulation agenda, for your own good.

LMAO! You are most likely 110% correct. :-) And yet no reply, makes you go hmmm. He needs to recognize one huge fact, this isn't Facebook. We eat Trolls for breakfast on Steemit! :-D

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