in #minnowoftheweek6 years ago


My name is Nwadike Joy Chiugo. I'm a Nigerian from Imo state, though I live in Port Harcourt currently. I'm a student at the University of Port Harcourt studying Medicine and Surgery.



I'm the third of the six (yeah...six) children born to my parents. I'm also the second daughter of my parents.
I'm tall, not light skinned but not dark either (somewhere in between).


I'm more of an introvert, I don't talk too much and I don't keep much friends; but those whom I regard as friends are very dear to my heart.
I could be loads of fun, and at the same time just plain mean.


I love #art a lot. Like I get goosebumps when I see a really good work of art. I also do a little bit of sketching myself. I hope to share some of my pieces with you guys in the nearest future.
I also love #music. Good music keeps me going. I also enjoy dancing, I think I'm slightly above average when it comes to dancing.
I'm also interested in #fashion #makeup and #sports.
I hate (yeah, I know that's a strong word) lies and deceit. Those are really serious downs for me.
I believe in being straight forward and I think the world would be a much better place if everybody believes so as well.

I was practically bullied into joining steemit by a very dear friend of mine and a passionate steemian @topdollar001.



I finally joined Steemit in January 2018 and, I must say, it has been worthwhile.
I still can't explain why I was reluctant to join steemit at first, but right now, all I can say is 'THANK YOU STEEMIT'. Steemit has influenced my life in more ways than I can possibly explain.
At first, I couldn't quite understand what the whole 'steemit thing' was all about. All thanks to @bhoa who oversimplified it and made it much fun.

At first when I agreed to join steemit, it was all about the money. My first few posts barely made up to 1SBD. At that point, I was discouraged. I felt that steemit wasn't helping me fulfil my purpose at that point, which like I said earlier, was to make money. But after my first steemit meet-up... ooh lah lah... my passion for steemit sky-rocketed. I had never experienced, or even heard of a network of people so willing to share ideas that can help in connecting with the world. I got to learn on that day that steemit was much more than just money. I mean, not only could I connect with the rest of the world, I could actually get my story heard through my posts and still make some money out of it. It was too good to be true.
Ever since then I have channelled my energy on steemit into writing posts that told a story about a part of me, with the aim of educating and inspiring others. The money that comes with that is just an added advantage. I have also participated in numerous contests. Examples are @openmic hosted by @luzcypher and @pfunk and @openmicsongwriters hosted by @luzcypher and @meno. My strength journey so far has been incredible and I look forward to a lot more on steemit.

It's been a lot exciting ever since, I must confess.
Through steemit meetups, I have met some of the most accommodating and exciting people living on planet earth.



Not to forget the contests. Through steemit contests, I have been able to discover areas of my life I had no idea existed. At first, I avoided participating in contests that I thought I wouldn't be able to do. Right now, I'm like 'bring it on!'
A good example is this particular contest:

Steemit exposes one to a lot of possibilities. By creating a platform for people to share ideas and read about things that affect the day to day existence of others, steemit has proven to be a wonderful mind opener.
Personally, I think steemit is a wonderful learning platform also. This is so because reading on steemit is much more interesting and rewarding than it can possibly be anywhere else.
Oh, the money. Steemit has empowered me financially and as a result, my life generally is more fun and less stressful.
All these benefits from just less than a month of being a steemian. It really is a miracle.
Now I'm extremely passionate about steemit which is quite evident from my activities on steemit. I do hope that this passion never dies and that steemit continues to impact lives as much as it has done mine.

My first and most important goal on steemit is to PROMOTE STEEMIT.
I intend to do this to the best of my abilities. As a proud and passionate steemian, I think I would be very unfair to myself if I fail to do this. To achieve this goal, I'm working hand in hand with @bhoa. Together, we have come up with innovative ideas on how to take steemit to the next level and also to make sure that the fire of steemit never burns out. To that effect we created a group of passionate steemians in Nigeria which we intend to launch


We are also planning to organize campaigns and rallys about steemit around university campuses. As it is said, "charity begins at home". To that effect, the first steemit campaign would take place in the University of Port-Harcourt and it is slated to hold on the 2nd of February. It would include talks, question and answer sessions and food. I, personally, am putting in a lot of time, effort and resources to make sure that this plan comes into actualization.

I also intend to maximize the opportunities that steemit has to offer.
I plan to learn a whole lot from steemit and I plan to do this by reading posts which I consider educative, informative and also interesting.
I intend to challenge myself a bit more and in the process, discover more things about myself. I think that serious participation in steemit contests is a good way to achieve that, therefore I plan to take part in as many contests as I can.
A very important goal of mine is to have fun and become a happier individual generally. And oh! Steemit meetups are a lot of fun. I definitely plan to attend, and possibly take part in organizing as many steemit meet-up as I can. This would not only help me to have fun, but also help others to discover steemit.
And, of course, I intend to make as much money as I can from steemit because this would make life easier for me and those around me.

Firstly, I intend to warmly welcome newbies to steemit just as I was welcomed. I think it's very important to welcome newbies properly to steemit. I'm still a newbie, but I'm always on the lookout for other newbies to welcome so that they don't feel lost and so that they can have a sense of belonging. I think this is extremely important. I have been doing doing this and I intend to keep on doing this. I intend to upvote and resteem their posts, and even do write-ups of my own about some especially those I know personally. I think this is something all steemians should do.


I also intend to add value through my posts. I intend to write about things I think would be of positive influence to people that read them.
I also intend to learn as much as I can about steemit through research so that I can be of help to anyone who might be confused about issues concerning steemit.

I deserve to win this contest for the sheer reason that I am extremely passionate about steemit and this is not hard to see. It is rather evident in the progress I have made so far since I joined steemit. I also think that if I win this contest, it would further heighten my chances of achieving the goals I set out to achieve on steemit and give me the opportunity and enablement to add more value to steemit, and indeed, steemians.

I would like to specially appreciate @runicar. Without you, it would not have been possible for me to get such a platform to share my story, and also let people know about the plans I have for steemit. You have proven yourself to be a powerful steemian and you are, indeed, a role model to a lot of steemians, myself included. Thank you for giving us minnows a platform for our voices to be heard.
Shout-out to other powerful steemians influenced me positively ever since I joined steemit @luzcypher @airclinic @anomadsoul @jerrybanfield @greenrun @mustard @pfunk @meno @surpassinggoogle @stach @asmolokalo @candyman and so many others. Thank you all for the effort you all put into ensuring that the fire of steemit never burns out.
We minnows can only but hope to live up to the standards already set by you.
I look forward to getting more encouragements from you all, as the goals I have set out to achieve cannot be achieved without your support. I really hope that you key into my ideas and support me the best ways that you all can. You guys are really awesome.

Here are links to some of my favorite posts







hello @jaayy and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

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