@Solarsupermama meet your MinnowMentor

in #minnowmentor7 years ago

@Solarsupermama you have been selected for the Minnowmentor programme and have been assigned the stupendously awesome mentor @anarcotech who for the next week will be assisting you in growing your Steemit profile.

Mentors are there to help you in any way they can. Ask them questions, let them critique your posts, let them give you the benefit of their experience and wisdom.

minnowmentor.jpgThis service is absolutely FREE of charge, and is there to help minnows grow into dolphins, and eventually whales.

You can communicate however you like, including using the discord channel which you can find here: https://discord.gg/KHnZNf9.

What you need to know

You will only have your mentor for a week, so please make the most of it. If for some reason this is not convenient to you, please let @minnowmentor know and we will bump you down the wait list to a future time, however with the numbers that have joined up, we cannot guarantee when that will be.

Please add the tag #minnowmentor to all posts you publish during your mentoring period, because this will make it loads easier for your mentor to find them.


If you have any questions or problems, please come and find me @anarcotech. You can either send me a message directly from your wallet (just transfer 0.001SBD and write what you want in the memo) or you can find me in Discord.



Hi @solarsupermama, I'm really glad to be mentoring you. Please let's just get started. If you can reply to this message first, so I know you are here, then I will take a look at some of your posts, history, profile, wallet etc. I would also like to ask what you are hoping to get from this programme (bear in mind, it's a week, so I don't expect you will be a millionaire whale in that time!)

HI! Sweet! Perfect timing. I just decided to say fuck it on all my other blogging and just do Steemit. I was really hoping to be a millionaire in the next week, but I'll be thrilled just to have someone helping me. I'd like feedback on getting a clear direction. I'm happy to make money, but I feel like I'm here for more than that. I'm writing for my own soul and also to be helpful to others, particularly other parents who are considering extensive travel or expatriating/emigrating. That's maybe a little vague. Anyway. I appreciate your help.

Great. Well pleased to be able to help. Let me have a look at some of your posts first of all and then I can give you a brief overview of what I'm seeing.

Ok so having look at your wallet, I see that you really are brand new to Steemit, so welcome. So far only a handful of blog posts, so it's obviously quite challenging to critique, but here goes to start with.

Firstly, what I like. You're not kidding about being supermama are you? Moving to Belize, and dealing with everything you are dealing with, on your own, with that many kids, AND making everything work as well as snakes, scorpions and unschooling. Wow. I'm an unschooling dad, and whilst my wife and I are separated, we both get involved in my daughters learning experience away from schools. Your story could be huge, and will resonate with many of the unschooling/home educating parents you will find here, and there are plenty of course.

I'm pretty impressed with your command of formatting posts. It seems to me that you've basically grasped the main elements of Steemit so far, and that's pretty impressive for a complete beginner.

You also comment back on comments on your posts, which is great.

I think the stretch for me is the following, and I'm aware that your time may well be precious and sparse with everything you have to do. I would recommend firstly that you bring up your number of followers, and it might well be worth finding people who are also blogging about home-educating/home-steading/unschooling/moving abroad etc. You might find that installing discord and joining the looking for niche channel. There are also great channels on there for parenting. You might find more also in the steemit chat channel (which you can find using the hamburger icon to the right of your avatar in the top bar). Your post payouts and visibility will increase as you get more followers, and the best way of doing this is to find people in your niche. Lots of comments on establised users blogs where they are talking about things you are interested in is good. I think there is great value in building up a bit of a network first, and I'd recommend having a look at people like @canadian-coconut who is an unschooler, and a great steemer with an amazing reputation.

So this brings me onto another aspect, which is to decide what is going to be your THING that you blog about. Often people try a few things, but I tend to think that especially for a newbie there is value in bringing an expert opinion about a thing.

Could steemit be used to document your unschooling journey? As a blockchain, the nice thing is that you can put things here safe in the knowledge they will always be there, and in the future your kids can read them. It will also make for smaller, less time consuming posts.

I think for now, I would also be tempted to put all of your rewards into SP instead of splitting into SBD and SP. I think because post rewards are likely to be lower at the start, you will do well ensuring that you start to build up your SP which will improve your curation rewards overall.

I would like to see more activity, especially in post making, and I know it may be tough, especially being an unschooling mum, but this is what will build you on steemit.

So, that's my initial view, open to comments and thoughts, and lets see what happens in the next few days too.

So awesome. Thank you so much. There is so much here to work with. You are right that time is limited, but this is an awesome start. I have an early day tomorrow getting my 15 yo to the airport, but I'm gonna try to dive into some of this tonight and tomorrow. Right now I'm juggling about 15 balls, but Steemit is moving up he ladder quickly. I love this community.

So I'm just thinking about my THING. I think my thing is moving/traveling with kids/worldschooling. Then there's a lot of things that spin off of that. Like working remotely, unschooling, general parenting, expat life, etc. Is that too much? I'll definitely stick with moving/traveling with kids for a while before I venture into related topics.
Also thanks so much for what you said about formatting. I was trying really hard and was so fucking delighted with myself when I figured out how to do bullets. This stuff is totally not my realm.
Ok, now I'm off to go find other like minded people to follow.

Brilliant. You're doing great. Can i also recommend you get an avatar too.

So, you're saying replace the image with a graphic?

Ignore me, I think earlier on when I was viewing you, your avatar (the little round picture next to your name when you comment) wasn't showing up. Probably my shitty net connection from when I broke the router (and crashed the entire bitcoin price, as I wrote about here... https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@anarcotech/i-m-sorry-it-was-me-i-crashed-the-bitcoin-price-on-monday )

You make me laugh. I have shitty connection too, but it's because I got jungle on three sides and ocean on the other.

I finally put up another one. Also want you to know I'm really taking to heart all the things you said. It will just take me months to implement them all. So, your advice is appreciated.

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