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RE: Minnowbooster is down : RPC Node lag

in #minnowbooster7 years ago

Thanks @sanjeevm for posting this. However, I can't see an update on the website as of now.

I use Minnowbooster regularly and I would have expected such an important update on the @minnowbooster Steemit profile page since that is what I check, besides Steemd, before sending SBD - I am sure that many do the same.

Even better would have been an update on the top beneath the username - I have seen others do it why can't Minnowbooster.

My guess is that people sending SBD to Minnowbooster must be wondering what is going on and also not get an immediate upvote which is where it is useful.


The thing is that we have to write a post and post it. Currently I am not able to post on that account and all others who can were sleeping.

That is why we improve the website to give you automatic updates on what is happening. And the website was immediately showing that there is an rpc problem.

Sadly no one asked us before the node got down, so I noticed it when it was already 8 hours late. And with all the safety we built into minnowbooster it was a nuisance but not a problem.

Updating the top above the username is definitely possible. Thank you for that suggestion. We will have to think what we use it for. Rpc node lag is something that is getting less and less, so we plan to have fallbacks setup before we come around to implementing dynamic headers.

In the end, rest assured that your funds won't be lost. The bot will catch up and process your vote. And we are available on all channels, the quickest on discord.

No problem, these things do happen. Sorry that you were away from your computer and could not respond; and I understand that it must have been an unearthly hour in some parts of the world.

Updating the top above the username is definitely possible. Thank you for that suggestion.

Thank you for taking my suggestion. The status of Randowhale, whether it is sleeping or awake, is right on top of the profile - have seen some others do it too, maybe because it is a very effective form of communication. I use Discord sometimes, but my guess is that most users don't - and Steemit Chat is now a place from which people tend to stay away due to several reasons.

In the end, rest assured that your funds won't be lost. The bot will catch up and process your vote.

That is a solid guarantee. Minnowbooster is the most popular upvote resource on Steemit due to reasons like these; also because of the amazing ROI, and promptness with which it votes.

But, if I may ask since Minnowbooster is known more as an instant booster(unlike the ones for which you have to wait for 2.5 hours or eternity), if someone wants a refund as a special case for this time as this node issue as you stated is far and few, would you consider it for those who might ask?

I have no cause to be distressed in this instance since I missed my regular posting schedule and hence did not use Minnowbooster after my last post a day and a half ago.

Thanks for the tactful reply!

They are up now, and its working now.

And I too expected the same, but when it did not work, for more than half an hour, I felt something wrong and then tried looking for more.

I usually check Steemd and/or the Wallet page to confirm that these bots are indeed working and when they last voted, tallying with payments of those who paid in the last hour. It does take a few minutes but doing so is a must with so many bots of different types around, with some of them quite unreliable, without mentioning the names of any.

But there are times, when I am in a hurry when I don't check - and fortunately I did not publish a post at the time earlier. I saw a post in Discord saying that it is catching up - maybe a post made as a result of (and after) your post!

I too get lost in Discord. 😶

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